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VOLUME XXI, Parr 3. 

Published by order of His Excellency the Governor General of Endia 
in Eouncil. 



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SECTION I.—Introduction . F - : : P ; 1 
_ II.—Physical features F : OF ; : F 4 

_ III.—Previous observers and geological Table : , 5 AKG 


SECTION IV.—Metamorphic and Bijdwar : : : - Tg 
3 V.—Télchir : : ; < : ‘ é - 5 Ie, 
3 VI.—Barakar : : ; : 5 é ; : ol 
As VII.—Umaria coal-field . ; ; ‘ : ; ; es 
ie VIII.—Korér i j : : : i : F . 29 
o IX.—Johilla ‘5 : ; : F : : ‘ « 68 
3 X.—Sohdgpir ,, : 3 : : 3 ; p . Al 
i XI.—Kirdsia _,, : ; ‘ c F é : . 66 
Pa XIIL.—Koréagarh ,, 5 - : : - : ‘ . 68 
3 XU1—Jhilmili __,, . 6 . : é : : . 69 
ss XIV.—Supra-Bargkars . : : : 5 : ; oe FE 
ye XV.—Laméta : ; . : : ‘ . ; 5 Ye 
Pr XVI.—Trap . : F : : - ‘ : : « 44 


Section XVII.—Coal . ; F 3 : ; : é 5 + WG 
% XVIII.—Iron ore : : - ( : : : . . 83 
- XIX.—Limestone . : : : heros . ‘ =) 84 
_ XX.—Clay . c . c : : : : . 85 
oe XXI.—Building stones . : ; P F : : . -8& 



Section XXII.—Boring sections 
+ XXIII.—Index of coal sites 
By XXIV.—Analyses of coal 


Kirwahi waterfall, Hestho river . 

Map of Umaria and Korér coal-fields, 1 inch = 1 mile . 

Environs of Umaria-Kéglesur, 4 inches = 1 mile 

Sections of borings, Umaria coal-field, 1 inch = 24 feet 

Map of Johilla coal-field, 1 inch =1 mile . . : A 
Sections of borings in Jéhilla and Korér coal-fields, 1 inch = = 24 feet 
View of Kewai river, near Gambhirua 

Large map of South-Rewah coal-fields, 1 inch = 4 aie 






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Tus SouTHERN COAL-FIELDS OF THE Rewau G6npwAna Basin: Umarta, 
Koérir, Jéuttra, Sondcrtr, Kérasta, Konticaru, Juiumini, by 
Tusoporre W. H. Huauss, A.R.S.M., F.G.S., Geological Survey 
of India. 


In different numbers of the Records of our Survey, I have already 
partially sketched the geology of portions of the 

Geology partially a 
sketched in Records,Geo- country that it has now fallen to my task to de- 
eee st scribe in full; but as they were merely preliminary 
notices I would wish it to be understood that the views expressed in 
them were based upon contemporaneously progressive knowledge, and 
were therefore open to modifications as maturer and fuller observations 
Frineipal objec the Were accumulated. My chief aim has been to 
coal deposits. give prominence to the coal deposits which were 
met with, and I think I may point with some satisfaction to the result 
of the joint labours of my colleague Lala Hira Lal and myself in connec- 
tion with the investigations of the coal-measures in the neighbourhood of 
Discovery’ of fossil bt Umaria. The fortunate discovery on his part of 
Léla Hira Lal. fossils which definitely confirmed my conviction as 

to the true geological horizon of the coal encouraged the hope that, if 
(«lev .) 
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, Vol, XXI, Part 3. 


sanction could be obtained for practically testing the area by borings, the 
previous conceptions as to the poverty and worthlessness of the coal 
might possibly have to be modified. 

So long as the Umaria coal was supposed to be of upper-Géndwéna 
age, and that was the opinion entertained of it up to the time of our 
examination,! it would have been running counter to our experience to 
have recommended a special scheme of exploration ; but so soon as the coal 
was shown to be of Damiida age, there was sufficient presumptive evidence 
to warrant an appeal for assistance to determine its positive value. 

An agreeable surprise awaited me in the responsive readiness with 

Capen mean aeecady which Captain Barr, the Political Agent of Baghél- 
response to suggestions. hand and Superintendent of Rewah, met my sug- 
gestions, and having arranged that I should superintend and direct 
operations, he furnished all the necessary sinews of war. 

The expenditure up to the present amounts to something over 
R34,000, of which R25,000 have been absorbed 
by salaries and labour in nearly equal portions.? 
Of those associated with me during the exploration, Mr. T. G. 
Stewart has the eredit of having put down the 

Amount expended on 
explorations 34,000. 

Mr. T. G. Stewart. : L : - ee 
first series of borings, by which preliminary know- 

2 The statement in the text isnot complete; the history is as follows: This ground 
was first examined geologically by the late Mr. J. G. Medlicott, at a time when we knew 
very little indeed regarding the groups of the Géndwana rock-system. On the map then 
published (1859), Umaria (Omria) is on the lower Dama, i.e., the true coal-measure rocks 
(Memoirs, II, part 2, p.171); but so also were placed the undoubted top Géndwana beds 
(Jabalptr) on the Méhénadi. In 1868-69 I made a traverse of all these rocks between 
Hazaribagh and Jabalptir, and then detected the Talchirs along the gneissie promontory 
north of Umaria. In 1871-72 Mr. Hacket undertook the detailed survey of that ground 
with the new large-scale maps. His work was so manifestly incomplete and faulty, all the 
rocks from the Méhdnadi to Pali on the Jéhilla being coloured as Jabalptr, that it was con- 
demned as useless. Thus, the age of the Umaria coal was very much an open question 
when Mr. Hughes took up the work which he has completed in so thorough a manner. 
It is very good of Mr. Hughes to distribute to others the professional credit that is vir- 
tually all his own; to find fossils when one is told to look for them, is a very small contri- 
bution towards the final result.—H. B. M. 

2 Extract: Financial report, Rewah Coal Explorations, from 1st January 1882 to 30th 
June 1884— 

Salaries . : 7 c é 0 . 813,829 13 9 
Tabour . ‘ - : : : 565 AGO eG 



ledge of the Umaria and Johilla fields was gained. The more import- 
Mr.'T. Forster, ME, ant duties of Mining Engineer were discharged by 
and Mining Assiatants. Mr. Thomas Forster, M.E., whose name came into 
prominence in connection with the extinction of the disastrous fire of 
1882 in the Warora Colliery. The Assistant Mining Engineers, MM. 
Hallett and Munsch, during their connection with the coal explorations, 
performed their duty efficiently and willingly, The latter had special 
charge of the borings in the Korar coal-field, and recorded his observa- 
tions with minute precision. I am sorry to say that while residing at 
Jabalptir, after the close of the season, he died from weakness of heart, 
and we have thus lost an intelligent and conscientious worker. 
I have to acknowledge my obligation to Captain Barr for his unweary- 
Geren Bare aelnaw: ing promptitude in sweeping away difficulties as they 
ledgment of assistance. = gyose, some having their origin in the irritation of 
the native chiefs who deemed their rights invaded, and of petty officials 
whose dignity was compromised by the presence of foreigners, and others 
having their source in the unforeseen contingencies of a novel under- 
taking. In securing and moulding labour we should have been perfectly 
helpless without Captain Barr’s aid, and the end of our researches would 
have been in the far future, instead of having its termination in the season 
1883-84. Itis no detraction from the service rendered to us, that we were 
working in the interest of the Rewah State ; the professional reputations 
of all were at stake, and they would have been seriously impaired if 
apathy on the part of the Political Agent had prolonged the term of 
our probation. j 
I would enter a warning concerning village sites. In many instances 
the present hamlets are at some distance from the positions indicated on 
a the maps. ‘This is due to the migratory and shift- 
Village sites, shifting. , i - oe: 
ing habits of the Gond and Baiga tribes, who, from 
one cause or another, rarely remain stationary for more than six or seven 
years. Over and over again have I been the victim of misplaced confi- 
dence in the accuracy of my Atlas-sheets, and it was not until experience 
had enlightened me, that I found out on whose shoulders the blame of my 
( 189 ) 


troubles should properly be placed. The maps are now fifteen to twenty 
years old, and considerable changes have taken place since they were 

The task of writing this memoir has been committed to my care, but 
the observations embodied in it are the result of the joint labours of my 
colleague Lala Hira Lél and myself. At the outset of the survey, he 
was entrusted with the examination of the Metamorphic, Talchir, Laméta, 
and Trappean boundaries, but during the last two seasons he was appor- 

; _ tioned a share of the more arduous and more 
Authorship of memoir. _, . p 
important task of prospecting for coal and tracing 
the limits of the Bardkar group in the Koréa and Jhilmili States. 
Without the aid that he ungrudgingly gave, it would have been most 
difficult in face of the many interruptions that I-received to my more 
legitimate work, to have completed in so short a time the survey of the 

large area which engaged our attention. 


The area described in this memoir forms a portion of the great 
central basin of Géndwana rocks occupying a large part of the country 
drained by the Sdn and some of its southern leading tributaries and 
principally comprised within the limits of the Rewah State. 

In touching upon the various physical and geological features, I 
have been guided in selecting a starting-point by the circumstance that 

Deseription proceeds the western end of the basin is nearer to the 
from west to east, "station of the East Indian Railway, whence our 
annual departure for our season’s work took place. It would have been 
as easy, so far as describing them was concerned, to have commenced in 
the east, but this would have been an inversion of the order in which 
the survey was actually carried through. 

The range of our observations extended proximately for a distance 
of 150 miles from Long. 80° 45’ E. to Long. 82° 55’ E., and I have 
been able to add the link required to connect the 
investigations of MM. Hacket and Mallet in the 

Area surveyed. 

( 140 ) 


Jabalptir district, with those of MM. Ball and Griesbach in the Gurjat 
States of Chitia Nagpur. 

The limits to the west and east are the two tributaries of the Sén, the 
Ma4hanadi! and the Rér; the boundary to the north is the boundary 
of the supra-Bardékar rocks, and the extension southwards is demarcated 
by a varying fringe of stratigraphical deposits. As thus defined, the 
different rock formations oecupy an area of nearly 3,200 square miles, 
of which about 870 are included in the zemindaries of Koréa and Jhilmili. 

The leading title that has already been applied to denote this area, 

namely, the Rewah Géndwana basin is the most 
Name of area. : : 
comprehensive and convenient one that has been 
proposed, and I would certainly retain it in preference to amplifying 
for the mere purpose of including the territory which is beyond the fiscal 
limits of the Rewah State. Mr. Ball gave the separate name of Jhilmili 
coal-field to the coal bearing rocks of the Jhilmili estate, and Lala 
Hira Lal proposed the designation of Koréagarh for a small outlier in 
Koréa; but as these are integrant portions of the Géndwana basin, 
they have been subordinated to the weightier claim of Rewah, as a 
representative title, and-in this way share the lot of the Umaria, Kérdar, 
Sohagpur and other coal centres. 

ecko pee abe paysite aspect = the country ae Rey 
: varied, but its most prominent, characteristic is 

its hilliness. 

The chief highlands are, those to the north, marked by the famous 
hill fortress of Bandégarh and the numerous detached peaks and lesser 
ranges belonging to the same system, extending far to the east 
and west beyond our area; the uplands of Koréa,’ the watersheds of 
the Johilla, Sdn, and Hestho rivers, and the great plateau of the 
Deccan (Dakhan) trap to the south. There is a gradual rise from west 
to east, and from north to south. At Umaria in 80° 54’ BR, . Long. 
and 23° 23’ N. Lat., which I mention in likelihood of its becoming a 
place of repute, the height of the plain above 

Level above 6a; ; 5 
sea level is 1,490 feet; and thence there is a slow 

’ This is not to be confounded with the greater Méhinadi of Cuttack (Katak). 
( 141 ) 


and regular increase of elevation to 2,477 feet in the neighbourhood 
of Sanhat, the capital of the Koréa State on 82° 25’ E. Long. The 
loftier peaks, such as Bandégarh, Koréégarh, Mahéra, and the crests 
of the Dakhan uplands, of which Amarkantak is one, are respectively 
2,662 feet, 2,955 feet, 3,371 feet, and 3,400 feet high. 

The hills vary in shape according to the rocks of which they are 

at made up. Those of Baéndégarh and its associates 

are usually flat topped with precipitous sides for 
some distance down, and then a sloping termination of broken rocks and 
stones to the foot, preserving a steady alignment for long distances or 
sweeping in full curves. This is the characteristic form produced by the 
sculpturing of the Mahadéva and other supra-Barakar sandstones, and 
is quite distinct from the scarped facing of the trappean plateau, which is 
much more irregularly eaten into, and has not the same prominent 
accumulation of debris at its base, 

The small independent hills, of trap, sandstone, or shale, have no 
definite contour, and are narrow or broad, conical or lumpy, as the caprice 
of Nature has determined. 

The highlands to which reference has just been made constitute the 

mee, watershed of several of the larger rivers of India, 
Of these, the S6n more immediately concerns 
us; as, though the Narbada rises in the Amarkantak plateau, a part 
of Rewah, it soon passes into the territory of the Central Provinces, and 
beyond the scope of our notice. 
The Sén has its source in the Pendra table-land at an elevation of 
2,100 feet, but it enters the Rewah State about 30 
Hae miles from its origin, and a short distance above 
its junction with the Kéwai. Thence it flows in a generally northern 
direction, until it receives the Mahdnadi. At this point, in 24° 5’ N. 
Lat., and 81° 5’ E, Long., it is diverted to the east, and holds that way 
until it falls into the Ganges. 
Its feeders in its upper course are quite equal to it in size, and in 
fact the Kéwai, which has its origin in the uplands of Koréa, is a more 
» important stream, and contains a greater volume of water. 
( 142 ) 


Enumerating the tributaries that fall directly into the Sén, they are 
eh ; the Kéwai, Tipan, Kanak, Mtirna Jéhilla, Mahé- 
Tributaries of Sén. : 

nadi, and the Rér. These two latter rivers, how- 

ever, join the Sdn outside our ground, and consequently they appear on 

the map as independent streams. The Sdn is the essential river of the 

Rewah State, and it drains the whole of the Géndwadna basin with the 
exception of the part in the Koréa zemindari, 

There, the Hestho and the Géj constitute an independent drainage 

: , system, as they are affluents of the greater Maha- 

Rivers of Koréa. : ; Raed 

nadi which empties itself into the Bay of Bengal. 
The watershed of the two systems is coincident with the territorial 
boundary between the Rewah State and Koréa, but that the uplands of 
the latter State should be apportioned to a drainage basin other than 
that of the Sdn seems an invasion of the latter’s rights. A glance at 
the map certainly produces the impression that the Hestho has been 
needlessly intruded into the confines of the Sén basin, as both to the 
east and to the west of it the neighbouring streams are tributary to the 
Son. The waters of the Hestho and its tributaries wend their way 
southward, in direct contrast to those of the Sdn and its feeders, which 
flow northward. 

In many places the scenery is exquisitely charming, the hilly nature 
of the country that the streams run through lending itself especially to 
the indefinite multiplication of varied prospects. In the Jéhilla, that 
takes its rise near the sacred source of the Narbada, and flows to the 
lower level of the Géndwana basin, there are reaches as romantic as its 
own mythological story,’ where it coyly steals in view, struggling slowly 
as it wends its way through overshadowing jaémun and fringing 
tamarisks, and then gathering strength in some narrow gorge, it dashes, 
flecked with foam and to the music of its onward song, a candidate 
for our admiration. ‘There are several falls in its course, but their 

1 The Jéhilla, the hand-maiden of Narbada, is said to have appropriated her mistress’s 
jewels, at the time when arrangements were being entered into for the marriage of Nar- 
bada and Sdn, and presenting herself, decked with her borrowed charms, to the latter’s 
view, sO won upon him that he preferred the maid to the mistress. In wounded pride, 
Narbada turned her back upon them, and sought a home in the far west. 

( a3) 9) 

height is not great enough to make them imposing, and during the cold 
weather, which was my only opportunity for seeing them, the water 
passing over the dark basaltic sheets of the river channel was too 
attenuated to be a pronounced embellishment to the sombre background 
of the picture. 

In the Hestho, and most of the streams directly and indirectly con- 
nected with it, there are some very striking water- 
falls, and in the statistical account of the Tributary 
States of Chitia Négpar, edited by Dr. W. W. Hunter, Vol. XVII, men- 
tion is made of one of the finest in the Hestho near the village of Kir- 
| Kirwshi falls—see W4hi.! A large volume of water is precipitated, and 
froneiapieve: the sound of its falling can be heard for a long 
distance on a still evening. A representation of it from one of my own 
photographs forms the frontispiece of this memoir. 

In the Kéwai there are long reaches of much-eroded sandstone, and 
the appearance of some of them struck me as being of sufficient interest 
to form another illustration of fluvial scenery. 

There is a rank luxuriance of grass in all the lowlands and high- 


lands, and wherever trap occurs. The latter is 
Grass. Spear grass. 
always a nursery for the worst form of spear 
grass, and for the several years that we have been engaged in tracing 
the boundaries of intrusions or overflows of voleanic origin, we have 
been compelled, where accuracy was a matter of necessity, to delay our 
examinations until the season was well advanced, and spring fires and 
migratory herds of cattle had assisted to clear the ground of this unwel- 
come hinderance to geological research. In all instances where I have 
been forced into contact with this baneful pest, I have deemed it a duty 
to inveigh against it, but no emphasizing can convey a proper sense of 
the condemnation that it deserves in the south Rewah and Koréa 
district. In the cold weather it possesses the charm of greenness ; but the 
feeling of pleasure that this gives rise to is dashed by the disappointing 
knowledge that every stalk is armed with a sheaf of barbed arrows, 

1 Kirwahi, 82° 24’ E. long., and 28° 21’ N. lat. 
( 144 ) 


ready to pierce through breeches and socks, and rankle in one’s flesh. 
There is probably no sportsman who has not anathematised this grass, 
and though an Indian geologist is wellknown as long-suffering and of 
many virtues, I question whether there is one who could plead “ not 
guilty ” of having consigned it to the region of Pluto. 
Everywhere there is an abundance of coppice and jungle, but there are 
oe very few blocks of fair-sized timber. During the 
construction of the Great Indian Peninsular Rail- 
way, the contractors for sleepers who rented the forests from the late 
Maharaja of Rewah, Raguraéj Sing, cut and hacked mercilessly ; and 
now some years will have to elapse before the trees that are growing 
acquire useful dimensions. Of late, attempts have been made to induce 
the native fief-holders to conserve woodlands, but they look upon the 
suggestions laid before them as subtle traps to eventually deprive them 
of their forest rights. 
In view of the construction of the railway from Katni to Umaria, and 
Scareity of largetim. ts future extension to Bilaspar, it would have 
ber: been very convenient had there been a supply of 
ready-grown trees fit for sleepers ; and though the requirements of mining 
are less exacting, the existence of timber land near at hand would be of 
great consideration in estimating the advantages of a given coal-field. 
The most universal forest tree is the Shorea robusta or Saré, and it 
Habit of Shorearobusta gTows in all situations, but, as is wellknown, it is 
pud Boswell not a lover of trap rock, and avoids those soils in 
which the special constituents of trappean matter preponderate. Its 
place in this instance is taken by Boswellia or Sd/é and so frequently 
is this a significant circumstance, that I have often been led to the 
discovery of some dyke or run of trap by noticing the presence of this 
tree. Probably there are many affections of this sort, but this is the 
only useful one that I know of to the geologist. 
Bamboos, which are invaluable for numberless purposes, occur in and 
diene near to the plateau to the south ; also in the neigh- 
bourhood of Bandogarh, and along the banks of 
the Jéhilla and the Sén. Then sparsely in the eastern portion of the 
( 145 ) 



Sohégpur district ; more plentifully in the border land of Rewah and 
Koréa, and in overflowing quantity in the latter State and that of 
Jhilmili. There are no bamboos in proximity to Umaria. 

The abundance of coppice and grass land doubtless modifies the 
temperature, and renders the climate much more 

Climate pleasant. ¥ : 

bearable in the warm season than if there were 

large open spaces of bare or cultivated ground. And certainly the wide- 
spread verdure of the jungle in May gladdens the sight, and makes one 
thankful to the destiny that has still preserved parts of this country 
from the encroachment of the ploughshare and the axe. 

The landholders are principally Bréhmans and Baghél Rajputs, but 
: the tillers and hewers are the Gonds and Baigas, 
Inhabitants, ae : fs 

who were undoubtedly the original inhabitants 

of the country. These two tribes may be looked upon as the source from 
which colliers must be obtained when the opening of the Rewah coal- 
field on a large scale is decided upon. From my experience of them 
during the past five years, I think the Baiga is to be preferred to the 
Goénd, being more hardy by nature and more deft with his hands. 
In the mines, the Baigds were certainly more fearless, as well as more 
staunch to their work, ‘Their intelligence is of a low order, and they are 
slavishly susceptible to the promptings of their village elders. They 
have not courage enough to exercise their individual independence, and 
for some time to come they will require delicate handling before they are 
made to understand that coal mining is an occupation by which their 
interests will be advanced. 


Of writers and others, as well as officers of our department, who 
come under the heading of previous observers, 

Previous observers. 3 E : é 
there is very little to remark. The published 
literature is meagre, and the manuscript reports refer only to a limited 
portion of the Rewah Géndwana basin, and do not pretend to be more 
than introductory traverses, The most useful notes for reference have 

( 146 ) 


been compiled by the late Mr. J. G. Medlicott, and the geological lines 
that he laid down correspond closely to my own. As my opportunities 
for careful examination have been greatly in excess of those of any prede- 
cesssor, I think it unnecessary to quote from them in order to contrast 
the advances that have been made in our knowledge during the last 
few years. 
The following scale of succession indicates the geological divisions in 
: and adjoining the Rewah basin that are noticed or 
Geological table. : : 
described in the present memoir :— 
Surface deposits. 
Deccan-trap, with Lamétas. 
Gondwana system. 

Supra-Bardkars, not yet worked out, 
Barakars, with Karharbaris. 



My researches have principally been confined to the coal-measures, 
and it is to them that the present memoir is almost entirely devoted, 
as the succeeding rocks still require further investigation before their 
position in the geological scale can be categorically affirmed. Under com- 
pulsion, I could, of course, assign a place to them, but I should have an 
uncomfortable consciousness that my decisions were open to correction. 

The evidence afforded by the plant-remains which are gradually being 
collected, seems to point out a closer relation be- 

Evidence of closer re- , 
lationship between the tween the contiguous groups than was formerly 

ia allowed, and less stress must be laid on what were 
deemed lithological characteristics. 

This, however, is an alternative admission, depending upon the relative 
value that we accord to lithological and paleontological evidence, 
whether what were deemed mineral characteristics are to be subordinated 
to the supposed fixed horizon of certain fossil plants, or whether those 
plants are to have a wider range in time. In the Damida and Wardha 

( 147 ) 


valleys the presence of ferrnginous matter was in some cases testimony 
enough to determine the affiliation of the rocks, but this again was perhaps 
due to the imperfect measure in which their paleobotanical resources were 
explored, and evidence was passed bye, that might have tempered its 

value as a decisive index. 


The Metamorphic series apppears occasionally along the southern 

margin of the basin, between Lora and Umaria, 
Metamorphic. S ane , : 
in the Johilla Valley, at Baghalwdri, where the 
proposed railway line crosses the Basdr stream, in the south-eastern 
part of the Sohagpdr district, and in Koréa and Jhilmili. 

The inlier west of Umaria, forming the western shore margin of the 
Umaria coal-field, is of considerable significance in any speculative 
discussion on the facility of reaching the coal measures, presuming their 
extension in the direction of the Mahanadi. The cropping up of the 
Metamorphic rocks at Léra points to the probability that the floor of 
deposition of the Géndwana formation is at a shallow depth from the 
present surface. 

The Bijéwars, represented almost entirely by silicious limestones, are 
confined to the strip of land between the Mé4- 
hdnadi and the Machrér stream. With some 
modifications, the geological lines are those of Mr.C. A. Hacket’s map, 
The only addition to the former known exposures is a small inlier 


near Narwar. 

Although the Bijawar rocks are more recent than the Metamorphic 
TAlchirs not seen in series, it so happens that the Télchirs are no- 
contact with Bijawars. where seen to be in contact with them. They 

( 148 ) 


rest always on the Metamorphics. Their most westerly exposure is 
in the neighbourhood of Kathai, and they run in a north-easterly 
direction through Léra to Achala and Majgama and then turn south- 
ward towards Baréri. Here they are overlapped by higher rocks, but 
they reappear in the vicinity of Marodhi Chandwar and Paunia. Their 
fullest developement is in the district of Sohagptr, and they extend 
thence far to the sonth and east, connecting the Rewah area with the 
Talchirs of the Mahanadi basin. 

The identification of this group is perfectly easy, as it exhibits 
with two local exceptions the same lithological features that charac- 
terise it elsewhere. It seems gainsaying my own statement to assert 

Sit that at one time I questioned the occurrence of 
Télchirs at Lora. The point had been passed on 
to me to decide, and at first I was inclined to think that the Talchirs 
were absent. This was a misapprehension, but it was due entirely to the 
fact that there were no sections open enough to decide a question that was 
already surrounded by controversial assertion. Had I wandered away 
either to the north as far as Lagwari, or to the south as far as Kathai, 
T should have met with T'alchirs in unmistakeable garb. It so happened, 
however, that it was not until two years after my first visit that 
I undertook the thorough examination of that part of the country, and 
arrived at the true knowledge of its structure. At the commencement 
of each season’s tour, the tendency was always to press forward, and thus 
the places near at hand were passed over. 

The recognition of Talchirs at a given spot usually gives encourage- 
ment to the hope that we are within discoverable distance of the true 

Palehuerasnally favour: coal measures, for we know as a fact that the 
able indication of coal. Talchirs underlie the coal-bearing rocks, The 
application of this knowledge made me question the supposed geological 
horizon of the Umaria coal; and it has strengthened the expectations of 
meeting with coal where there is no actual exposure of it.1 In tracing 
the outlines of the Talchirs a great deal of time was spent in the mere 

1 The application of this same knowledge in the Satpura basin did not meet with 
success, though it may stili be said that the borings there were not carried deep enough, 
See Records, Vol. XI, p. 8; and Vol, XII, p. 97.—H, B. M. 

( 149 ) 


drudgery of tramping many hundreds of miles of small and large streams 
to guard against inaccuracy as much as possible. They have been 
carefully mapped on a scale of one inch to the mile, but the exigencies of 
publication have necessitated the issue of a copy on a reduced size. 

The boundaries near Umaria are for the most part conjectural, as 
weAdegel the Talchirs are only exposed once in the Umrar 
Umaria, Maréhi. : 

river, at their contact with the metamorphic 
rocks south of Mardéhi, and again in the small feeders of that stream 
east of Koiléri; and near the tank at Chandwar. The whole of the 
remaining ground to the limit of the Bardkar group is obscured by 
ee Between Ké6talwdr and Ké6rar, where there 

is a small coal-field, there is an inlier of the 
Talchirs in the Barakars, 

In the valley of the Jéhilla they are again met with forming a 

distinct area, They are seen both north and south 

Johilla valley. By : 

of the inlier of metamorphics that extends from 
Mangthar to Pénri. Those to the south are not well exposed, but on the 
north side they stretch from Pénri to Bara Chada. The bottom bed is a 
fine-grained compact brownish-grey calcareous sandstone; then above 
comes the famous boulder-bed, the matrix consisting of greenish-grey 
silt; the contained fragments are red binary granite, conglomeratic 
quartzite, quartzite and green schist. The bed is quite 80 feet, if not 
more, in thickness. To this succeed claret-coloured greyish-green and 
yellowish silts; one or two thin boulder beds; compact slightly cal- 
careous sandstones; soft fine-grained, slightly pinkish and yellowish-grey 
sandstones, with felspar decomposed, and weathering with rounded out- 
lines ; then alternating silts and sandstones to the end of the section. 
There might possibly be a little doubt about including as Talchirs the 
sandstones in the long reach of the Jéhilla, at the eastern end of which is 
the village of Goraia, were they seen alone; but most characteristic 
greyish-green splintery shales occur above them in the reach of the river 
near Bara Chada that do away with all question as to their position. 
The Télchirs extend only a very short distance inland from the 

( 150 ) 


right bank of the Jéhilla, but they can be traced for 4 or 5 miles 
in the opposite direction, until they are overlapped by Lamétaés and 
Barakars. : 

Leaving the valley of the Jéhilla and proceeding eastward, no 
snereneen Talchir rocks are exposed until the edge of the 
4 main body in the Sohagpur district is reached 
near Tiirri at the base of the trappean plateau. Here they are made up 
of the same varieties of beds as occur in the Damfida valley, and the 
green and yellowish silts are the predominant rocks. Excellent sections 
of them are visible in the Sdn, the Hesia, the Alan, the Tipan and other 
rivers ; and in several places I procured fossil ferns. 

There is a local modification of some of the sandstones, which I think 
might mislead an observer who approached them with the ordinary 
T4lchir panorama before his eyes. 

Their appearance at all events was questionable enough to raise, in my 

Sandstones, modifica- Clleague’s mind when mapping them, a doubt as 
tion—near Nindauan. to their true affinities. They occur on the isolated 
hills east of Nindauan and are compact and vitreous-looking, like 
quartzites ; added to which, the accident of their resting on metamorphic 
rocks, and being represented where first seen by a slight thickness, 
strengthened the idea that they were members of the metamorphic 
series. On examining them carefully, however, it became evident that 
they were sandstones with the texture distinctly granular, not in the 
slightest degree crystalline, but rendered close and hard by calcareous 
matter. Eventually, decisive evidence of their specific character was 
obtained in one of the streams near the village, where they were found 
overlying a boulder-bed. 

Throughout an extensive tract in the southern part of Koréa and 

k Jhilmili, the Talchirs are displayed in great force, 
on and many of the higher hills are partly constituted 
of them. The boulder beds are more heavily weighted than they are in 
the west, and as a whole the group is of more importance. The litholo- 
gical characteristics, however, are unaltered, and it is therefore unneces- 

sary to dwell upon them. 
( 1b5l-) 



The eontacts of the group are almost all original ones, but there 
hs 2 are a few small faults, the most noticeable being 

Fault. Bamhani Chilpa. df i 
the one south of Bémhani Chilpa, where there are 

two inliers of Télchirs. 

The thickness of the Talchirs, where most freely developed, appears 
Thickneea (bateeon to be between 400 and 500 feet, but there are 
400 and 500 feet. no sections continuous enough to furnish more 
than a proximate estimate. Jn the Johilla the figures would be about 
400 feet, supposing an average dip of 5° to 6° over one mile of exposure. 
Plant remains were discovered at different spots, but usually in such 
an imperfect state of preservation that it was not 
Plant remains. ; ; ‘ 
worth while keeping them. A few good specimens, 
however, were obtained, which Dr. Feistmantel has noticed in Vol. 1V 

Pt. I. Fossil Flora of the South Rewah Gondwana Basin. They are— 

Ganganopteris cyclopteroides. 
Gangamopteris cyclopteroides, var. attenuata, 
Gangamopteris major. 

Gangamopteris comp. spathulata. 
Glossopteris, sp. 

Noéggerathiopsis hislopt. 


Vertebraria indica. 

Equisetaceous stems. 


There is satisfactory proof of the occurrence of this group over a 
large portion of Rewah, Koréa, and Jhilmili in the strong resemblance 
that its sandstones and other rocks bear to the typical representatives in 
the Raniganj field. Included with it are the beds containing a flora 
which partly coincides with that of the Karharbari group. I saw no 

reason, however, either on stratigraphical or litho- 

Karharbari flora. : 
logical grounds, for separating them from the Ba- 
rakars, and consequently I have not mapped a line of demarcation. This 
may be a misfortune, so far as it fails to be in harmony with the restricted 
application of the paleontological facts, but as the wider bearing of the 
evidence demonstrates a closer knitting of all the groups than has hitherto 

( 1525) 


been admitted, I am not yet ready to allow, in the absence of other 
testimony, that a sub-division of the Barakars is a necessity. 

The same remark applies to the upper part of the group, where 
one or two plants may be referred to upper-Damuda forms. 

By far the most abundant rock is, massively bedded yellowish-grey 

aes felspathic silicious sandstone, that undergoes muta- 
tions due to different degrees of decomposition in 
the felspar, to the presence of caleareous matter, and to the changing size 
and relative proportions of the felspar and quartz grains. 

Shaly sandstones and shales bear an insignificant proportion to the 
whole, and carbonaceous shales and coal are rare, though essential consti- 
tuents of the group. Pebbles are not so frequently present as in other 

localities, and there is an entire absence of the 
Pebbles rare. 
strong conglomerate beds that are so constant an 
accompaniment of the lower portion of the Barakar group in the Jharia,! 
Bokaro, and Karanpiira fields of Bengal. 
There are several exposures of the Barakar group ; and as they can 
Several exposures of Conveniently be described under separate heads, I 
Barska. propose doing so for facility of reference. Relatively 
to the main body, which occupies a superficies of 1,587 square miles, the 
other areas are outliers of small extent, but the accident of geographical 
position has made the two westerly ones the most important economically, 
so far as immediate commercial considerations are concerned. 

One of these is the Umaria coal-field, of which I have already written 
several notices, and on which the interest attaching to the coal resources 
of the Rewah Géndwana basin has for the last few years hinged. As it 
takes precedence in order of situation, according to the plan of descrip- 
tion already adopted, IT will refer to it in detail first. 

Asa matter of interest, I give in column’ the 

Square areas, c 
exposed areas of the various fields : 

1. Sohdgpitr field or main area. : : : - 1,587 sq. miles. 
2. Kiurdasia field . : 6 , , : ‘ a 48 > 
38. Jhilmili field . : ; 7 fs ; ; 4 41 A 

1 Written Jherria in the Memoirs of the Survey. 

B (nse e 


4, Jochilla fields (north and south) ‘ é ° f . 14sq. miles. 
5. Kordar field . ; , ; : ; ; : ~ 8) og 
6. Korédgarh field . : ‘ 3 C 4 <P NG he 
7. Umaria field ; ; : : : - : > “Grails 


This name has been adopted from the village of Umaria, which occu- 
ec pies a nearly central position in the field, and is 

a place of considerable importance. It is on the 
high road from Mtrwara to Sohég par, and contains nearly 600 inhabit- 
ants, a permanent bazaar, police station, post office, and a forest out- 
post. A weekly market is held, and since the establishment of explora- 
tory coal operations, traders of all descriptions have been attracted to the 

It is situated on the left bank of the Umrar river, a tributary of the 
Mahanadi, and is distant 36 miles from the station of Katni, on the East 
Indian Railway. 

The most noted local points of reference are the fort of Bandogarh, 16 
miles in a north-easterly direction, and the towns of Kauria and Chandia, 
situated respectively in latitude N, 5°" and longitude E. sa and 
celebrated formerly for the manufacture of native arms. 

The field occupies moderately level ground, but along its western 
border is a low range of metamorphic rocks, and to the south and north 
are other hills composed of different formations. They assist in giving 
to the neighbourhood of Umaria a very picturesque aspéct, and as there 
is no lack of trees and coppice, the scenery is in striking contrast with 
the cheerless coal-fields of Bengal. 

The Umrar is the principal river of the district: it rises in the trap- 
pean plateau to the south, and enters the area of the 
Bardkar rocks a little above Kalésar. Where it 
flows past the village, it is confined between rocky banks, sufficiently 
high to be noticeable. A somewhat imposing-dwelling-house belonging 
to the local Baghél chief, Chathar Dhari Sing, has been built on the 
cliff overlooking the stream; and certainly credit is due to whoever took 

( 154 ) 

River Umrar. 






<2 Korar 

fal Coal Stinte +6 

Koal $y a 

O Birbospux 
14 82 x y 
Ca’ Gagrar 


Carb Shale 


a) o\ oN 



Supra Barakar 



Metamor phic 

onl shaft 

Bore Hole, 





advantage of the situation ; for, during the cold weather, when the bed of 
the river is still moderately full, and ferns and other plants and climbing 
fiz trees deck and festoon the banks, it presents a charming coup d’wil 
to the traveller who stays on his way to cool himself at the river 
With the exception of the Umrar, all the streams become dry soon 
after the ending of the rainy season. And from 
_ Rocks dry. : : : OGLE 
experience gained in sinking for coal, the rocks do 
not appear to hold much water. Most of the rain that falls is evidently 
carried away at once, as there is a very thin capping of soil to gather it. 
The total exposure of the Bardkars is, as I have said before, six 
square miles, the greatest length being four miles, 
and the average breadth one and a half, The bound- 
aries cannot be very closely and accurately defined, as the sections are not 

Area, 6 square miles. 

; open enough for this purpose. I have, however, 

mapped them as suggested by the evidence that was 
available. The contacts with the upper and lower groups are all na- 
tural. The Talchirs are overlapped, where the Bardkars rest upon the 
metamorphic rocks of the Léra inlier, and the Barakars themselves are 
irregularly overlaid by newer Gondwana groups. 

To the south-west of Umaria, the lower limit of the group is fairly 
recognisable, and the borings near the railway track indicate that the 
lines shown on the map are passably accurate. Near Chatén and Lél- 
pur there is more satisfactory ground, in the clearer views obtainable of 
the beds, for belief in the correctness of the limitation adopted. To the 
east of Umaria, however, and within the Kélésar holding, there is a 
broad margin of uncertainty, as the surface soil effectually hides every- 
thing from view. While opportunity offered, I had three borings put 
down in order to test the extension of the coal measures in that direction, 
but unfortunately a series of mishaps prevented their completion, and the 

question is still an open one as to how far eastward the boundary ought 
to be placed. 

There is no continuous section showing the arrangement of the 
group, but a very fair idea of the stratigraphical sequence may be obtained 
(255) ) 


by following the course of the small stream! between Koiléri and Mé- 
rohi downwards to its junction with the Umrdr, and then onward in the 
latter river to Kalésar, Umaria and Lélpir. 
The lowest bed of the Bardkars in the rivulet referred to is a slightly 
1 eg eee ferruginous-tinted, felspathic silicious sandstone. 
Above it is a thin band of coaly shale, and then 
a succession of laminated sandstones, argillaceous blue carbonaceous 
shales and thicker bedded sandstones, some of which are fine-grained, 
faintly salmon-coloured, slightly micaceous rocks. Near the temple of 
Dévi, and higher in the series, is a seam of coal of very good quality, 
but measuring only 14 inches, which puts it out of consideration in an 
economic summary. The dip is N.N.E. at a low angle of 5°. At 
the elbow of the stream, above its junction with the Umrdar, are some 
slightly carbonaceous grey argillaceous shales, in which the fossils were 
found that determined the true age of the Umaria measures. Then 
follow thick-bedded light grey tinted sandstones, flushed with a pinkish 
hue and stained in portions on the outside rusty yellow. In the 
Wardha Valley field this colouring would have been the peculiar mark 
of the Kamthi series, but in the Rewah Gondwana basia it has no 

specific significance. 

These sandstones, with a varying proportion of caleareous matter, are 
Sandstones constitute ™ainly of the ordinary slightly nodular, felspathic, 
about 200 feet. silicious type of coal-measure sandstones, and con- 
stitute about 200 feet of the Bardkar group. They are deeply eroded 
near the village of Kalésar, and the Umrar flows through a short but 
pretty gorge, where an excellent view of the rocks may be obtained. 
Intercalated with these sandstones are the various carbonaceous layers 
that give value to the Umaria coal-field. 

In the Umrar river, however, only one seam is visible, and the refer- 
ence that I have just made in the plural number is due to the light 

thrown upon the constitution of the field by the various borings. 

1 A temple dedicated to Dévi, one of the wives of Shiva, has been erected on the bank 
of this stream, where it is reported that a seam has once been on fire. I saw no sign of 
such an occurrence. 

( 156 ) 


From Kalésar to the upper boundary of the Barakars*ygtween Uma- 
ria and Lalpdr, only sandstones are seen, at intervals of varying 
distances. They differ but slightly from those already alluded to ; 
the highest beds are grey and pinkish coarse-grained felspathic sandstones 
partly decomposed and with thin lenticular shaly layers. To these succeed 
the red and other coloured clays of the supra-Bardkars, from which the 
village of Lalpar is probably named. 

Though there are several different courses of coal, I failed to find 
more than one outcrop in addition to that alluded 

Coal seam. ; 

to near the temple of Dévi, and that was of the 

seam exposed in the Umrar at the southern water-ghat of Kalésar 

in which quarries were eventually opened. It can be traced on the left 

bank of the riverin a little rivulet, which is shown on the annexed map, 

exhibiting the environs of Umaria-Kalésar, on a scale of four inches 

to the mile. After extending about 200 yards to the westward, it is 
lost to view. 

Many years have elapsed since the original discovery of this coal. 
The first who drew attention prominently to it was Captain Osborne, 

eae Grank, the Political Agent of Rewak in 1860, and on his 
and Captain H. Hyde, representation, Mr. Alexander Grant, of the East 
Indian Railway, and Captain H. Hyde, R.E., 
Consulting Engineer for Railways, visited Umaria and other localities 
where coal was stated to occur, Their recommendations were opposed 
to any active steps being taken to explore the field. Mr. Grant, in his 
report, stated—“ The seam shows itself in four different places in the bed 
“and sides of the Umrar, a little above the village Kalésar. It is in 
“all about 3 feet 6 inches thick, being made up of thin layers of carbon- 
“aceous shale of different degrees of consistency and different shades of 
“ eolour, some of them being indurated, others earthy, some black and 
“others bluish. Amid them is one band or layer of some 6 or 7 inches 
- “in thickness of the substance resembling coal evidently in greater 

“part of vegetable origin, and what we have seen to be combustible.” 
There was some excuse for the low estimate they formed of the value 

( 157) 


of the Umaria seam, owing to the washed-out and dull appearance of the 
coal at the outcrop. but their conclusion drawn from inadequate investi- 
gation shows how dangerous it is to frame an adverse opinion of the 
quality of any coal until careful analysis and experiment have proved 
what its composition and real worth are. 

Subsequently at different times the existence of the seam was again 

bat dlNaunreyane ene noted by some of our own officers, but no regular 

rath survey of the coal deposits of the Rewah State 

was instituted until the season of 1879-80. Late in May 1880, I obtained 
without visiting Umaria some samples of coal from a few inches below 
the outcrop. These were submitted to assay by Mr. Mallet, the Curator 
of the Geological Museum, and the average of his determinations gave 
a sufficiently favourable view of the quality of the coal to prompt a more 
searching investigation when the opportunity arose. 

The figures were— 

Moisture . fs 5 ‘ : é 4 ‘ = ES: 
Volatile matter exclusive of moisture : 5 : 5 o BIA 
Fixed carbon . > 5 . ‘ ° 6 . 45°8 
Aghia ; 5 - : 3 f 6 * ales 


The ash was much less than I anticipated from the appearance of the 
samples, but the amount of moisture was high, and as it confirmed in a 
measure the opinion then held of the age of the coal, I deferred a closer 
examination until the mapping of the known areas of Baradkars had 
been completed. 

It was not until November 1881 that in the ordinary course of the 
general survey it came under my observation. The first field day was 
enough to make me suspect that the sandstones and consequently the 
coal with them were much older than had hitherto been supposed ; 
and, acting on this belief, I endeavoured to obtain confirmatory 
paleobotanical evidence. The credit of supplying the direct proof of the 

Discovery oft plants by horizon of the coal-measures rests with my colleague, 
Hira Lal. Lala Hira Lal, who, more favoured by fortune 
( dee) 


than myself, was the first to have his efforts rewarded by the discovery of 
a few plants of specific lower Gondwana age. 

Recruiting the services of my personal servants, and stimulating their 
zeal by the promise of reward, we eventually obtained several fronds of 

Glossopteris communis. 
Gangamopteris cyclopteroides, var. Ape 
Noggerathiopsis hislopi. 

None of the fossils were perfect specimens, as they occurred in friable 
slightly carbonaceous argillaceous shale, which it was difficult to handle 
in a satisfactory manner, but they were sufficiently distinct to enable 
Dr. Feistmantel to fix their genera. With the assurance that the proper 
place of the Umaria coal was with the true or older coal-measures of India, 
Thad no hesitation in spending a small sum of money to clear the outcrop 
and obtain a clean piece of coal. Selecting an average sample from the 
lower portion of the seam, the percentages of ash, fixed carbon, and 
water showed so great an improvement on the first analysis, that I was 
impressed with the desirability of drawing the attention of the Rewah 
administration to the fact of the occurrence of true coal-measures at 

Umaria, and that if arrangements could be made 

Borings suggested. 

for practically exploring the field by boring, I 
should be happy to render what service I could in directing operations. 
Fortunately for the furtherance of my views, Captain Barr, the Political 
Agent of Rewah, responded cordially to my suggestions, and within a few 
weeks of my broaching the plan of operations, the necessary plant was 
purchased, and Mr. Stewart, who had previously been in charge of the 
Narbada trial borings, was appointed to test the various sites indicated 
by myself. There is no mechanical establishment in connection with 
our own department, and there is no such thing as a grant for independ- 
ent explorations, so that, had the Political Agent for Rewah put aside 
my communication, it is probable that the Umaria coal-field would once 
more have been dropped for a period of years into the shadow of 

? It is also certain that if Captain Barr had declined to take this matter up, the 
Government of India would have done so on the strength of Mr. Hughes' recommenda- 
tion.— H. B. M. 

( 159 ) 


The first boring was commenced on the 22nd January 1882. It was 

Boring commenced, Placed a short distance to the north of the out- 

22nd January, 1882. crop of the seam, and was sunk to procure in- 

formation as to whether the coal thickened or thinned to the deep. It 
proved three bands of coal, measuring respectively 3 feet, 7 feet and 2 
feet, the reading being— 

ft. in 

1. Surface, soil . ; F F 4 ; ¢ so. DLS: 
2. Sandstone a 6 : ° ‘ 5 : ‘ . 42 6 
3. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly . 3 0 
4, Shale, carbonaceous . ; 2 0 
5. Coal . A 2 3 ap 1) 
6. Shale, carbonaceous 4 a : A 1 0 
7, Sandstone ie (o) 
8. Coal : ; ‘ : 70 
9. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly ; ; 4 A 970 
10. Shale, carbonaceous 2 : : . . 2 0 
11, Coal . ; ye) 
12. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly 210 
13. Sandstone, white, not gone through 16 0 
93 0 

At the outcrop the main band measures only 4 feet 44 inches to 4 
feet 8 inches, and its increase to7 feet was a pleasant confirmation of the 
hope which had been entertained of its probable behaviour. 

As many as 15 bore-holes were commenced before the rains put an 

end tothe season’s operations. Most of them were 

Bore-holes. chines ees : ; 

sunk within the limits of the Umaria holding, and 

satisfactorily indicated the occurrence of coal over a sufficiently large area 
to supply several million tons of fuel. 

On the other side of the river, five borings were started. Two of 
these proved coal, but a series of misfortunes rendered the holes between 
Kaélésar and Lalpir useless as indicators, none of them having been com- 
pleted. The question, therefore, as to what becomes of the coal in that 
direction is an open one, but I incline to think that the coal is there, and 
that, had the borings been carried deeper, they would have proved 
this to be the case. 

(- 160") 


It would be needless multiplication of details to allude here to each 
Lore-hole section, but for the purpose of reference they are given in the 
chapter of appendices. ‘The dates of their commencement and completion 
and the depth at which water was tapped have been added as items of 
interest ; and diagrams, for which I am indebted to Mr. E. J. Jones, are 

The deepest hole in which thick coal was recorded was No. is 

Deepest bore-hole, due north of Umaria, but on the right bank of the 
No. 7", 184 feet. Umrar. Two seams respectively 13 and 11 feet 
separated by 25 feet of carbonaceous sandstone were passed through 
at 184 feet from the surface. It is possible that these measurements 
may not be quite exact, for the readings of coal and shale may be so 
influenced by the desire to tell a promising tale, that the latter is 
often unduly elevated to the dignity of the former; but I think it 
would be inconsistent to accept one journal as correct, and doubt the 
accuracy of another. Boring records are generally trustworthy enough to 
establish the broad fact of the occurrence of coal, though considerable 
caution is necessary when accurate discrimination of coal and shale is 

The boring No. 9*, which was really a test of No. 7*, and put down in 
November 1883, was most carefully supervised and a lower seam was 
met, so that we may fairly accept as proved that there are two. 

Considering all the facts that were established during the first stage 
of our practical explorations, I think it must be confessed that the labours 
of the Geological Survey were eminently satisfactory ; coal was proved to 
exist in abundance, that it lay within easy access from the surface, 
that it thickened to the deep, and that the gradient, as shown by 
the horizon at which the seam was struck at various points, was low and 
advantageous for working. 

Every circumstance was promising, and from the exceptionally 
commanding geographical position of the field, it required small advo- 
eacy to show that a splendid reserve of fuel had been unearthed in the 
Rewah State. 

In order, however, to set at rest any apprehensions that prudence or 

€ ier 


experience suggested, it was deemed well that they should be reduced to 
their smallest limits, and, to achieve this object, it was determined that 
the coal should be approached under the ordinary conditions of approved 
mining. ‘There were two plans open for adoption,—either to drive an 
incline from the outerop, or to sink a shaft to the seam. The second 
method was preferred as being in every sense more workman-like, 
and as affording more scope for efficiently dealing with an influx of 

On the 1]th March 1883 a pit of 10 feet internal diameter was 
Pit commenced, 11th Commenced. At a later date it was found neces- 
March 1883. sary to open inclines from the outcrop, but this 
was only to meet a temporary demand for coal, while the trial pit was in 

As special qualifications were required for the charge of the contem- 
plated underground expansion of our operations, Mr. Thomas Forster, 
who had gained his experience of colliery work both at home and in the 
Bengal coal-fields, was engaged as Mining Engineer. 

The position selected for the pit was near hore-hole No. 8, where 
the section is somewhat in accord with Nos. 9 and 77—an upper and a 
lower seam of coal having been cut in each. 

No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. 

Sandstones , . A ‘ A 5 Hy 93’ 0” 69’ 0” 
Coal . . Fi Ls 5 . ae BAUS 10' 0” 10' 0” 
Intermediate beds 4 j - a Ay Oy 8’ 0” y/o” 
Coal ; ° A : 5 1207 EO 6’ 0" 

The depth of the shaft was calculated at 108 feet, and the sinking 
did not seem a very formidable task. It was not completed, however, 
until May 1884. During the sinking there was no difficulty in dealing 
with the water, a pair of ordinary buckets being quite sufficient to keep 
the pit dry ; but the moment the coal was reached, a rush took place, and 
though baling was kept up unremittingly day and night, it overpowered 
the means we had at our disposal, and the pit was abandoned until more 
efficient power could be applied. 

( 162 ) 


Thad a strong wish to go further to the deep towards No. 9 bore-hole, 
but I was at first deterred by the dread of water, and the possibly heavy 
outlay that would have to be incurred for pumping machinery. In 
an untried field, it is impossible to gauge the water difficulty, and 
T selected the spot for the trial shaft, where I anticipated the least 
amount of inconvenience on this score. While it was being proceeded 

Second shaft. Com. With, my original desire to open out the site of 
menced December 1883. No, 9 bore-hole was carried into effect; but, 
without any extra machinery to combat the anticipated influx of 
water, it was looked upon as rather a hopeless undertaking. Strange 
to say, however, the measures in this part of the field were unusually 
dry, and the coal was reached just before the close of the past season 
without any other difficulty to overcome than occasional scarcity of 

There was not time enough to drive into the seam, so that the only 
objects achieved by the completion of either shaft were the procurement 
of more perfect samples of coal and the more exact determination of the 
thickness and constitution of the main seam than that afforded by the 
simpler method of a small boring. Seven feet of clear good coal, free 
from the stone bands that are visible at the outcrop, were passed through 
in the second pit, and the analysis of a fair average dried piece gave the 

following result :— 

Water . 3 ; ° qi ; - ° 5 5°46 

Volatile matter ; d ; 3 7 Fi . 25°17 

Fixed carbon . 6 6 F : F 9 ; 66°71 

Ash 7 . 3 : é é 5 : : 8:12 

Such a certificate as this speaks for itself, and from the first analysis 
in 1880 to this one in 1884 there has been a conspicuous improvement ; 
the only coals of Bengal that can surpass it are some from the Kar- 
harbari field. 

In order to supply our own local wants and enough for a few trial 

ies runs on the East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula 
Quarry and inclines. : 
Railways, a quarry was sunk on the outcrop; and 

(163. 4 


eventually an incline 6 feet high and 8 feet broad was driven in on the 
chance of its affording direct confirmation of the augmentation indicated by 
the borings. Following on this, a considerable impetus to the extraction 
of coal was given by the acceptance on the part of the Great Indian Penin- 
sula Railway of a tender in March of the present year for the supply of 
2,000 tons of coal. As neither of the shafts at that time had been com- 
pleted, a second incline and several cross-roads were opened out, which 
enabled the raisings to be increased from 3 to 15 tons a day. 

Throughout the workings the seam retains nearly, though not quite, 
the thickness that it has at the outcrop. I give for comparison the 
following measurements made in the quarry and at the dip and rise ends 
of No. 1 incline. 

Quarry (descendinz), 



(a) Coal, bright 
(4) Stone band 
(c) Coal, bright 
(d) Stony shale, dull . : ’ ; ; 
(e) Coal, bright ; - ; 3 5 A 
(f) Coaly shale, dull . ° 
(g) Stone band 5 ‘ i 
(h) Coal laminated, bright and dull 
Coal shale, dull ; 7 f 
Coal, homogeneous 





Incline No. 1. 

fits in. 
(a) Coal, hard 3 O46 0 10 
(b) Stone band é : a) 3 Oe 
(ce) Coal, bright . : . . ‘ 0 6 OW, 
(d) Stonyshale . . - : : ORR 0 6 
(e) Coal, bright . : ° : 0 6 0 6 
(f) Coal, hard i ° ° 0 4 0 - 1% 
(g) Stone band 5 , . : Om, Oo ¢ 
(h) Coal . : 0 5 10) 
Carbonaceous shale . 0 4 
Coal il 3} 
A 8 4 84 

( 164 ) 

Hughes: GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. Memoirs , Vol: XXI1. }'t:3 




Scale 4 Inches to the Mile 

B HN? fed BHLNGS. () 

— © B.HN°o i. Shaft. N°2. (®)H.ANS7™ 

(@EHNG7. BHNS6& 
—@) aa ——_walg © B.HN24. BHN2S 
B.H.N210 Af : 
= 4 

Shaft N°1 



@BHN?O1L BHN2 5 

Theo ren 


Note. Reduced from Railway Survey 
(Feb. 1883.) by A. Penny MI.C.E 
Engmeer in chief, Bilaspur Etawah 


On Stone by SK. Hossain Geol: Survey Office 

Hughes Memoirs: Vol. XXI. Pt. 3. 




NANA Ne ee ee eee 

= | 

Nes eRe 
SN eN ene Neu see 
NeNe Ne AN ees 


Scale of Feet 1 Inch = 24 Feet 

5 10 15 oO 25 3,0 35 40 45 30 

On Stone by Aminullah 

Hughes: Memoirs: Vol. XXI. Pt. 3 



_ aS 




Ve NN ee eee 


Vou oN 
eye sees 
Ses esses 
Cae errand a 



PFS Surface Soil 


On Stone by Aminullah 


The roof is a tough, strong carbonaceous shale, and in appearance 
isnot unlike the d band. It has stood excellently, 

Roof good. A 5 : : 
and not a single piece of timber has been required 

to support it. 
The dip is very low, which is a favourable point in the estimate of the 
Dies value of the field, scarcely rising above 4° in the 
inclines. Its direction is nearly north-east. 

The quality of the coal wrought in the quarry and in the inclines 
has been strongly tested under various conditions, but I intend reserving 
my full remarks as to its effective character for the Economic chapter of 
this memoir. 

In anticipation, however, I may observe that the lowest 2 feet and 
the bright coals constitute the best portion of the 
seam; and that the hard band d would have to 
be picked out, as it readily forms clinker. 

Band d, clinkers. 

The area over which coal has been proved may be accepted as 1} 
Proved coal area 1; Square miles, but it will -be quite legitimate 
square miles. to assume that the underground extension of 
the measures in the direction of their exposed dip will give a far 
higher figure for probable coal lands. I think it quite possible that they 
extend uninterruptedly to the northward, dipping beneath the supra- 
Barakars and appearing again, as the Kérar coal-field. With reference to 
the Johilla Valley, I scarcely like to venture even an opinion; the dis- 
tance between the two coal-fields is 12 miles, and the intervening 
stratigraphical evidence is altogether too meagre to make any statement 
on the subject of their continuity other than an idle guess, 


The next outlier of Bardkars to be described is 3 miles from the 
nearest margin of the Umaria coal-field and to the north of it. It has, 
in default of a better name, been alluded to in our manuscript reports as 
the Kordar field. There was no natural feature distinctive enough to 
suggest a title, and so the village nearest to the locality where coal was 
most conspicuously exposed was adopted as the distinguishing appellation, 

(165; 3] 


Its total area is 9} square miles, forming an irregularly shaped 
crescent around the north-eastern prolongation of 
Area 9} sq. m. why CRE . 

the Loéra metamorphic inlier. The boundaries of 
the Barakars are fairly well seen, and the supra-Bardkars are too distinct 
in character to leave any doubt as to their identification, so that the 
separation between them and the coal-measures is easy. 

Several streams traverse the field, and one of them is the Umrar. Its 
; confluence with those flowing from Baréri, 
River Umrar, P 

Margtri, Gagrar, and Damokar marks the upper 
limit of the Bardkars. 

The major portion of the field has been cleared of jungle, but 
adjoining it there are several plots of underwood, and more especially to 

egy Ps the north of Dudraunri. Near at hand are the 

reserves of the English Forest Department, coin- 
cident for some distance with the boundary of the Rewah State. I 
have no doubt that they can furnish some useful timber, and this 
will be a convenience of no small consideration when a colliery is 

There are numerous sections of the Barakars, but the most complete 
views of them are in the neighbourhood of Kéraér, Dudraunri, and Achala. 
The rocks consist of grey and yellowish somewhat porous felspathic 
sandstones, occasionally micaceous and sometimes calcareous, associated 
with beds of carbonaceous shales and coal. A large sheet of trap, 
varying in width, runs nearly the entire length of the field, and there is 
an inlier of the Talchir group between K6étalwdr and Khaira. The 
general dip is to the north. 

Notice of the existence of coal in the Kordr field was originally 
brought to us when encamped at Baréri by the landlord of Bardauha, 
but it was not professionally confirmed until my colleague, while tracing 
the boundary of the trap eastward of Tali in December 1882, saw and 
mapped the different seams. 

There are several outcrops, but there is only one main carbonaceous 
horizon, as in the case of the Umaria field. 

( 166 ) 


The most westerly exposure is to the east of Achala in the Umrar at 
the village water-ghat. Two small bands show in 
the banks of the river; and in order to find out 
whether they increased in thickness to the dip, directions were given to 
Mr. Munsch, the Assistant Mining Engineer of the Rewah Explorations, 


to carry out a boring (1884). In this instance there was no improve- 
ment either in the quantity or quality of the bands, and after going 
down 181 feet the rods were shifted to a more promising locality. The 
rocks passed through were— 

ft. in. 
1. Sandstones, brown, grey, and yellow 5 : ° 58 O 
2. Carbonaceous shale and sandstone 2 0 
3. Carbonaceous shale and coal 4 0 
4. Sandstone with pyrites 10 0 
5. Shale with coal 2 0 
6. Blue shale 10 
7. Sandstones r x 52 0 
8. Grey shale with coal 2 0 
9, Sandstones, &c. 50 0 

TOTAL 5 akshl 

South-west of Dudraunri, and about three-quarters of a mile from it, 
a bed of coal and carbonaceous shale occurs near 
Coal and carbonaceous : 
shale south-west of the boundary of the trap; it may be better than it 
Dudraunri, : : : 

looks, but its appearance at the outcrop did not 
impress me favourably, 

After the failure at Achala, borings were commenced at Jawdla 
Mikhi, a locality in the jungle between Kotalwar 
Coal at Jawdla Mukhi. ne Be 

and Ké6rar; and here very gratifying results were 
attained. A seam was known to occur, and it had already been mapped 
and reported on (1883) ; but whereas at its outcrop the section only 


ft. in 
Shale : z : c . : ; , . 7 & 0 
Coal ; é 5 ; c : : s 4 0 2 O 
Shale, parting 0 6 
Coal 1 6 


the real thickness as demonstrated by the borings was much more— 

ft. in. ft. in. 
No, 1. No. 3. 
1. Sandstone . é > te (@) 1. Brown surface soil 5, oa fH) 
2. Sand with gravel . 5 &-@ 2. Sandstone ‘ . 42 0 
3. Sandstone : peo 70 3. Sandstone, carbonace- 

ous, shaly ‘ 2) Ba 

4. Coal F , » & @ 4. Coal - j =) a 

5. Shale, carbonaceous, ‘ 5. Shale, carbonaceous . 6 O 
with coal By) 

6. Coal ; 40 6. Sandstones, grey Becta) 

7. Shale, carbonaceous, —————s 

with coal 2 0 Torar . 63 0 
8. Coal 40 
9, Shale 8 0 
10. Sandstone 62 0O 
11. Shale 000 
12. Sandstone 10 
TOTAL . 122 O 

The angle of dip varies from 8° to 10°. Direction north-north-west. 

High Speroontaae sof A sample of weathered coal gave most excellent 

fixed carbon. results, and I would draw special attention to the 
high amount of fixed carbon. 
Analysis :— 
Moisture . 0 . , : . f 6 A . 5:04 
Volatile matter, exclusive of moisture 3 ; ; : E2256) 
Fixed carbon A 2 5 9 : A 4 , . 65°48 
Ash . 5 ‘ : ‘ 4 : 5 F C - 16°92 


Although the outerop of this seam can only be traced for a short 
distance at the surface, there is no misgiving in my own mind of its 
general extension to the northward and in the direction of Dudraunri and 
Khaira. I anticipate also that it might be proved south of T4li, if 
borings were undertaken there. I would recommend this being done, 
should the desire to test the ground in the vicinity of Dirouri and thence 

Conlleprebably occurs westward ever take a practical form. With coal 
near Tali, demonstrated as occurring in its usual strength at 

( 168 ) 



Memoirs, Vol: XXI, Pt-% 



Supra Barakar 

Barakar ie Coal seam 




Scale 1 Mile = 1 Inch 

Furlongs _—— SS SS Mile 



Bore Hole 



On Stene by Khadom Hosain 

Geological Survey Office 


or near Tali, there would be considerable encouragement for the prosecu- 
tion of further enquiries ; each point progressively fixed as coal-bearing 
being the presage of additional success. 

The only other band of coal is north-north-east of Khaira in the 
oo Chapar Nala. It is very thin, and overlies shales. 

Dip towards north. 
A bed of carbonaceous shale occurs at Barbasptir, another at 
Ronis eke Jagat} ir, and one near the junction of the Baréri 

and Korar streams. 
The various out-crops of coal and carbonaceous shale that have been 
Grereval beaase Hose alluded to do not imply that there are several in- 
zon. dependent seams or bands. The exposition of the 
Umaria measures is to my mind a fair gauge of the structure and 
composition of the Kérar coal-field, and hence we may assume that 
there is one main coal-bearing horizon with a like minimum thickness of 

workable coal. 

The Bardkars of the Johilla valley are exposed about 13 miles south- 
east of Umaria, and constitute two separate tracts, one to the north, and 
the other to the south of the metamorphic exposure of Péuri. By far 

the larger of the two, and the only one important from an economic point of 
2 view, is the northern area. In consequence of this 
Map of north portion : : 
of Jéhilla field—scale 1 circumstance I have not thought it necessary to 
inch to 1 mile. 
prepare a map of each of them on an enlarged scale. 
The accident of position has caused much more attention to be 
devoted to the Umaria than to the Joéhilla field; but at the outset of 
the Rewah coal explorations, not knowing what the fate of our purpose at 
Umaria might be, a few borings were simul- 
taneously carried out in the Johiila valley with 
the object of testing the value of the signs of coal that were there 
visible. The extra distance would have been a very small drawback if 
the only alternative of procuring coal had been the opening up of that 
part of the district. As events have shown, there was no immediate 
c ( 169 ) 

Borings to prove coal. 


necessity to have taken the precaution of examining the Jdéhilla valley, 
but nothing has been lost by the course then pursued, and it is a matter 
of congratulation that we have acquired definite knowledge of a further 
and extremely valuable stock of coal land. 

The rise of the Jéhilla river has already been described as being in 
nAeyS the high trappean plateau of the Mandla District. 
Jdhilla river, c : 

It passes by a succession of descents into the lower 
level of the Singwara division of the Rewah State, and, after winding 
through a narrow valley known as the Khéli, which formerly enjoyed, 
and even now, though in a less measure, an inviting reputation as a 
splendid tiger-ground, exposes near Lakhanpara, 81° 6’ E. Long., and 
23° 17’ N. Lat., the thin strip of Barakars that forms the south portion 
of the Johilla valley coal-field. At Mangthar it passes through Talchirs, 
and then soon after enters the metamorphic area of Pénri, the rocks of 
which constitute its channel for 2 miles. A little to the north-east of 
Pénri, it strikes the southern boundary of the Talchirs connected with 
the northern division of the Jdéhilla coal-field, and then, flowing past 
Bara Chada, offers from that point to its union with the Sén, the most 
typical section of the Barakar and supra-Bardkar rocks that can be 
found in the whole district. 

I think it unnecessary to defend the propriety of the designation 
Jchilla coal-field. There are no other exposures of the Barakar 
group than those already alluded to; and as the southern area requires 
only a brief notice, it may be dismissed in a few words. 

South area.—Johilla Coal-field. 

The measurement of its area gives 34 square miles, which is a magni- 
se tude quite enough to make it a valuable field, if 

coal occurred in workable thickness. 

There are no out-crops, however, of any promise, and though I have 

No lout oronrecfenny quoted several instances, as warnings against form- 

promise. ing a damnatory opinion on the mere evidence of 
out-crops, I am now speaking with the knowledge acquired in the 

CLO: 4 


Umaria and Koérar fields. There, the main coal occurs well up in the 
measures, but the difference here, so far as I could judge, lies in the 

circumstance that the rocks are all below that horizon. 
I would not discourage any who may, years hence, wish to satisfy 
a at their own expectations, and the following is a 
statement of the few places at which there are 

slight signs of carbonaceous matter. 

(2) South of Amuari, where the road from that village to Lakhan- 
pura crosses the Johilla, there is the following 

Amuari, : : 
section (descending) :— 


Thick-bedded grey sandstone. : : . 2 
Thin lenticular band of coal and peri hacapus eiale 

Micaceous sandstone 

Grey and carbonaceous shale 

Sandy micaceous shale 

aor BN OO 

Dip north-north-west 
(6) Half a mile south of Mangthar, on the right bank of the 
Jdhilla, a thin bed of coal and carbonaceous shale, 
Mangthar. : 
2 feet thick, crops out. 
From this place, as also Amuari, fossils were procured, which Dr. 

Feistmantel determined to be!— 

Gangamopteris cyclopteroides. 
Noéggerathiopsis hislopi. 
(c) Some carbonaceous shale is exposed west of Mangthar in one of the 
small streams having no name, but in which there are several salt-licks. 
There may be a possibility of finding the thick coal under the 
Lamétas of Istinpdra and Taktai; but to sear 
Possibly thick coal ee a P eae se uGs 
occurs in direction of for it will be a speculative undertaking, and one 
Istinpira. c 
quite unnecessary, so long as the more conveni- 
ently situated seams of the northern area and those of Umaria and 

K6rar are not exhausted. 

1 Palwontologia Indica, 1882, Ser. XII, Vol. IV, p. 14. 
( 14 


North area.—Johilla Coal-field. 

This portion of the coal-field extends over an area of 114 square 
ans miles distributed on each side of the Jéhilla river 
and forming a band of varying width between the 

Talchirs and the supra-Barakars. 

The attention of several previous observers appears to have been 
drawn to the fact of the occurrence of coal in 
the Jdhilla valley. This is probably due to the 

conspicuous manner in which the coal is exposed, and its propinquity 

Previous observers. 

to Pali, one of the usual and most favourite halting-places en route to 
and from Sohagptr. 

For travellers progressing eastward, Pali is the last village at which 
supplies can be procured; and there is a great temptation to steal a 
day in one’s programme of marches to enjoy the shady mango groves, 
the beautiful prospect, and the wild duck and snipe-shooting that the 
large tank and rice-runs afford, 

In 1840 Dr. Spilsbury, in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of 

Bengal,’ mentioned coal as being found in the bed 

ate tas ore of the Joéhilla river near Pali, and likewise in a 
small stream near K4lésar-Umaria of Rewah. .At that time the Sing- 
Souilin welley former: wara, and the whole of the Jéhilla coal lands were 
ly under English rule. under English domination, but after the Mutiny 
they passed, together with the Sohagpdar taluk and the shrines of Amar- 
kantak, into the hands of the Rewah administration. In 1854 Major 
Wroughton stated that coal occurred in the Jéhilla. 

Major Wroughton, Mr. : 
Grane Captain Hyde, In 1860 Mr. Grant and Captain Hyde, of whom 

Game mention has already been made, passed by the 
Jdhilla in the belief that the coal was no better than that of the Umrar 
river. In the same year Mr. J. G. Medlicott inserted, in the Memoirs 
of the Geological Survey of India, Vol. II, Part 2, a short paragraph 

concerning coal near the village of Malidgura, and mentions that it was 

1 Journal, Asiatic Society, Bengal, Vol. IX, Part 2, p. 903. 


light and very bituminous. The subsequent notices of the Jébilla valley 
are those by myself in the Records of the Survey. 

The boundaries of the Barakar group are fairly well discernible, and 
; the only indeterminate portion is near Kimirdu, 
Boundaries, : 

where alluvium and rank grass frustrate all at- 
tempts at close delimitation. 

There is very little departure from the ordinary type of sandstones in 
any of the river sections; but in that of the Dhébghata I remarked 
some yellowish felspathic silicious sandstones near Khodargaon, with 
d thin vitreous ferruginous plates and containing 
Ferruginous sandstone, : c , 

pebbles. It goes against my previous experience to 
place such beds either in the Raniganj or Bardkar divisions of the 
Damudas, but immediately above them is a grey earthy shale, coloured 
here and there by carbonaceous matter, in which fossils of true Barakar 
type, of the genera Glossopterzvs and Vertebraria, were found, and I have, 
in consequence, accepted the evidence as decisive of the horizon. 

In the Ganjra Nala, where the road from Pali to Malidgtira crosses 
it, sandstones very similar to those in the Wardha 
valley may be seen on either side of the ford. 
They are nodular, texture granular, felspar slightly decomposed, and 

Ganjra Nala. 

colour either somewhat yellowish-grey or reddish-grey, 
The general dip is to the north and at low angles. 
Coal occurs in several places, but just as in the other fields there is 
only one main horizon, so the same feature is 
repeated here. The most noted out-crop is that 
in the Jéhilla river, where the Ganjra-Nala joins it. A shallow boring 
(1882) was sunk on it to get a fair reading of the 
Jéhilla boring. 3 
general thickness of the seam, and the result 
showed a great advance on my measurements at the surface, 

As a point of interest I place the two sections side by side :— 

ft. in, ft.) ins, 
No. 2 Johilla Valley Bore-hole. Surface section, 
1. Dark surface soil . St SLO 
2. Sandstones . % ~ tb t@) Sandstones 



ft. in. ft. in, 

No. 2 Jéhilla Valley Bore-hole. Surface section. 
3. Coal . “ : 7s 10. Coal and coaly shale . 5; Lee 
4. Sandstone . : ek 0 Grey micaceous sandstone . 5 O 
5. Carbonaceous shale OuLO Coal and coaly shale 6 0 
6. Carbonaceous shale and sand- Argillaceous shale 2 0 

stones 5 - a UA Coal and carbonaceous shale tee 
7. Coal . ; 5 > @ 
8. Carbonaceous sandstone 

The seam can be traced both east and west, and a bore-hole was put 
down (1882) near the junction of the Marjada and 
Marjada boring. ; 
Umarha streams, where the coal appears in great 

foree, The section agrees closely with that of the Jéhilla boring— 

ft. in. 
1. Yellow clay a ° 4 4 6 c 5 < 0 
2. Sandstone and shale. 5 ° C 2 : a. 45) £0 
3. Carbonaceous clay and shale . ‘ . 3 : I ae) 
4. Sandstone “ : ; : 4 : é 5 Tee wy 
5. Coal . 5 . - 5 ob hae 10, 
6. Carbonaceous and grey shaly sandstone . 5 A ‘ 2 O 
7. Coal. A ; : “ 5 3 ; 3 O 
8. Carbonaceous shale and sandstone c C é s 6. 10 
9. Coal . ; c 8 O 

Sandstone and pariodnecote wales 
Angle of dip is 6°, direction nearly due north. 
From this point westward I failed to procure further evidence of the 
existence of this seam, but I have strong faith in its extension, and also 
that, when circumstances render it a matter of importance to follow it up, 

it will be found to occur under the Lamétas of the Marni Nala. 
For the purpose of having the coal practically tested, 500 maunds 
Goalquemiedfor'tdal Wee quarried from the out-crop in the Marjada 
on railway. Nala and delivered to the Great Indian Peninsula 

Railway for trial in their locomotives, 

Average samples selected by myself gave excellent percentage figures, 
and for comparison with those of Umaria coal I append a few analyses of 

Vol. matter. Fixed carbon, Ash, 

Marjada . > F . s . 32:31 54°58 1311 

3 3 ° : : . 35°60 52°77 11°63 

D 3 : 5 . 38664 55°93 743 

Umaria . 6 0 a . 26°70 59°20 14°19 

5 a 2 5 f 5 . 26°40 60°90 12:70 

5 : : 5 0 5 . 28°40 60°70 10°90 

( 4) 


I believe that in the running trials the Jéhilla coal was stated to have 
shown a slight superiority, but it is difficult to reconcile this assertion 
with the deduction to be drawn from the analyses. 

Considering the distinct advantage in fixed carbon possessed by the 

. , Umaria coal, the latter ought to have been the 
Umaria and Joéhilla 
coal probably alike in better fuel. Eventually, when both seams are cut 
quality. : F 
into, under a moderate amount of covering, I 
have no doubt that they will give very even returns. There is sulphur 
in all the coal, 
A third boring marked on the map as III was instituted to prove a 
: small out-crop in the Dhébghata Nala; but after 

Dhébghata boring. Y 3 
going through 153 feet of successive sandstones, 
the rods were withdrawn, the conelusion being that the coal was 

Below the junction of the Bichna and the Dhébghata, there is a band 
of coaly shale, but no coal. In the bed under it some specimens of 
Glossopteris were procured. 

In several places plants were discovered. Three species were obtained 

: below the seam in the Johilla river—G@lossopteris 
ir communis, Gangamopteris comp. cyclopteroides, 
and Néggerathiopsis hislopi. From the Kiidri feeder of the Dhébghata — 
Nala, seven species—Vertebraria indica, Glossopteris communis, Glossopteris 
indica, Glossopteris browniana, Glossopteris damudica, Gangamopteris, sp. 
Néggerathiopsis hislopi. From the head waters of the Dhdébghata 
stream, and not far from the village of Amadéngri, eight species—G/os- 
sopteris indica, Glossopteris tanioides, Glossopteris angustifolia, Ganga- 
mopteris angustifolia, Gangamopteris cyclopteroides, Gangamopteris sub- 
auriculata, Samaropsis, comp. parvula, Noggerathiopsis hislopt. 

Dr. Feistmantel points out, with reference to these forms, that 
they correspond to the association of fossils found with the second and 
third seams of the Karharbari coal-field. That there is this correspon- 
dence is clear enough, but I have hitherto failed to see anything dis- 
tinetive enough in the character of the rocks containing this partial 
Karharbari flora to warrant a separation from the Barakar. 

( He) 


Before closing my remarks on the Johilla field, I would wish to say 
Repedioner ee weirs that these explorations are another illustration of 
to supplement researches the expediency of supplementing our geological 
of Geological Survey. : . . 
researches by boring’ operations, for, like those who 
preceded me, I formed a poor opinion of the seam from the evidence at 
the out-crop. Greater experience of the frequent fallacy of surface indi- 
cations enabled me to guard myself against expressing unequivocal 
condemnation, but the general bearing of my opinion was, ? as expressed 
in my first contribution on this area in the Records of the Survey, that 
the coal was poor, and not worth much consideration. The borings and 
quarrying have proved that something more practical than hammer tap- 
ping is required to frame a correct estimate of the value of a seam. 

It is fortunate that justice has been done to the Jéhilla valley, for, 
notwithstanding the fact of its coal being 13 to 14 miles further from 
Katni than Umaria, it will prove either a very formidable rival to that 
field or a seasonable reserve, according to the conditions on which the 
lease of the Rewah mining rights is granted. i 

There appears to be quite 20 feet of coal, and, although the out-crop 
of the seam cannot be traced for more than 2 miles, it is almost a 
certainty that both in the direction of Khodargaon and of Pali shallow 
sinkings would touch it. 

I refrain from attempting to make a close estimate of the available 
Ecce ee quantity of fuel, for there ne undefined area 
under the supra-Barakars which introduces such 
latitude into one’s figures that to my mind there is no satisfaction in 
treating the question. If asked, however, whether 100,000,000 tons 
of coal might be extracted from the Johilla valley down to a depth of 500 
feet, I should reply in the affirmative. 

1 “Records, Geological Survey of India, 1881, Vol. XIV, Part I, p. 127,”—“I do not 
condemn it because experience has taught me that many seams (as in the Wardha and 

Méhp4ni fields) with thin outcrops may thicken rapidly, and furnish a good deal of coal, I 
can say, however, that the signs are not promising.” 

é 276 

Hughes Memoirs: Vol. XX1.Pt. 3. 



i ST 
\WATAWA ds; 
Yvs\e 5 
ZA ~ . 
BARA Surface Soil 
Oss] Carbonaceous Sandstone 
| 15 Shale 

On Stone by Aminullah Geol. Surv Uffice 



From the description of the three small outlying fields, I now pass 
Afataaceatl Gordan to the notice of the more extensive main area 
miles, comprising nearly 1,600 square miles, and to which 
I would give the name of the Sohagptr coal-field. It may hereafter be 
found convenient to introduce some restricted local designations. The 
portion within the Koréa district appears suggestive of such a course, but 
T have no doubt that the adjustment of names and titles will be satis- 
factorily carried out when the necessity arises. 
Roughly speaking, the Sohagpur field stretches through two degrees 
of longitude, from the river Sén to the river Rér. There is no great 
Coal seams not plenti- ichness of coal, nature having apparently exhausted 
ful. herself in abortive efforts resulting in carbona- 
ceous or coaly shale, or seams too thin, according to the present standard 
of working, to be mined profitably. Owing to the horizontality of the 
strata, however, such seams as occur of available size possess the advan- 
tage of extreme accessibility, and can be easily won over an extensive 
Of the rocks constituting the Bardkars of the Sohdgpdr field, quite 

Retactdes constitute nine-tenths are sandstones, of which the major 

Yoths of group. portion are the ordinary grey or yellowish-grey 
silicious sandstones, sometimes earthy and sometimes slightly calcareous, 
with a small percentage of mica. 

I have grouped the whole of the coal measures as Bardkars, rather than 
enter upon the uncertain and equivocal task of separating them under 
the divisions of Karharbari, Bardkar, and Raniganj. Amongst the 
lower strata there are fossil forms which agree with many of those found 
in the Karharbéri beds of the Karharbdari field, and in the higher strata 
are a few plants which were formerly esteemed as distinctive of the 
Réniganj horizon. Later researches, however, have shown that the 

range of many of the supposed characteristic fossil forms is much greater 

1 This remark applies only to the portio of the Sohdgpur field in the Rewah territory. 


than was formerly supposed, and in the absence of collateral strati- 
graphical evidence, I have preferred to retain all the coal-bearing rocks 
under one denomination. 

With the exception of the lowest beds of the group around Saranpar, 
Dhémni, Amiliha, and Dhirauli, there is a common type of feature in all 
the sandstones, until the unmistakable ferruginous sandstones of the 
supra-Bardkars are reached. There is no representative here of the 
iron-stone-shales group, which, coming between the upper and lower 
coal measures of the Damiida valley fields, makes the separation of the 
Damida series in that region a matter of extreme facility ; and though 
it isa fact patent to every ordinary mind that where little or no disturb- 
ance has taken place, lower beds must necessarily be older than upper 
ones, there is nothing sufficiently distinctive either in the distribution of 
the plants or the succession of the strata to call for further sub-division. 

It would involve a tiresome rehearsal of a multiplicity of names 

Baandaviontoficokse to describe the course of the boundaries of the 
pur field. Sohdgpar field. I would refer the reader to the 
large map; from which it may easily be perceived that the supra- Barakar 
and Laméta groups are unconformable to the Barakars, Nearly through- 
out their entire extent the boundaries are natural, the only doubtfully 
faulted portion being that in the Jbilmili area, where a fault was mapped 
by my late colleague Professor V. Ball.’ I was not able to make an 
independent inspection of this feature, but I assume that my views 
would have been in accord with his could I have devoted enough time to 
the study of the question. 

Dip northerly, at low There is a general dip to the north at low 
Buble. angles, implying very slight disturbance. 

In an Appendix a list has been drawn up of all the sites at which 

List of coal outcrops Coal has been noticed. It presents a formidable 
Ha greni es length, but this bears evidence rather to the fact 
that so far as mere plodding was concerned it was energetically carried 
out, and not that there is a super-abundance of coal. For such a wide 

} It is marked in his map of the Bisrémptr coal-field, which lies to the south-east of 
Jhilmili (Records, Geological Survey of India, Vol. VI, part 2). 



area as 1,600 square miles, outerops were very sparingly met with, 
and when this fact was understood, it became an obligation to explore 
every stream, great and small, much more closely than was at first 

In the comparatively level expanse of the Sohdgpir district, this 
obligation was almost too scrupulously discharged. But in the hilly 
tracts and uplands of Koréa and Jhilmili, the tax on our time was too 
great, the streamlets and the runlets being overwhelming in number ; 
and many of them, in which doubtless there are exposures, have conse- 
quently been unheeded. 

Entering the Sohagptr field from the west, through the picturesque 
Marcha pass on the road between Pali and the town of Sohagpir, several 
miles of sandstones have to be traversed, both with and across their 
strike, before anything like a workable seam of coal is met with. 

Following the proposed line of railway as marked on our map, there 
ES Aen eee are only a few thin outcrops of carbonaceous mat- 
Méhroi, Semriha, Kaund- ter near Mahroi, Semriha, Kaundbahara, and So- 
babiey sud Solleepar. hagpur, which seem to me utterly devoid of pro- 
mise of anything better below the surface. 

The thickest of these is 2 feet, and it occurs in the Kaundb4hara 
stream, a short distance above its junction with the one coming from 
Semriha. It is much weathered at the surface. Northward from this 
outcrop, the sandstones are thickly bedded porous rocks with decomposed 
and undecomposed felspar, the former of which is of an unusually reddish 

Specimens of the fossil Zrizygia speciosa together with Glossopteris 
communis, Glossoptercs formosa, and Vertebraria indica, were found in 
some variegated micaceous shales, and greenish close-grained micaceous 
argillaceous sandstone, associated with the coal band exposed in the 
Marna river where it flows past Sohagptr. 

This is one of the few localities in which Zrizygia was met with. As 
bearing on the unification of the Damidda series, this equisetaceous plant 
is a very interesting one. In former years it was supposed to bea 

( *EA9) ) 


characteristic Raniganj form, but it appears that it occurs almost as 
frequently in the Barékar as in the Raniganj group, as shown in the 
following list } :— 

Raniganj Barakar 
group. group. 
Réniganj field : ; . 5 . : * 
Satpara Basin . . 4 é ; ; . 
Auranga field . ° ° 5 : . 4 
Bokaro : : : . 5 5 : id 
Talcbir ; Ss | A : ia $ 

To the east of Soh4gpir an admixture of coal and carbonaceous 
Perit |. Shae shale—the latter largely preponderating—shows at 
Chainpdr and Jamia- the edge of the trap formation between Chainpir 
gts and Jamtia-Jaméi. The bed measures 7 feet, but 
did not impress me favourably as a source of coal. 

It was my intention to have had three or four borings made in the 
neighbourhood of Sohdgpdr to place our knowledge of that part of the 

Borings not carried field on an exact footing, but unfortunately cireum- 
ORE stances arose which necessitated the presence at 
Umaria until the close of the working season (1883-84) of the Assistant 
Mining Engineer, to whom the task of carrying out my views had been 
entrusted. Neither here therefore, nor at Lalpar, Khaira, or Dhanpdri 
—all villages, further to the east and south, where sites had been marked 
out for trial borings—have any underground readings been obtained. 

Judging from the evidence available at the surface, I should not be 
; disposed to commend the area immediately adjoin- 

Area adjoining railway =, : 
between Mircha pass and ing the railway from the Mircha pass to Sohagpur 
Sohdgptir, not valuable. £5» initial mining operations in this field. 

There are more decisive and cheering indications of fair coal lands in 

eM 4 the vicinity of the Sén; and as a convenient line 

aera of description to follow, I shall take the river up 

where it enters the Bardkar area north of Antkpair? and comment on 

the outcrops in it, and near. it until it passes beyond the confines of the 

J Pal. Indica, Fossil Flora of the Gondwana System, Vol. III, Pt. 2, p. 71. 
2 Anukpir is the residence of the Chief of Sohdgpur. 

( 180. ) 


The lowest seam is exposed between the villages of Karaibéhara and 
Mariaras in the Bakan Nadi, a tributary on the left side of the Sdn. 
It measures 3’ 3” at the crop, but will in all likelihood thicken to the deep. 

With the object of determining this circumstance, 

Bakén Nadi seam 33”, : : 

and the further question of whether it was the 
probable representative of the Umaria band, I marked a spot fora boring 
near Chachai, but, for the reasons previously explained as affecting the 
other sites in the neighbourhood of Sohagptr, my purpose was not ful- 
filled, A feeling of grateful relief, after a month’s close survey, at having 
found anything like coal, made me at first estimate my discovery of this 
seam a little too highly. Referring to my field notes, I see that I al- 
luded enthusiastically to the coal; a more moderate view gives, I 
think, a truer idea of its quality. 

The outerop is confined to the Bakan Nadi, as there is not a trace of 
it in any of the numerous streams either to the east or to the west of 
the Sdn. 

I searched carefully around Mariaras for further signs of coal, but 

Water-borne coal in ~ could only find water-borne fragments in the 
Suthné Nala, Suthné Nala. I endeavoured to lay my hand on 
the bed that they came from, and spent more than a week in prospect- 
ing, without obtaining a satisfactory return for my labour, 

The next stream in which there is evidence of coal is the Katna, on 
the right bank of the Son. In the lower portion 

Katna Nala. * 

of its course there are two outcrops near Rampir, 

but they are scarcely worth recording. Inthe upper reaches there are 

Rampur, Manglichtian, Several places in the neighbourhood of Manglichtan 

Harri, and Manjira. where indications of coal are visible, but with the 

exception of abed of inferior quality between Harri and Manjira, 
measuring about 6 feet, none of them exceed 30 inches. 

North of the confluence of the Katna with the Sdn, we find a belt 
of productive measures, occurring at about the same horizon as that of 
the Umaria field, There is one main seam which is something more 
than 5 feet, and two smaller ones underlying it, 
Good seam of coal, : 5 : 

varying from 12 to 30 inches. Owing to gentle 



rolling in the strata, and to the low dip that obtains, the outcrops of 
all the different beds are repeated, and we must guard against over- 
estimating the number of seams that we are dealing with. 

The main seam comes to the surface between Bargaon and Kelhauri, 
once in the Jamunia, thrice in the Sdn, frequently 
Outcropsof good seam, ¥ te: x 
in the Bagéha, and twice in the Nargara stream. 
It covers a large and easily workable area on either side of the Sdn, and 
it can be picked up along its strike for a distance of 10 miles. 

It is the seam par excellence of this part of the field, none other 
approaching it in thickness; and I am glad to see that the line of 
__ railway actually touches it between the villages of 
Proposed railway line , : wees ; 
touches seam between Burhar and Amlei, thus making it immediately 
Burhar and Amlei. ° , 
accessible to any adventurers who may wish to 
work it. The coal is of fair quality throughout, but that in the upper 

portion of the seam is the best, The assay of a sample of the latter 

Moisture 3 0 c - : 4 5 Dis 

Volatile matter 5 . C 5 : : . 29°5 

Fixed carbon . é : 5 é 5 . 55:0 

Ash ‘ ; 4 ; 5 7 ; 5 EL 


It does not cake. Colour of ash reddish-grey. I failed to trace the 
seam west of the Nargara river, and strange to say there is not a 
vestige of coal exposed in the wide tract extending from the river to 
the boundary of the overlying Laméta and supra-Baradkar groups to 
the south-west. In the Sarpa Nadi, there is just sufficient coal to oblige 
me to allude to it, but this is north of the area indicated as sterile. 

The next tributary of the Sdn of noticeable size below the Bagéha 
is the Kasér Nadi, which with its feeders gathers 
the waters over a large stretch of country south 
of the Kandk river, and the irregular line of trap extending from the 
trap-capped hill of Mahdéra. There are very few outcrops of coal 
within the limits of its drainage basin, and in two instances only could 
I make a complete measurement of their thickness. To illustrate the 

€ 182) 5) 

Kasér Nadi. 



character of the sections afforded by this river, 1 quote the remarks on 

my field map appended to each plotted outcrop. 

Village. River. 

Kharla 0 Z . | Kasér : ¢ 
Nimhua A . $ a 0 
Terriha : . | Jamuna trib. 
Channauri . . .| Tributary , : 
Bargaon. . . | Jamuna trib, 6 

Ditto 5 3 ¢ » . 
Hatgala. . .| Tributary . 
Bahgar c . | Kasér F A 

Sahipur . : . | Tributary 

Bacharuar , 6 6 of 
Daukibtiri 5 . . » 
Kiréli é A . | Bichli trib.. 


Coal obscure. 

Coal under water, 

Coal under water. 

. | Shale under water. 

. | Coal under water. 

Coal only partly exposed. 
Coal partly seen. 
Not all seen. 

Seam not seen. 

. | Small exposure. Only 1'6” seen, 

Coal under water. Difficult to see. 

Coal and carb. shale badly seen. 

The definite measurements were— 

Village. River. 

Nimhua Fi 4 .| Kasér 

Kivéli z , . | Jéba trib. . 


Coal 42/10": 
Coal Gis 
{ Coal 1’ 6”, 

The story of the Kasér is that of nearly every remaining 

river and 

Like conditions else- Stream in the Rewah portion of the Sohdgpir 

where. field, east of the Sdn. 

The seams are few in 

number, small in thickness, and imperfectly exposed, and it would be an 
infliction on the reader to devote a paragraph to each, as full justice 

in most instances is meted to their claim for consideration by the general 

designation, unimportant. 



There is however one seam near Sahipdr which, though obscured by 

Séhipir noticeable Water, appears worthy of attention. It crops out 
ba where a small stream east of the village joins 
the larger one coming from Karrabdn. About 4 feet are visible, but 
probably 6 to 7 feet would be a nearer approximation to its true thickness. 

About a mile below the Kasér is a little stream flowing from Birhdli 

wines in which there is an inferior seam measuring 3 
; feet, the continuation of one of those noticed 
above. Then for 8 or 9 miles the Sdn flows over a considerable mass 
of trap and through sedges which give the river bed an unusual appear- 
ance of luxuriant greenness. 

Near Nabalptr the Sarpa falls into the Sén. This stream rises at 

the foot of the trappean plateau to the south, and 

Sarpa stream. A 4 i : 
recelves a prodigious number of tributaries. 

One of them between Hardi and Sérangpur exposes a thin band of 
carbonaceous shale at a spot where several specimens of plants were 
obtained. As this is the nearest and only approach to anything like 
coal over a large area, I have noticed it. It has no significance, however, 
from an economic point of view. 

In another tributary,—the Jamina Baisaha—near Dhdmni, some 

ore very fine leaves of Néggerathiopsis hislopi were 
procured, and in association with them were seeds 
of the same plant. “Of these latter, which Dr. Feistmantel has named 
Carpolithes millert, he says, that they were first described from Passerabhia 
in the Karharbéri coal-field from Karharbari beds. Jt is somewhat 
interesting to find them in such a distant region as showing the wide 
distribution of this particular cycad. 

Enumerating the different collections of fossils from the neighbour- 
hood of Dhamni, Sarangptr, and Hardi under one head as they all 
belong to the same horizon, they comprise Vertebraria indica, Glossopteris 
communis, Gangamopteris cyclopteroides, Gangamopteris spathulata, Ano- 
mozamites, Néggerathiopsis hislopi, Noggerathiopsis lacerata, Voltzia 
heterophylla, Carpolithes millert, Samaropsis, cf. parvula. 

( 184 ) 


There is an analogy between these fossils and those from the Kar- 
harbari group, but a recent visit to Karharbari has shown that, so far 
as petrological and textural features are concerned, there is no harmony 
between the rocks of the two fields. In the strata of the Karharbari 
horizon, one of the points chiefly insisted on is the brecciated character of 
the sandstones. Those of this region are peculiarly devoid of pebbles 
either worn or sharp; they are principally soft earthy sandstones 
and shales occasionally micaceous, moderately fine-grained, and either 
whitish or grey dashed with pink or brown. 

Passing the neighbourhood of Khaira, the Sarpa and its affluents 

No coal outerops near Cut through typical felspathic Barakar sandstones, 
pete: but, strange to say, I could not find a trace of coal 
or any approach to coal. So much, however, was I struck with the pro- 
bability of its occurrence, that I chose two sites for boring ; one between 

Khaira and Piparia, and the other at the junction 

Sites for boring. 3 
of the Bartia and the Sarpa streams, As I have 
previously explained, however, these borings were not carried out, but 
should explorations ever again be thought necessary, I recommend them 
as suitable positions. 

The only outerop of coal of any pretension in the Sarpa is near 

the southern margin of the trap area north of 
Lalpar seam. 

Lalpfr. It is better seen east and west of the 

river in two small streams and the section is (descending) — 

£t> in: 
Carbonaceous shale . é F 2 - 5 4h © 
Coal * 7 . . . . . « . 2 0 
Carbonaceous shale i : 5 F ‘ 6 oh 

Tam inclined to believe that this seam corresponds with the shale 
and coal east of Sohagpir along the border of the traps between Chainpa 
and Jamtia-Jam6i, and perhaps if driven into, the proportion of coal at 
both places may be found to be actually greater than appears at the 

North of the Sarpa we find in the Sdn another outerop of what 
struck me at first as being mainly carbonaceous or coaly shale, but it is 

D ( 185 ) 


evidently the continuation of a large seam that is very plainly exposed 
in the Nagaua and Jamtniha streams, and which, when accessible for 
examination and measurement, proved to be a useful collection of 

The full section is best seen where there is a waterfall in the 
Jamtniha north of the village of Nandnah, and 

Nandnabh seam. , cl 
- the several dimensions are as follow :— 

ft. in. 
1, Fine-grained grey felspathic sandstones. 
2, Fine-grained slightly carbonaceous micaceous sandstones 2 8 
3. Carbonaceous shale 5 ; : : 2 0 
4, Coal ., 3 : : . 3 4 . omO, 
5. Carbonaceous sandy shale 5 0 
6. Coal. . 3 ’ : - 5 5 5 ; 0 2 
7. Shale. d : ° . . ; . . . 0 3 
8. Coal : 46 
9. Carbonaceous shale. 3 4 0 
10. Coal, hard . : ; . 38 6 
11. Carbonaceons shale : . : : ° ° 10 
12. Ironstone (this is a distinctive band) . ° ° - : 0 8 
13. Carbonaceous sandy shale 0 9 

14, Sandstone. 

This seam can be traced over a very large area, and I am of opinion 
that it appears again in the north in the Khairi and Kanak rivers. I 
make this statement, however, with some diffidence, as the section across 
country, although suggestive of this, is not a clear one. Analyses of 
coal from the bands numbered four, eight, and ten give the following 

results (ewclusive of water) :— 

Volatile matter. Fixed carbon. Ash. 

No. 4 23°84 62°50 13°66 
eS 26°55 62°89 10°56 
sy I) 18°28 48:15 33°57 

The better portions 4 and 8 are said to cake and partially eake, and as 
the samples represent the worst quality of their respective bands, having 
been taken from where the coal has undergone deterioration by exposure 
to alternating heat and rain, we may confidently commend this seam as 
a valuable item in appraising the merits of this part of the Soh4gpiar 

( 186: ) 


Higher in the series are two or perhaps three small beds of coal, 
Small seams in various the outerops of which have been met with in 
picts. the Nagaua and its tributaries, and also in the 
Ghorbei, Gurrha, Kanuahi, and Khairi streams. Not one of these 
strikes me as being of much importance; the greatest thickness in 
no case exceeds 3 feet 4 inches. Several of the outcrops are at the 

Seams at base of base of waterfalls, and whilst our survey was 
PE progressing, this connection of coal with each 
abrupt fall in the level of the rivers was found to be of constant oceur- 
rence; during the later years of our labours, we took advantage of 
this circumstance to diminish the toil of speculative wandering. 

I am inclined to think, as I have already said, that the Nandnah 
seam crops out at the mouth of the Khairi and Kanak rivers, but the 
sections are very imperfect. ‘The first one, just at the junction of the 

Khairi with the Sén, when roughly measured, gave (descending) — 

ft. in. 
Thick bedded sandstune . : s ‘ ‘ 5 3 ilrf (0) 
Coal interior . 5 3 3 4 c c F ; 1 10 
Blue shale . 5 5 c 6 P A : 4 0 5 
Coal inferior . j 5 : 5 5 A , : 5310) 
Blue shale - ; 5 é 5 : é é 110 
Coal 5 é : 6 . 4 ; 2 0 
Carbonaceous and shaly sandstone ‘ : 5 4 f 7 O 

Some of the coal was submitted to examination in the laboratory, 
but the results obtained were not encouraging. 
In the Kindk, the seam is but partially seen, and the exposure is 
4. feet 9 inches to 5 feet. It cannot be traced far, and in all directions 
there is a great abundance of trappean matter, which covers up the rocks. 
Of the small seams higher in the series on the right side of the S6n, 
there are representatives or the actual continuations on the left side of 
Oultataees anes the river within the holdings of the villages of 
Semdih, Maiki, Kushai, Semdih, Maiki, Kushai, Kathdari, and Nipanian. 
Kathari, Nipanian. one : 
Not one of them exhibits a greater thickness than 
2 feet 6 inches. The dip varies, being both to the north and south, but 
the angle throughout is small, only very occasionally rising to 8 degrees. 

¢- 187) 


Passing again to the other side of the Sén, three coal bands occur in 
me the Singaora and Silpari and Didpipar streams. 

Outcrop in Singaora, : 
Silpari, and Didpipar The largest of these is at the outfall of the Singaora 
eas into the Son at the bottom of a small cascade ; but 
like the rest it seems to promise nothing of practical value. 

In the actual bed of the Sén, there is no sign of coal for many miles 
down its course beyond the junction of the Singaora Nala, until the village 
of Girart is reached ; but in the Marna river, which was alluded to when 
describing the neighbourhood of the town of Sohaégpar, there is an out- 

Mirna Nala, Bijauri CTOp between the hamlets of Udri and Bijauri. 1 
Ouycror could not in any of my measurements make the 
thickness more than 5 feet, and the quality struck me as being poor, 
pieces of the coal being very heavy. One of the exposures is at. the base 
of a small waterfall at the mouth of a rivulet joining the Mirna, and 
while examining it I disturbed a fine male tiger (which I subsequently 
shot) that had retired for the day to the cool enjoyment of an umbrageous 

The last seam of coal in the Sdn, and the highest in the series crops 
eu out in several different places near Gararé. It 

Gurarti seam. 4 

is capped by carbonaceous shales and sandstones, 

and the whole mass of dark-looking rocks forms a conspicuous feature 
in the river bank. It was the first seam of coal that I met with 
after we had commenced the survey of the Sohagpir field. I could 
obtain no information about coal from the natives; but by follow- 
ing up the water-borne fragments for several miles along the channel 
of the Son from the confluence of the Johilla, I discovered the source 
whence they were derived. The following is the section -of the 

seam :-— 
ft. in. 
Coal 5 0 
Carbonaceous shale ; 6 0 
Coal ; : : I p 24 
Carbonaceous shale 2 0 
Coal 28 

Carbonaceous shale and coal, not all seen. 

@ 188) 


There is a sufficient workable thickness of coal, but an analysis of, it by 

Mr. Mallet was disappointing. 

Moisture : ; : 27 
Volatile, exclusive of moisture 95 
Carbon, fixed 40°5 
Ash 47°3 


If it were not that the distance between Girard and the Kunuk out- 
fall was rather too far, and the evidence too imperfect to reduce correla- 
tion to a certainty, I might be tempted to suggest that from the simi- 
larity in the composition of the coal at these two places, the exposures in 
both localities are of the same seam. 

With this notice is ended the description of all the more important 
outcrops of coal in the actual bed of the Sdn and the area drained in the 
lower courses of the lesser tributaries that join it below Antkpur, after 
the commencement of its traverse through the Bardkar group. 

A large number of specimens of plants were found with comparatively 
little trouble in the tracts of land enclosed by the 
S6n and the supra-Bardkars, north of the latitude 
of Nabdlpar. They were mainly of the genera Glossopteris, and Verte- 
braria, and the latter occur in profuse abundance in many spots. 
Quoting again from Dr. Feistmantel’s Fossil-Flora of the Rewah Gond- 
wana basin,! the different forms determined, and some of the localities 
whence a large proportion of them were procured, are— 

Amliha, Glossopteris communis, Glossopteris angustifolia, Vertebraria 
indica ; Maiki, Glossopteris communis, Vertebraria indica ; Murna river, 
Trizygia speciosa, Dicksonia hughesi, Glossopteris angustifolia, Gl. com- 
munis ; Gardrd, Vertebraria indica, Schizoneura gondwanensis, Glossopteris 
angustifolia, Gl, communis, Gl. formosa, Gl. formosa var. major, Gl. 
tndica, Gl. browniana, Squame gymnospermarum ; Sarsi, Schizoneura 


gondwanensis, Glossopterts browniana. 
In this list Vertebraria is found high up in the series, and it is abund- 
ant everywhere. Trizygia is seemingly confined to upper beds. Certain 

! Pal, Ind., Fossil Flora of the Gondwana System, Vol. [V, pt. 1. 


species of Glossopteris are generally distributed, but others are restricted. 
Schizoneura is more common in upper beds. 

There are no specimens of Gangamopteris, and it is noticeable that 
this plant is confined to the lower horizon of the Barakar group. 

East of the Sén a very convenient division for details of other out- 
crops may be drawn at the north and south watershed of the Kéwai river 
and its tributaries, near east longitude 82°. Although the area is a large 
one, there is a notable absence of thick seams, and indeed there is not 
one exposure which at first sight would undeniably be declared valuable. 
Almost without exception every outcrop was imperfect or indistinct, 
Many of them were entirely under water, and their discovery was 
chiefly due to having a graduated scale of liberal rewards which excited 
the exploratory ardour of my camp. There was no opportunity of learn- 
ing anything by boring, and the fact of coal occurring at Umaria and 
being worked there made it appear unnecessary to expend time and 
money in even shallow trenching. 

Proceeding eastward from Gurard there are carbonaceous shales here 
and there ; and some inferior coal south-east of the 
village of Khama. The largest of these outcrops 

is capped by rather coarse sandstone with a roseate tinge, and the 
measurements are — 

Poor coal at Khama, 

ft. in 
Sandstone ;: 5 c , = - 5 A le) 
Coaly matter and shale : : 5 : : , 0 5 0 
Coal : 5 < : ‘ 5 4 . : OMS: 

There is nothing inviting in the appearance of this seam, but it is 
noticeable as being the principal mass of carbonaceous matter for some 
miles around. 

No coal is seen between this and the Obhi river, forming the bound- 
ary of the Rewah and Chang Bhakar States, and there are no seams of 
any importance in the Kanuk or its feeders until nearing the village of 
Jaintptr, Passing over the names of the streams that yield no surface 
evidence of coal, in order to avoid adeluge of useless references, there 

‘ is an outerop in the Khappar-Kita within sight 
Khappa- Kuta stream, : i i 2 ; 
of its junction with the Kanak, and in descend- 

(, 100) =) 


ing order the following rocks are visible :— 


Fine-grained grey sandstone fs} (0) 
Blue shales ‘ 2 0 
Coal . 5 ° é ; : : nw) 
Carbonaceous shales, with a string of coul 10 
Coal 20 

Shale or coal, ander waters 
In one of the sources of the same stream and about a mile and a 
Bandhua hamlet and quarter south-east of Bandhua hamlet, and the 
Eibote aaa, same distance east-north-east of Khohara, there is 

a fair-sized seam with an exposed section of— 

ft. in. 
Coal . 5 5 ‘ é 5 A 4 5 oF 
Carbonaceous shale 2 0 
Coal 2 0 

This is the most promising seam in this part of the field, and though 
T can assert nothing positively about the goodness of the coal or the 
real underground relative thickness of the shale, I am inclined to form a 
favorable judgment of its worth and to hope that the shale may diminish. 
In the Kundk there isa 4-feet seam of moderate quality below the 
RAE CORGCORS deen outfall of the Dhoran, and then there is along 
4’ 0". blank of 8 or 9 miles, in which there is no 
appearance of true coal. As its head waters are neared, however, there 
are numerous subsidiary streams, and in them, as also in the Kanik, 
there are some outcrops of carbonaceous matter. 
All of them, with the exception of a 3-feet seam of coal south-west 

Semaria hamlet, seam 0f Semaria hamlet, come under the head of ‘insigni- 

ae ficant,’ as neither the quality of their coal nor 
their thickness at the surface recommends them. 

The rivers examined were those flowing past the villages of Kiumer- 
hin, Delbhaékherua, and Khamaria, and falling into the Ktntk on its left 
bank, and the Bichli and others on the right bank. 

At different spots on the l-inch maps the Topographical Survey 

Coal marked by Topo- ave defined as coal what really is carbonaceous 
graphical Survey. shale; but though this mistake has been com- 
mitted, the records proved very useful in suggesting closer search for 

Seley |) 


true coal seams, and in directing attention to localities that might other- 
wise have escaped observation. The bed, however, marked as coal near 

Kichri does contain 1 foot of coal, the section being, descending 

ft. in. 
Carbonaceous shale 4 6 
Sandstone 2 ‘ 0 6 
Argillaceous sandy shale 1 0 
Coal 10 

There is a smal] fault running east-north-east. 
At several places in the actual channel of the Kantk my colleague 

and myself were fortunate enough to find fossils : 

Schizoneura gondwanensis, Glossopteris communis, 
and Vertebraria indica. 


The Schizoneure occurred in grey olive-green shales, bearing resem- 
Kanhér village, Verte. Dlance to some of the Panchet and Talchir shales 
Bae of the Réaniganj field. The Vertebrarie were 
found north-north-west of Kanhér, in a bed of carbonaceous. and argil- 
laceous shale, and are noticeable because they occur erect. This is the 
first instance in which I have ever met with roots or stems in such a 
position, and on account of the rareness of the circumstance, I have 
thought it worth while recording. There is every appearance of the 
Vertebrariz being in their original situation, having grown in the carbo- 
naceous shale, and penetrated into the underlying bed. 

Outside the drainage system of the Kinuk, there is still one river, 
the Géhirdri and its tributaries, lying west of the 
watershed of the Kéwai, in which there is evidence 
of coal, It joins the Sén within the area of the Talchirs, but throughout 
its entire course it is the old story of no seams of a determinable thick- 
ness of over 3 feet. There are outcrops near 
Taraidél, Chinmar, Sardih, Mérdhéa, Ledara, 
Pakariha, Rédla, Bargaon, Dhtima, and Titripénri. 

In quality, the seam south of Dhtima and the one north of Réula are 

Gohirari Nala, 


Dhima and Rétla Seemingly the best, bat my opinion must be ae- 

( 192 ) 

cepted as open to possible correction when more 

, a) 
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detailed and more special enquiry is instituted. 1 deemed it a sufficient 
reason, so far as this country is at present concerned, for abridging my 
examination of a seam when its apparent thickness did not exceed 3 
feet ; at the same time I am aware that beds of less thickness than this 
are sometimes successfully worked in Europe. 

Kéwai River.—The next observations on coal fall within the drainage 
system of the Kéwai river, and there is some satisfaction in being able to 
state that two or three of the outcrops met with rise above the yard 

The Kéwai and the Sén meet about 24 miles below the border of the 
Pendra subdivision of the Bildéspur District. Of the two rivers the 
Kéwai is the larger, and its name should either have been substituted 
for that of the Sdn, or the course of the latter should have been along 
eae that of its affluent. The scenery of the Kéwai is 

in many places very bold and impressive, there 
being repeated stretches of rocky channels and cliffs of coal- 
measure sandstones. The eroding action of water is remarkably illus- 
trated in the form of pot-holes; and I have never 
Gambhiria: pot-holes. F ee A “ 

met with more striking displays in any of the 
fields that have fallen to my lot to survey, than those which are to be 
seen in this river. I have selected for this memoir a view near Gam- 
bhirda of an area of erosion just within the boundary of the Bardkars, 
where there are some cave temples, reaches of clear deep water, a succession 
of small falls, and a lining of forest trees, in fact where circumstances 
combine to make a varied and an attractive picture. 

Proceeding up the Kéwai northwards, two thin bands of coal are ex- 
posed between Pasdn and Gambhiria, but the first fair-sized seam occurs 

iy west of Bélha Paiari. There are several exposures 
Bélha-Paidri : seam 8’ 2”, 4 F 
of it, but the most open one is where there is a 
warm spring in the left bank of the river, and the section is— 

ft. in. 
Coal P 5 - - . ; : 6 F 8 0 
Carbonaceous shale 6 5 C s ° “ 2 
Coal, not all shown : . : . 5 6 . 4 0 


I have allowed 7 feet of clear coal; and as the analysis of an average 

sample gave— 

Water, hydgroscopic and combined : . 10°30 

Volatile matter 4 ‘ ; 3 “| 4 A A 25°49 
Fixed carbon , é a 5 4 - A 4 4 63°54 
INV : : 7 , 5 - 5 . p 10:97 

it will be at once seen from the high amount of fixed carbon in it that 
this seam may be adjudged a good and useful one. 
A little higher up the Kéwai, at the outlet of the Kétma, where 
: there is a waterfall, 1 foot of coal is visible. No 
Kétma Nadi, - ; ; 
other outcrop occurs in this tributary, and for a 
considerable distance to the north in the main river, and in its succes- 
sive feeders, there are no signs of coal. 
In the Chaurar, however, that joins the Kéwai on its right bank, and 
on which stands Ningiiani, one of the principal 
Cope eNs villages of the district, we again meet with a 
fine seam of coal, as well as others of less value. The lowest in the 
series is about 2’ 0” thick, and lies south of Urtan. Then above it is 
the largest seam in the section ; it is exposed in the southern branch of 
Chapéui Nala: seam the river, flowing from Chapani, under an over- 
Cyt, hanging mass of sandstone. The measurement is 
6’ 7”, but there is more of it under water. The coal seemed to me very 
good, but, though I broke off a piece for analysis, it does not appear to 
have reached the laboratory. 
Proceeding to the main or northern channel, which is named Sin- 
ghara, there are two other seams of coal, the 
Singhéra Nala seams. 1 ver of which is not measurable. The upper one 
is 2’ 3”, and, unlike most beds of coal, is not accompanied by any under- 
clay. Above this there is nothing of further interest, but there isa very 
fine extent of deep clear water, invitingly adapted for a mid-day swim. 
Returning to the Kéwai, which is barren of anything in the shape 
of coal, we next have the Kanai, and its minor 

Kanai Nala and tribu- : 
taries. system of tributaries, the Bichli, the Kharbura, the 

( 194 ) 


Jengarada, the Sui, the Chilam, and the Gandra Ktind and others, of 
which many rise in the Koréa district. The only seams of proper size 
crop up near the heads of the Gandra Kund and Chilam streams in 
localities difficult of access, and which it would probably puzzle me to find 
PEE ear ey Re second time. They UG! respectively 5” 4” 
and 5’ 0’, and appear to contain good coal. The 
other seams and bands are either petty in dimensions or poor in character ; 
but for those who in future years may have the curiosity to examine 
them, I give a list of the village lands within whose limits they lie— 

Village. Number of seams. REMARKS, 

Thangaon ; : . .| One seam | Coal and shale, 1’ 6” seen, rest under 

Bélgaon 5 . : - | One seam . | One foot thick. 

Bachaoli * 5 : . | One seam . | Seen 2’ 6”, rest under water 

Kanai Tolah_ . ‘ 2 . | One seam . | Section— 
Coal, 1’ 6”. 
Sandy carbonaceous shale, 1’ 2”, 
Coal, 1’ 6”. 
Sandy carbonaceous shale, 1’ 0”, 
Coal, 2”. 

Coaly shale, 1’ 0”. 
Seam is repeated several times, 

Lohari . F 3 . , | One seam - | Quite under water. 

Ratoura . 5 : : . | One seam . | Imperfectly exposed, only 2’ 0” visible. 

The next tributary of the Kéwai, the Latbira, was incompletely 
examined, but I am inclined to think that there 

Latbira Nala. 
are no outcrops of carbonaceous matter, as the 
portions of its channel that I looked at contained no washings of 


North of the Latbtira there is nothing seen for about 5 miles, either 
Pachktira seam re- 1 the Kéwai or other streams, but near Pachkira 
eae is an outcrop of a seam which I believe is repeated 
in the K6ki, and again at Bichia, Chatai, Haswahi, Bhalmari, Pip- 
ria, and K6énwahi, Like the generality of the seams in the neighbour- 

( 195 ) 


hood, it is only partly exposed, and, strange to say, not more than 3 feet 
are visible in any section. Iam quite prepared, however, to express the 
conviction that it is probably 1 to 2 feet thicker. An analysis of a 
_ K6ki Nala coal analy. sample from the Koki river outcrop did not give 

favorable results, the fixed carbon being meagre, 
and the ash abundant, 

Water, hygroscopic and combined i 5 4 - 212 
Volatile matter exclusive of water : 5 5 o) 2 kcO 
Fixed carbon, 5 5 ° 0 : 4 . 45°50 
Ash , . 2 C < - A A : . 33°49 

At Bichia the union of the Barnai and the Kéwai takes place, and 
then the latter river forms, for about 7 miles, the boundary between the 
Koréa and the Rewah States. West of Kérabahdra it is confined to 
Koréa, and takes it rise between the upland peaks of Khéro and Dha- 
marpinga. In this remaining part of the field, watered by the Kéwai 
and its streams, there are not many seams of noteworthy size, but, as 
usual, there are several of small dimensions, at Charwahi, Mouhari, Dagla, 
Roji, Kérébéhéra, Chaton, Kaparia, and Pakriha. The principal expo- 

p . sure of coal is in a branch of the Jhiria, north 

Cheat of Nerfia, Its thickness is nothing striking, but 

it looks good, and, as is almost always the case, the dip is easy. The 
direction locally is to the south. Section— 

ft. in. 
Coal : 5 , 5 J 5 - 4 ape he) 
Carbonaceous shale band ; t H ; 5 . 0.49 
Coal 3 é : , ; - ‘ . : oe 8 

Hestho River.—The next convenient division of the field is denoted 
by the important drainage system of the Hestho. And justas the Sdn 
is the paramount river in the Rewah State, so is the Hestho in the Koréa 
State. A few minor tributaries of the Hestho on its right bank just reaeh 
into Rewah territory, but with these exceptions the Hestho, at all events 
in its upper course, is truly a Koréan river. It takes its rise in the heights 

( 196 ) 


north of Sfinhat, the capital of Koréa, amongst the supra-Bardkar sand- 
stones, and enters the field of the true coal-measures in the vicinity of 
the town. Its course and that of many of its feeders lies in great part 
in a hilly and impracticable country so far as communications are con- 
cerned. In consequence of this physical drawback connected with the 
coal-measures, the value of the different bands of coal is so reduced that 1 
have curtailed my notices, and have passed by all but the larger and 
more important seams with very brief allusions. All the details of 
locality necessary to again find the outcrops that we met with are in the 
Chapter of Appendices. 
The Barakars are contracted in width in the Koréa State owing to 
Productive measures denudation, and the chief feature in the distribu- 
in south of field. tion of the coal is, that the productive measures 
are confined to the lower horizon of the group, forming a narrow zone 
along the southern border of the field. 
Before describing the Koréan portion proper, there are two streams, 
Kilharia and Jhiria the Kulharia and the Jhiria, tributaries of the 
streams. Hestho, that rise in the Rewah State and which 
I should first treat and dispose of. Being tributaries of the Hestho, 
I left them for notice with the drainage system of that river, but the 
accident of local position throws the coal-measures that are exposed 
in them rather out of harmony with the restriction of the fiscal limits 
of the Koréa State. 
There are two seams of coal, of which the upper is exposed close to 
Bhalmiri Dumarka- the village of Bhalmtri, measuring 5 feet 4 inches. 
char, seam 5’ 4", The direction of dip just at this locality is to the 
south, but the rocks undulate, and the seam is again seen near Dimar- 
kachar. The lower seam is visible at the confluence of the Kulharia and 
the Jhiria at the foot of a waterfall. It is capped by greyish-white 
felspathic sandstone, very soft at the surface with felspar decomposed ; 
there is here and there a slight tendency to ferruginous segregation, but 
not nearly to such an extent as in the regular Mahadévas, I make this 

allusion as a warning, for, though the presence of iron is a very essential 
(2 197>~) 


element in characterising the sandstones of the Mahadévas, it often plays 
a prominent part, but not to so great an extent, in varying the appear- 
ance of rocks that do not belong to that group. 

ft. -in. 
The thickness of the sandstone is, , ; ; : , 28. 0 
Coal seam . F : - 3 7 P : : ae) Mi2 
ft. in. 
Coal 38 6 
Carbonaceous shale 1, 40 
Coal 2 8 
Underneath this— 
Carbonaceous shale and sandstone , : : ° A oe, 
Sandstone . A ° ; 5 5 3 sO 
Coaland coaly shale, ° : 4 - . A 5 (aly 

Then sandstones to the end of the section where the road from Bhauta 
to Jhagrakhand crosses the stream, and where Talchirs are brought up 
by a fault. Owing to the undulations of the strata the seam is repeat- 
edly exposed to view for about a mile and a half in the bed of the stream. 
The analysis made by Lala Hira Lal, of what was selected as an average 

sample of the coal, gave— 

Moisture : : - : 5 ; : 5 ee / 
Volatile matter . - A 7 5 C . . 282 
Fixed carbon . fs 3 A 2 : . 5 . 596 
Ash t c A ' ;. 4 - : . 65 


It does not cake. Ash reddish in colour. 

This is much more favourable testimony to the excellence of the coal 
than I anticipated ; the smallness of the ash is remarkable, and for the 
future credit of the Sohagpir field, I hope this amount of 5°5 per cent. 
will never be exceeded by this seam. With such fuel as this much 
might be accomplished, but, unfortunately like most good things, it is 
not to be easily obtained, being 86 miles further away from a line of rail- 
Lae way than Umaria. The continuation of this 

Continuation of seam, 
towards the Jhagrékhand seam is met with both to the north in the Jhagra- 
bag or oa khand, and to the south in the Néori, 2 miles 
south-east of Tanki village. My colleague, who traced it in the latter 
direction, states that 6’ 4” are exposed and the rest hidden under water. 
There is a thin parting of shale, and the quality of the coal is good. 

( 19sen) 


Turning northward, the first tributary of the Hestho that concerns 
. us is the Hasia. It is a rocky stream fed by 
Hasia Nala. é : i 
several branches from the direction of Bahia, 

Misra, and Bahi. These all unite below the village of Bahi, and 
thence the Hasia proper begins. Near the boundary of the Bardkars 
with the Talchirs there is a commanding waterfall known as the Karam 
Ghag, at the base of which some indifferent coal occurs. Quoting from 
the manuscript report of Lala Hira Lal, “There are two seams north 
of the very prominent dyke crossing the Hasia near the waterfall, 
whose calculated thicknesses are 16 and 22 feet. They dip at high 
angles.” Nothing is said as to their quality, but probably they will be 
found of the same composition as those that have been analysed and tested. 
Besides these, there are eighteen to twenty outcrops, but some of them 

are repetitions of the same bed, and most of them are under the yard 
limit. Only two are over it, bearing roughly east of Bahi, and measur- 
ing 5’ 0” and 3’ 10” respectively. In the Kara- 
Karakachdr Nala. . ; Sena : 
kachar, which is the stream adjoining the Hasia, 

there are only two full-sized seams amongst the many outcrops which 
are visible. The lowest in the series measures 4’ 8’, A sample of it 

was analysed, but the amount of ash was very high. 

Moisture 5 : A 4 A 5 - ; . 226 
Volatile matter, exclusive of water . 5 . 0 5 SoH 
Carbon, fixed ; . Z A : ‘ : - 48°40 
Ash, 3 i , : , : ; ‘ . 89°72 


The other seam is 7’ 6”, Both dip at rather high angles, 18° to 20°. 
The outerop of a large seam, which I take to be the extension east- 
' ward of one of those already noted, occurs in one 
Balbahara seam. ; 

of the streams north of the village of Balbahara. 
It is clearly exposed in a precipice, and possesses a total thickness of 

10 feet of coal. The section according to Lala Hira Lal is, descending 

ites an. 
Coal inferior ; A J : 3 f re 710 
Shales, about ; 6 2 A : ‘ » 0 
Coal 3 F : . : ‘ 5 5 » 10-0 


Analyses of three specimens from different parts of the 10’ 0” seam, gave 
moderately promising results, showing, in fact, that, as compared with 
the average of Raniganj field coals, it could quite hold its own— 


Volatile matter Fixed carbon. Ash. 
30°42 57°51 12:07 
28°85 §3°42 17°73 
27°84 51°32 20°84 

There are two other, but smaller seams. 

Next comes the Dhinéti, into which several little streams fall, 

ee: but I met with only three unimportant outcrops 
between Ghitra and Bahia. There are some 

fine waterfalls in its course, and the tongue of land enclosed by it and 

the Hestho near their junction, is one of the favorite “ drives” of the Raja 

of Koréa, Paran Sing, who is an enthusiastic sportsman. 

After the Dhanéti comes the Hestho itself. Its scenery is repeatedly 
ete, ates diversified by some PO NS ae 

which is the one at Kirwaéhi forming the frontis- 
piece. This is unquestionably the most striking and charming of all the 
falls in this amply watered country. There is a broad sweep of rock 
over which the greater portion of the stream precipitates itself in one 
Srey. sheer drop, and then flows on through a long 

winding gorge below, blocked with enormous 
masses of debris, from amongst which and on which a rich vegetation 
springs. It was a refreshing sight in the warm days of the summer 
months, and I felt that I had parted with one of the sweets of life when 
my duty obliged me to leave it behind. 

Strange to say, there are no seams of noteworthy size or quality, 
except one, in the whole length of the Hestho from where it enters 
the area of the Bardékars near Sinhat to the point whence it leaves them 

at Lai. It occurs at the end of the gorge below 

Seam 5’ 0". . ‘ 
the waterfall, and has the following section :— 
ft. in. 
Coal . : . - . . . Q : . 5 
Shale 5 : F 5 : : B c - <7 OLEG 
Coal . : : ‘ : ‘ . : 5 = 020 

( 200 ) 


In the face of the waterfall there are four carbonaceous bands, but it 
is only the third in descending order that has true coal in it. Its thick- 
ness is 3’ 6.” 

Near the villages of Balsing and Basér there are indications of coal, 
but from those localities eastward to within a mile 
of the Jhilmili border, there is, practically speak- 
ing, no coal with the exception of the belt of productive measures to the 
south. Signs of carbonaceous deposits are not altogether wanting, but 
they either rank clearly below the dignity of coal, or they are too thin, 
or too indistinctly exposed to be classed definitely as worth consideration. 

In this category are included the outcrops near 

Balsing and Basér coal. 

Outcrops, various, ns a ;: F x3 
Kisaha, Amhdr, Stnhat, Orgai, Tunjara, Pathar- 

gua, Bhoswai, and Latma. 

Of the productive band to the south, the remarks which have already 
been made of the area west of the Hestho give the reading. There are, 
amongst many smaller seams, two of sufficient size to be workable under 
the present ordinary conditions of Indian mining. To obtain a standard 
section my colleague and myself ascended most of the streams, large 
and little, which, curiously enough, have their watershed nearly coincid- 
ent with the upper limit of the productive measures, but there was in 
each instance too much incompleteness in the sequence of the rocks to 
secure this result. We saw, however, outcrops after outcrops, which of 
course were only the repeated symptoms of the same seams. The rivers 
we examined specially were those of the villages of Lai, Harra, Kachar, 
Nagar, Labji, Sardih, and Chircha. 

Beyond Chircha is the border land of Jhilmili, the boundary between 
which and Koréa passes by Roudserai and Tanjara, To the north- 
PUM eo north-west of Roudserai, which is situated on the 
new district road joining the capitals of the two 

States, a good seam of coal occurs, but I could not see its entire thickness. 
The small area of Bardkars extending into Jhilmili was examined 
Barékars in Jhilmg; #24 mapped by Lala Hira Lal. A considerable 
State. portion of it is overlaid by trap, coursing north-east 

E | ( 201 ) 


and south-west and separating the field into two narrow strips. Coal occurs 
at several localities, but its value is reduced, as in Koréa, by the im- 
practicable nature of the country. 

In the northern strip of the field, the main stream is the Géknai, 
ee and in it and in nearly all its feeders there are out- 

crops of coal and carbonaceous shale. The prin- 
cipal ones are exposed near the deserted village of Jumri. 
In the southern strip, the coal is gathered within 
Southern area of field. 
the circle of Kundour and Kupi villages. 

There is a stray outcrop near Dédékhol, and another in the Géj 

Déékhol and Rukaja West of Rukaia. At this latter place the coal 
outcrops. seems of tolerable quality, and the seam, which 
occurs at the base of a waterfall, is not less than 6 feet. Angle of dip 
10°. Direction N. N. W. 

This concludes the references to the distribution of the coal-measures 
in this extensive field. The number of distinct seams is small, and for 
such an area there is not an abundance of coal. The lateral extension, 

Rafshiata gt nqientats however, is so great that the problem of how many 
not made, million tons of coal are there, and for how many 
years at a given rate of consumption will the coal last, may be left for 

solution to the coming geologists of the twentieth century. 


This title, derived from the name of the only inhabited village within 
the limit of the coal measures that it applies to, defines an independent 
tract of Barakars lying south of the main area, and east of the Hestho 
river in the Koréa State. 

The superficial area is 48 square miles, and it embraces some very 
wild country densely packed with bamboo jungle, 
to which ferine elephants are wont to resort both 
for food and shelter. 

Owing to the difficulty of obtaining supplies for our camp, my col- 


league and myself had to be content with making a couple of arduous 
( 202 ) 


traverses from north to south, and along the course of the Kaoria stream. 

Survey of field incom. He) survey of the field therefore has not been a 
plete. complete one, but the boundaries are sufliciently 
defined to allow of their being published until such time as more finished 
details are required. 

These traverses proved the existence of coal, and the occurrence of the 
ordinary rocks that accompany it elsewhere. On one of the higher hills 
south of Kirdsia, there is a capping of supra-Barakar sandstone ; and 
possibly on the Bartunga and Anjan hills there may be similar de- 
posits. They were not visited, however, and I make the suggestion 
merely on account of the heights marked on the map. 

Seven outcrops of coal were met with, of which the three most important 
are in the vicinity of the village of Kurdsia. The 
finest seam, with a total measurement of 13’ 6,” 
was discovered by Ladla Hira Lal at the head of one of the feeders of the 
Kiudra, and the result of the analysis of a sample 

Outcrops of coal. 

Seam 13’ 6”. 
of average coal gave— 
Water, hygroscopic and combined. . a . c - 2°20 
Volatile matter . c : : : : : 29°15 
Fixed carbon ° ; . : . ; C 64:65 
Ash. : . * : ‘ : . 6:20 


Such figures as these are a high recommendation, and should this 
coal at any future time fall within reasonable distance of any demand, 
it ought not to be overlooked. 

The second seam, measuring 6’ 6”, occurs a mile and a half S. S. E. 
of Kurdsia, and, like the one first alluded to, con- 
tains excellent coal. The sample examined had 
the following composition :— 

Seam 6’ 6”. 

Water, hygroscopic and combined 5 ; 3 - 6:84 
Volatile matter : c 4 A a : ; 32°43 
Fixed carbon 4 ; ; 4 6 3 59°95 
Ashes = 3 5 . ; 5 ‘ : 7°62 



The third seam crops out in the Gorghéta, a tributary of the Hestho, 
about half way between Kdrdsia and the site of 
the deserted village of Dabchdla. It is 8’ 0” thick, 
and the coal is fairly good. 

The remaining seams are inferior to these, and their positions only 

Seam 8/ 0”, 

have been noted. 


This independent area of Bardkars is a small basin, of which merely 
the outline has been traced. It lies south-east of the Kir4sia field, and 
nig covers about 6 square miles. The name given 
to it was suggested by my colleague, from the 

hill of Koréagarh, which is the highest point in it. 
With respect to coal, only a hurried examination was made. No 
seams of any value were noticed ; but this does not in the least imply 
that they do not occur; and it is highly probable that with closer 
search they will be proved. In his manuscript report Lala Hira Lal says : 
, ** Went to see the hill named Koréagarh, in order 
Koréagarh hill. : 
to make out to what formation the roeks belong. 
As one ascends, the first rocks met with are grey felspathic sandstones, 
then yellowish-grey felspathic sandstones, then ferruginous sandstones 
of Méahadéva type. Descending the hill, the following section oceurs 

in a stream :— 

1. Greyish felspathic sandstones. 

2. Coal : - 5 F 3 ; - : s - 6" 
3. Bluish shales . - . 2 : : s ; . 4 oO" 
4. Coal : - : F 5 3 4 : Z 3 vk 
5. Shale parting . : : ; : ‘ - : : Ty 
6. Coal : : ; ‘ 5 A “ 2 2 L ae 
7 Shald. “p),>¢' as ed slew, p 4k Ulck) Vc ee ee 
8. Coal : : . : . fe ee 2 5 <pyo: 

He further alludes to a thin band of coal, 6 inches thick, near 
Digidai hill. There is no other information to quote, and the apology 
for the scantiness of the details in connection with this field is, that two 
days only were assigned to its survey. 

( 204 ) 



Under the above name, Mr. V. Ball, formerly of our Survey, desig- 
nated a semi-detached portion of the main area 
Mr, V. Ball's notes. jing principally within the limit of the Jhilmili 
State; and as I am almost entirely indebted to the notes that he has 
left behind him for the matter here published, I have retained both the 
title and the limits that he selected." 
So far as is at present known, the coal-measures occupy a lenticular- 
; shaped area of about 41 square miles, with its 
om ae ae long axis running S, W.—N. E. They are stated 
to be faulted on the north, and thus brought into contact with an 
alternate succession of Talchir and metamorphic rocks. To the south 
they are for the most part but little disturbed. 
The evidence of the main fault is very clear in a small stream near 
the village of Tarka, the Barakar sandstones hav- 
North main fault. ‘ ‘ 
ing been lowered along a line of fracture to the 
level of the more ancient rocks. In the M4nikmara stream, the faulted 
character of the northern boundary is still more clearly exposed. Mr. 
Ball states : “ North of the line of fracture, there are Talchir shales and 
flags which are horizontal or slightly rolling towards the north. At the 
fracture the edges of these beds are crushed and dragged down, and the 
Bardkar sandstones close by are tilted to angles of from 40° to 50° to 8, 
and S. E., their edges being in direct apposition to those of the Talchirs. 
Associated with these sandstones, there are two small and much-crushed 
seams of coal, measuring respectively 1’ and 2’ 0’. A more beautiful 
and clearly-exposed example of the mechanical effects resulting from a 
fault is not often met with.” 
Of seams of coal, there are none exposed in the River Rér, on the 
left bank of which the town of Jhilmili is built, and there are no 
outcrops in the Pasla stream. In the Manikmara, ~ 

Méanikmara stream, é ene 
however, in addition to the two crushed seams 

? The eastern extremity of this field is shown in Mr. Ball’s map of the Bisrémpur coal- 
field, Records, Vol. VI., part 2, 1873. 

( 205 ) 


near thef ault, Mr. Ball found others, one of which was of excellent 
quality. He describes the river section as follows: “A couple of 
reaches above the northern boundary there is a step of sandstone, over 
which the water falls from a height of about 30 feet into a deep hollow. 
Passing this, another coal seam is reached, on the western bank of 
Coal seam, 3’ 6” ex- the river; it exhibits an extraordinary amount of 
Dee local disturbance, dipping at angles of 45°—50° N. 
This high inclination is, however, soon lost, and not far off, on the eastern 
bank, it is nearly horizontal like the accompanying sandstones. The 
base of the seam is hidden. In the exposed portion there is about 
3’ 6” of poor stony coal. 
“ A short distance further up stream, just inside the mouth of a small 
tributary, there is a seam of excellent coal, the top of which only is 
Coal seam good. Only ¢Xposed, measuring 1’ 4”. The analysis made of 
oe this coal by Mr. Tween freely justifies the good 
opinion formed of it in the field :— 


Volatile matter . : A : i : : z 5 33°38 
Fixed carbon 5 5 > ; A 5 - 5 > 60'°6 
Ash : + ; 6 4 : 5 ; - 56 

It is, moreover, a good caking coal. Its practical usefulness as a source 
of fuel depends upon the total thickness of the seam. The amount and 

direction of the dip is uncertain ; but the former is inconsiderable. 
“Following the river up to the entrance of the valley north of the 
Kaltanghat hill, the rise is so steep and constant that progression 
entails a great amount of physical exertion. The stream falls over a 
succession of steps formed of massive beds of sandstone, and three 

coal seams are seen, bearing N. and N. E. from 
Three seams, 

Kaltanghat peak— 
1. Coal, good ‘ : 5 5 : 5 . wglioney 
2. Coal seam with stony parting, base hidden . : . 5 GY SM 
3. Coal seam, inferior tgNo.2 . 5 F , : ay Oy 

All these seams are nearly horizontal, and accordingly so far favourable 
for working. Their position in the valley is, however, eminently not so. 
( 206 ) 


“To the westward, in one of the tributaries of the Dharsinda, 

two coal seams are imperfectly exposed. They are 

Dharsinda Nala. 4 i : ‘ A 

probably identical with two of the seams described 
above, as occurring in the Ménikmara section.” 

There are no other remarks about coal exposures, but Mr. Ball men- 

Coal fragments in tions that fragments of coal are abundant in the 
Bebri Nadi. bed of the Gébri near Nouapara, and far south- 
ward in the Talchir area. 

The notice of the coal-measures of this field is confessedly imper- 
fect, and Mr. Ball has been careful to say in his report that his examin- 
ation was very hurriedly carried through, with a view merely to obtaining 
a rough idea of the rocks to guide future more detailed work. 

Above the undoubted coal-measures are a succession of rocks extend- 
Uncertain relationship 1g up to known Jabalpur beds, but whose relation- 
of supra-Barékars, ships are as yet too uncertain for me to say with 
confidence to what group or groups they should be assigned ; in order 
to defer the solution of their classification to a more convenient season, 
they are provisionally termed supra-Barakars.1 

Their most prominent feature is the occurrence of ferruginous and 
“LasSAied Sie a silico fermueinous matter, Pe ocetas different de- 

grees of induration and various ferric tints. There 
are all gradations of texture, but coarse-grained sandstones predominate. 
Pebble beds and likewise conglomerates occur. Shales—red, pink, laven- 
der, and mottled (red, purple, and yellow) —are moderately frequent in the 
lower portion of the group, and, being usually brightly coloured, readily 
catch the eye. Clays occur occasionally. 

As seen in the Jéhilla valley, where the best section in the whole of 
the South Rewah area is to be met with, the sand- 
stones are massively bedded, often false-bedded, 
generally coarse-grained, and friable when not indurated by iron ; rusty 

Johilla valley. 

7 On the map one colour represents the entire series of rocks between the coal-measures 
and the Laméta group. 

( 207 ) 


brown, salmon, and various shades of grey and yellow are the most com- 
mon colours ; scattered pebbles and strings of pebbles are frequent; ferru- 
ginous matter, either in bands, in strings, or in plates, or as a general 
indurating agent, is freely distributed ; mica is not nearly so universal a 
mineral component as it is in the Barakar group. 

A very marked feature in many of the sandstones is their weathered 

eee AEDST, when owing to unequal degradation 

their surfaces are traversed by chisel-edged ribs 
running usually in various directions, but occasionally presenting the 
symmetry of geometrical figures, 

In some respects, that is, in reference to their petrological and litholo- 
gical features, they might at once be placed partly with the Panchét group, 
and partly with the Mahadéva group as understood in the Bengal 

Conflict of palwontolo- CO0al-fields; but the palzontological evidence is 
gical evidence. conflicting, for such fossils as have been found in 
them indicate a somewhat lower horizon than that of the Mahaédéva. 
Perhaps the Kamthi group, as defined in the Wardha valley coal-field, 
would more fittingly embrace the various characters that appertain to these 
supra-Bardkar beds, there being in that area a like assortment of clays, 
varied sandstones, pebble beds, and abundant ferruginous matter. From 
my published notes in the Records of the Survey it may be gathered 
how strongly I was of opinion that in the valley of the Johilla the strata 
immediately above the unquestionable coal-measures were Mahédévas. 
On re-consideration, however, I think the suggestion of Dr. Feistmantel in 
the Palwontologia Indica embodies a more reasonable view of the situa- 
tion, and that some portion of the area mapped as supra-Barakars should 
form an intermediate zone between the Mahadévds and the coal-measures, 

Taking the section of the Johilla river in ascending geological order 
from the Barakar boundary, there is a small island 
at the mouth of the Bichna Nala, and in some pur- 
plish, fine-grained argillaceous sandstone that forms a thin bed amongst 
more massive sandstones that I had judged to be Mahadévas, I found 


Vertebraria indica, Glossopteris communis, and Glossopteris indica. On 
the left bank of the Bichna there are strong pebble beds and ferrugi- 
( 208 ) 


nous sandstones, which strengthened my belief that I was dealing with 
a group high in the Gondwana series ; and it was, I confess, disconcert- 
ing when the palwontological evidence was so much at variance with my 
first conclusions. On the same line of strike are the rocks of Dhaurai, 
Uchéhra, Karkati, Kurabar, and the Murcha Pass lying, broadly speaking, 
to the north of the village of Pali composed of coarse pebbly sandstones, 
yellowish, grey, massively bedded, and frequently with oblique lamina- 
tion. At intervals, purplish fine-grained argillaceous sandstones and 
brick-red clays, and fine-grained purple sandstones frequently so ferrugi- 
nous as to become iron ore! beds. All these appeared to me to assimilate in 
character with the Mahadéva group, but here also the paleontological facts 
were, that at Karkati, in very ferruginous red-brown slightly sandy shale, 
there were specimens of Hguzsetaceous stems, Schizoneura ? Sphenopteris 
polymorpha, Glossopteris communis, Glossopteris cordata,and seeds. From 
Kirabar, Vertebrarta indica, Schizoneura, Sphenopteris polymorpha, Glossop- 
teris communis, Glossopteris damudica ; and from the Mircha Pass in very 
ferruginous micaceous sandy shale, near Ganjra, Glossopteris communis. 
From Parséra, which is still farther to the north, in extremely fine- 
Sy grained dark-red ferruginous shales, associated with 
Fossils at Parsdra. : 
sandstones having altogether Mahédéva features, 
Daneopsis hughest, Thinnfeldia (comp.) odontopteroides, Asplenium whit- 
byense, and Noggerathiopsis hislopi, were identified by Dr. Feistmantel, and 
classed by him as Lower rather than Upper Gondwana forms. Here we 
have fossils distinctly newer than those of the Johilla and in the vicinity 
of Pali, but they are associated with rocks whose features are quite iden- 
tical with those of the latter localities, and we shall have to determine at 
some future time what value this circumstance bears. 
On the outskirt of the Umaria field at Chatan, Vertedraria indica and 
Glossopteris angustifolia were obtained in buff shale intermixed with 

1 Two analyses of ferruginous argillaceous sandstones from the Jéhilla river showed— 

No. 1. No. 2. 
Ferric oxide , é 6 C 5 6 6 41°14 36°00 
Loss on ignition . . : c C 5 6:05 8:00 
Ignited insoluble residue ~ . ; F : 52°80 52°80 
Undetermined c : : ° , é 3°21 3°20 

( 209 ) 


white sandstones. The rocks here will probably be assigned to either the 
Panchéts or Kaémthis, as there are red lumpy shales, and white and pink 
argillaceous sandstones, such as are frequently met with in the latter 

Over the remaining area embraced by the map in the eastern part of 
the Rewah State, and in the Ching Bhakdr and Koréa States, I cer- 
tainly think the supra-Bardkars are Méhadévds. It remains to be seen 
whether paleontological evidence confirms this opinion, or whether the 
value of our Gondwana fossil forms will have to be freshly appraised. 


Of this group I have only to mention that it is utterly unconform- 
able to all the series of rocks included under the heading of supra- 
Bardkars, and that the distinctive rock in it is limestone. Sandstones 
and clays occur; the former usually fine-grained, soft in texture, and 
often greenish-grey and purple tinted; the latter are of various colours, 
but more frequently deep iron-red and greenish. 

The Laméta group is otherwise known as the Infra-trappeans, being 
very extensively found underlying the Deccan trap, and closely related 
to it and to the like deposits occurring between the trap flows, known 
as Inter-trappeans. Both are fresh-water deposits, of upper cretaceous 
or lowest eocene age. They have thus been compared to the similarly 
placed Laramie group of North America (Records, G. S. I., xvii, p. 87). 


A large part of the trap that has been mapped in South Rewah is 
elearly a continuation of the great Deccan (Dakhan) trap formation, 
and it is found capping an extensive elevated area in the drainage basin 
of the Jéhilla, and various portions of the Séhagptr and Koréa districts 
to the eastward. 

Within the coal-field there are well-defined sheets and dykes, and 
the question which arises is, whether these are of different age to the 
covering trap-flows. I can adduce no evidence that they are distinct, 
and I have coloured them as belonging to the same formation. 

( 210 ) 


There are some instances of partial horizontal intrusion, and one 
clear case is seen in the left bank of the Joéhilla river about a mile 
north of Chichéra. At Harha on the Son there is another example, and 
here the upper sandstone with which it is in contact is hardened, thus 
showing that it is not a contemporaneous lava flow. 

As a rule very little contact action appears to have taken place along 
lines of intrusion: two instances may be mentioned, one between Mahrdi 
and K4annabahara west of the town of Séh4gptr, and another near the 
junction of the Rajehata and the Kantk, in which the varying steps 
of alteration effected by trap are most clearly exhibited. 

The first one was pointed out by Lala Hira Lal, where sandstone 
has been changed not only into quartzite, but also into a highly erystal- 
line rock resembling gneiss and granite. The belt of metamorphic 
action is about 30 yards wide, and the trap is seen intruded in greater 
or less quantities. 

In the Rajghata noticed by myself, I was at first of opinion that 
Thad met with an inlier of metamorphic rocks, but on closer investi- 
gation it was apparent that the case was similar to that near Kdénnaba- 
hara, and I was able to select specimens illustrating the various stages 
of alteration from sedimentary sandstone to a rock which was quite 
undistinguishable in the hand from ordinary granite. 

These instances of metamorphism are interesting owing to their 
rarity, as in no other coal-field have I observed the same phenomena, 



I have previously drawn attention to the fact of there being in the 
Appendix a list of all the places at which outcrops of coal have been 
found in the various fields described in this memoir. I propose reducing 

( 2 @) 


my remarks under the present section of Economie Geology to the facts 
in connection with the coal of the Umaria field, its greater geographical 
importance, and the more complete determination of its value as com- 
pared with those of the other coal-measure areas, having made it the real 
gauge of their present worth. 

As at present proved in No. 7a bore-hole, there is a maximum thick- 

Thickness of coal in Mess of 24 feet of coal at a depth of 184 feet from 
No. 7a bore ole, the surface. This is accumulated in two seams 
measuring respectively 13 and 11 feet, and separated by 25 feet of car- 
bonaceous sandstone. The outcrop of the lower of these is visible in the 
Umrar river near Kalésar. It is traceable thence westward through 
ravines and gullies south of and near to No. 1 shaft. From that point, 
there is no sign of coal in the direction of the Narsara Nala or elsewhere, 
and it becomes a matter of supposition as to how the outcrop runs, 
Probably the strike changes, and veering to the north-west and north 
gradually becomes parallel with the Chatan range of hills. Speaking 
generally, the dip of the measures within the exposed limits of the field 

Toei is to the north-east at a low angle; but from the 
evidence in No. 2 shaft there is the probability 
of local variations, for the level course at that spot in the field is 
north-east and south-west. Such variations, however, are always to 
be expected, and do not affect the main dispositions for the working of a 

There is no evidence of the second seam at the surface, but I think 
that the journals show it to be nearly co-extensive with the lower 
seam. Many of the borings were not carried through the whole 
thickness of the coal bands, but such as were, bear testimony to two 
seams,—as, for example, those where the shafts are placed, and Nos. 7a 
and 16. 

In speaking of the thickness of the coal, then, we may reasonably 
assume that after excluding a superficial breadth of 500 feet from the 
outcrop of the lower seam, measured in the direction of the general dip, 
there is quite 20 feet of it. 

( 212 4 


The full area over which this thickness occurs is undetermined ; but 
Calculablearea4square lf the limit of a reasonable working depth of 500 
miles down to 500 feet. feet is taken, we may say that there are 4 square 
miles in and around the neighbourhood of the village of Umaria. 

These data give us a total quantity of 80 million tons of coal, of 

' f which 55 millions may be taken as available within 

Available quantity. C 
an area of 4 square miles at a depth of 500 feet 
from the surface. I merely give this estimate to satisfy the desire for 
figures which seems inseparable from the mention of a coal-field. The 
statement that there are 55 millions of tons of coal within a given area 
expresses the value of a restricted portion of the coal-measures. 

There is every likelihood that coal occurs under the supra-Barékars in 
the direction of Gangri, Maihmar, Kua, and Piparia, and that it extends 
continuously to the exposed edges of the Korar field. Such a contin- 
gency as this, of course, raises the total quantity of coal, and the union 
of the Umaria and K rar fields through Chirwar, Mirgiri, and Barbaspiar, 
and so on, increases the number of tons to a formidable amount, 

Abundant opportunity has been afforded for judging both of the 

Nature of seam and ature of the seams and the quality of the differ- 
quality of coal. ent bands of coal that they contain. In reference 
to the outcrop explorations, Mr. Forster says that the coal works easily, 
and that the thin band of soft shale under the bottom of the seam will 
facilitate pricking, and so reduce very materially the amount of waste. 
The roof is an excellent one, and, except quite near the entrance to the 
different inclines, not a single stick of timber has been required to sup- 
port it. This is a most favourable feature in the estimation of a seam, 
for when the roof is bad the expenditure under the heading of timber 
forms a considerable item; and there is the constant dread of accidents 
to life, 

In No. 2 shaft the coal can easily be got in large blocks, and up 
to the present time the roof has shown no signs of weakness. 

The composition of the coal has been determined by several assays 
made by M. M. Mallet and Fedden and Lala Hira Lal in the labora- 

( 213°) 


tory of the Survey. A complete series of samples was taken from where 
the seam crops in the quarry, and the following figures show the relative 
percentages of volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash in the several 
bands into which the seam was divisible :— 


a Moisture. 
Volatile matter. | Fixed earbon. Ash. 
A 25-1 556 19:3 58 
Cc 311 556 13°3 36 
Dav =e thin wae 2071 58:7 21'2 26 
E 35°6 569 75 34 
F 25° 36°4 38°6 22 
H 26°4 60°9 127 2-4 
er eer ee 26°7 59°2 141 24 
gh. ee a ee 30°0 53°6 16°4 26 

eee. te Fa 28°4 60-7 109 28 

The bright soft coals C and E are excellent in quality, and I am 
Fee strongly of opinion that they would yield a fair 
BandsCandE. = amount of gas for illuminating purposes. The 
best coal supplied from the Raniganj field for the use of the Oriental 
Gas Company of Calcutta yields between 9,000 and 10,000 cubic feet of 
gas to the ton, and judging from the appearance of the bands C and E, 

they seem quite capable of giving the same quantity. 
The band indicated as D would have to be 

picked out, as it clinkers readily. 

The band F is scarcely within the limit of coal, and it was analysed 
in view of its capability as an oil-producing mate- 
rial. It yielded about 15 per cent. of oils and 

Clinker band D. 

Oil band F. 

tarry matter. 

( 214 ) 


The main stay of the seam is the bottom portion, and there is no 
Botton a pores on disputing its worth. Bearing in mind that the 
Beata Good) eusarucaa specimens examined were from the outcrop, we 
have in the analyses before us the worst aspect that the coal presents, 
and as this is better than that of the average of the fuels from the Rani- 
ganj field, we have at the outset a high standard of excellenee. 

The coal has a dull look like that of the best Karharbari coal, and is 
very compact. 

It appears to be homogeneous, but when separated into its layers, 
finely divided mother-of-coa] is visible on most of the faces. This is 
a favourable feature and usually means that the coal will have consider- 
able heating power. It ought to be a good steam coal, and it bears 
transport well. 

A strong point in its favour is the manner in which it withstands 

Coal withstands Weathering. A stack was left exposed to the full 
weathering. force of the sun and rain for nine months, and 
at the end of that time the coal showed no sign of deterioration. 
Usually the laminated coals of Bengal and the Wardha valley split 
into thin papery layers when left unprotected, and occasionally they 
take fire, but in both these respects the Umaria coal has proved very 

No attempt has yet been made to produce coke in ovens, but my 

Coal probably caking belief is, that it may be converted into just as good 
if properly treated. coke as is now produced in the Karharbari field, 
the soft bands containing sufficient bituminous matter to act as a bind- 
ing medium. 

In the analyses, no determination of sulphur was made, but this im- 

Sulphur. purity disfigures the coal in places, and though 
Caution concerning fire. there is not enough to cause anxiety in stacked 
coal, care should be exercised to keep the workings perfectly clear of 
dust, otherwise the misfortune that overtook the Warora colliery will 
probably be repeated at Umaria, and loss both of life and money may be 
the result. 


The running power of the coal has been tested on several occasions 
Running power of 02 the East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula 
eral Railways, and with one of the trial trips on the 
latter line I was personally concerned. Reports were drawn up by the 
Locomotive Superintendent of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway and 
by Mr. Thomas Forster, the Manager and Mining Engineer of the 
Umaria Colliery, and I give extracts from them further on. 

The coal was from the outcrop galleries, and no other care was taken 
than to pick out the clinker band, There was no selection, and the 
average of one consignment will be the average of another until the 
character of the seam itself varies. After the necessary arrangements, 
the local foreman of the line, Mr. Forster and myself left Jabalpir on 
the 12th May 1884, with a baggage train of an average gross weight, 
excluding the engine and tender, of 410 tons, and our run was to Sohaég- 
pur, a distance of 122 miles. Mr. Forster, in addressing the Political 
Agent of Rewah, stated :— 

“‘T have the honour to submit a report of the 
trial trip made on the night of the 12th instant. 
« By the kindness of the Traffic Superintendent, Mr. Maurice, we 

Mr. Forster’s report. 

were given a full train-load of 32 vehicles, the biggest load run on the 
portion of the line between Jabalpur and Gadawara. The locomotive 
supplied by Mr. Watson of the Locomotive Department was all that 
could be desired for trial of coal. 

“We started from Jabalpar at 10-20 p.m., arriving at Sohdgpdr 
about 9 A.M. on the morning of the 15th. 

“T am exceedingly glad to say that the coal steamsadmirably. Even 
when going up hill with the full load, steam was blowing off from the 
safety valve. The fire was cleaned out twice on the journey, not that it 
was really necessary, but it is better always to trim the fire in a journey 
so as to prevent the fire-box getting chocked and so prevent the admis- 
sion of air. 

“ On arrival at Sohagpar we found that the Traffic Superintendent 
had telegraphed permission to weigh the train. 

( 216 ) 


“The gross average weight amounted to 410 tons. 

“ At starting we had 3 tons 16 ewts. and 19 lbs. of coal on the 
tender, lighting up of engine included. The amount of coal left on 
tender after completing the trip was 1 ton 9 ewts. 2 qrs. 2 lbs. The 
consumption on the journey was therefore 2 tons 6 cwts, 1 qr. 21 lbs. 

“The evaporation was 54 Ibs. to 1 Ib. of coal.” 

“ Reducing these figures to the standard of pounds consumed per train 
mile, we have 8,531 Ibs. —3,330 lbs. = 5,201 lbs., the actual amount 

burnt.” Then ©2Ls. = 42°63 Ibs. per train mile. 

“This compares favourably with Karharbdari coal, as a 500-ton train on 
the East Indian Railway is run at the rate of 48 lbs. per train mile. 
Then 500 tons : 48 lbs. :: 410 tons = 39°36 lbs. per train mile for same 
weight of train. 

‘«Tke average consumption per mile of the Mohpani coal! is 55 lbs., 
so that we ran 12°37 lbs. per mile less. 

“T think this speaks well for the quality of the Umaria coal, and 
places beyond doubt the assertion that it is an excellent country fuel. 
During the trip I noted particularly that very few sparks were thrown 
out, and that the coal is not more fuliginous than the general run of 
country coal.” 

I am of opinion that Mr. Forster has given more credit to the 
Mohpani coal than it is entitled to, for, in the last annual report of the 
Director of Railways, the all-round figures per train mile are 100. 
Allowing, however, 55 lbs., the comparison for different coals is— 

Karharbari. Umara. Raniganj. Mobpani. 
39°36 lbs. 42°63 lbs. 51:00 1bs.55°00 lbs, 
The report of the Locomotive Superintendent, Great Indian Penin- 

Report of Locomotive Sula Railway, was addressed to the Agent of the 

SHIRES CON Company, and he summarised the various trials 

that had been made. His conclusions were, “ The coal is of very good 
quality, and does very well, much better than either the Warora or the 

Narbadda! coals, and not very much inferior Jf at all) to that received 

' This is Mohpani coal. The name of the colliery is Mohpani. 

F (a 2ifees) 


from Giridih collieries in Bengal. The coal steams well, has very little 
clinker, but a large amount of ash; it throws very few sparks, and 
makes little smoke. It should not be forgotten that the above report is 
based upon a small consignment which we have received from the col- 
ery and was no doubt specially selected. I am, however, of opinion 
that if coal such as has been sent to us can be guaranteed, we could have 
nothing to complain of.” 

In these extracts we have the opinions of practical authorities, and 
although there is no gainsaying an assay, it is pleasant, when advocating 
the claim of any given object, to find engineers and chemists in accord 
with each other. And I think it reasonable to conclude that even in the 
outcrop coal at present being worked in the Umaria field, we have a high- 
class fuel. 

In No, 2 shaft much better coal has been reached, the amount of 

Excellent coalin No.g fixed carbon that it contains showing a marked 

aD advance on that of the very best of the samples 

from the outcrop workings. I again give the analysis :— 


Volatile matter, Fixed carbon, Ash, 

No. 2 shaft . . . ° 0 25°17 66:71 812 

None of this coal has been tried for locomotive purposes, but it 
should equal anything turned out either by the Karharbari or Raniganj 

In view of attempts to utilise the magnificent resources of the Jabal- 

Coal in reference to Pur district for the production of iron, the small 
SUNBEDS AE amount of ash is a most promising feature, for 
one of the greatest drawbacks in connection with the endeavours to make 
pig-iron in the Wardha valley at Warora was the large quantity of 
impurity in the form of ash that the fuel contained. It was quite 50 to 
60 per cent. in excess of that in the Umaria pit coal. 

( 218 ) 


After exactly three years of preliminary explorations,! the Umaria field 
has passed from the control of the Rewah Adminis- 

Transfer of control M 
from Rewah to Govern- tration to that of the Government of India, who 

pk oe have decided to work it during the minority of 
the Mahdrajah and to pay a handsome royalty of eight annas a ton on 
the raisings. 

With unquestioned credit, and absolved from the necessity of large 
profits, the Government of India can increase its area of distribution to 
a much greater extent than the policy of any private company would 
permit, and therefore with larger proportionate raisings, the arrangement 
that has been entered into is the very best possible for the Rewah State. 
A fixed annual rental could never have been calculated at the true rate 
of production, whereas a royalty binds in equal degree the interests. of 
the colliery and the lord of the soil. 

Under the title of the Umaria Coal Estate, E have indicated the limits 

Umaria Conl Estate Of the area over which it would be well to acquire 
OEEINESe surface and mineral rights, so that future mining 
operations may be carried on without the recurring necessity of taking 
up fresh land and re-opening negotiations regarding its value. 

The boundaries agreed upon have the advantage of being distinct 
and simple; they are, the range of Chatan hills to the west, the Umrér 
river to the north and east, and the line of railway to the south, and. 

include a superficies of about 4 square miles. 


I have no information to proffer regarding irom ores, but im so far as 
the possibility of using Umaria coal to utilise the magnificent deposits 
of iron in the Jabalpar district brings the coal-field into relation with 
them, I would mention, for the information of those who may be interest- 
ed in bringing smelting operations to a practical issue, that in the Re- 
cords of the Survey, Vol. XVI, Part 2, Mr. F. R. Mallet has given 
all the most important facts known regarding the iron ores, and subsi- 
diary materials for the manufacture of iron in the north-eastern part of 

1 The first boring was commenced 22nd January 1882, and the coal-field, comprised 
within the boundary of the Umaria Coal Estate, was transferred 21st January 1885. 

(. eile” 5) 


the Jabalpir district. In the early part of 1881 Mr. Trimnell was 
successful in treating the iron ores in the neighbourhood of Mtrwé4ra, 
but the fuel employed was charcoal. No attempt has been made to use 
Umaria coal, but I have lately been informed that the Government 
(Central Provinces) intend making a few trials with some best selected 
pit coal as fuel. Instead of carrying out independent experiments, how- 
ever, I think the better plan would be to forward ore and fuel to the 
Bardakar iron-works where the whole process of manufacture has been 

brought under practical control. 


Limestone is found abundantly in the form of rock limestone, wherever 
the Laméta group is developed. 

The Bij4war formation also yields it; and within the Lora meta- 
morphic inlier there are beds of crystalline limestone. 

The Laméta limestone varies a great deal, and care must be exercised 
in its selection if it be intended for use. 

Kankar is freely distributed, but its occurrence in large nodules is 
restricted to small areas. Tufa or travertine is also met with. 

The following analyses show the average composition of the different 

lime-bearing sources :— 

| . re 
PosITION OF - 3 
VILLAGE, = 4 o 
5 2 5 
é = 2 
ad ee =) 
Sale Is ulee |S ip 
See a Seales 2 | 32 
= Bo ret a ees 3 3 
3 8 ye E Ee 
i | — [o) 5) oC 
Kalésar (Rewah) . | 23°°31| 80°54) 20°10) 4°95} 71-40) 355, Kankar burnt for lime at Umaria, 
Karimati » . . | 23°29] 80°63) 1°65] 1°05] 95°20) 2°10} Tufa. 
Mahddéopara (Korea) | 23°12) 82°°38) 0°15 *50| 99°3 "05] 55 ; 
1 5 Sand So) = Insoluble 
Bédri (Rewah) . - | 28°°11) 81°30} 59 *60| 865 | 56 |Lameta maa 2) fo BS 59, 
Jhapi Hy o . | 23° 27) 80°°37| 14°90 ‘75| 61°60) 32°75] Bijawar limestone, 

Majgama ,, 4 . | 23°°33] 80° 50} 7°95 ‘90| 73°40| 17°75} Metamorphi limestone. 

1 In these analyses, magnesia was determined by difference, 

( 220°) : 



There appears to be a great want of good clay for even ordinary bricks 
in the Umaria coal-field, and in default of better material the arenaceous 
alluvial clay along the banks of the Umrar river has to be used. A very 
limited amount of clay is procurable in the tanks around Umaria, 
but it will not hold out for long. Perhaps the scarcity of a suitable 
substance for brick-making may force the use of stone, which in my 
opinion would be an advantage, as ensuring more permanency in the 
buildings that may have to be erected. The village potters of Umaria 
and Kalésar, after specially treating the sandy clays, make excellent 
porous drinking-vessels. 


Considering the large area of sandstones over which choice may be 
made, it would not at first sight seem a difficult task to procure building 
stone suitable for most purposes. From the statements, however, of the 
various engineers who have been engaged upon the survey of the Bilds- 
par-Etawah Railway, it appears that the scarcity of good stone is a very 
serious embarrassment in their plans for heavy bridging. 

The sandstones of the coal-measures are all soft when really quarried, 
but they possess the advantage of hardening by exposure to the air. 
Closed-grained sandstones occur in plenty throughout the Upper Bardkar 
series, and I am of opinion that it merely requires search to obtain stone 
of suitable strength. Probably the question of the lead (distance) has 
more to do with the perplexity of supply than anything else. 

Beyond the Umaria field, exeellent material is procurable between 
Kirintal and Amha, and the rollers and grindstones in use at the Umaria 
colliery are obtained from the quarries in the neighbourhood of those 
villages. For less exact requirements than those of bridges and engine 

foundations, the coal-measure standstones would fully answer. 




Umaria—Rewah State. 

No. 1. 

Commenced . : : ‘ : . 22nd January 1882. 
Ended . : : : : » ldth February 1882. 

Water tapped at 27 feet from surface. 
Coul struck at 49 feet from surface. 


1. Black surface soil 1 6 
2. Sands and sandstone . « = 42 6 
mottled . 
LShaly «J 
8. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly 3 0 
4, Shale, carbonaceous : 3 - ‘ ‘ 2 0 
BiCoalear 3 0 
6. Shale, carbonaceous ; ‘ - ; ] 0 
7. Sandstone, grey, shaly . 1 0 
8. Coal . : . 7 0 
9. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly 9 0 
10. Shale, carbonaceous * ; ‘ ; F 5 é 2 (6) 
ne Coalms : : ’ : : , A 5 2 0 
12. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly A 5 5 A 2 4 3 0 
13. Sandstone, white . j c : : : 15 0 
TotTaL 93 0 

( 222 ) 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations, 


Umaria—Rewah State. 

No. 2. 
Commenced . ° ° . ° 5 26th January 1882, 
Ended C . : : 11th February 1882. 
Coal struck at 64 feet fan iifave: 
1. Surface soil . : 5 : ‘. é \ é 5 : cage 0 

brown . F , ; 5 3 
2. Sandstone . é f sellow : C - : . toa 0) 

grey c . 

3. Clay, carbonaceous F ; . ; 5 : F aL 0 
brown . : P : A é 5 )) KR 
4. Sandstone . : 4 tle go> i a D) 0 
5. Clay, carbonaceous : ¢ : : : : é on oe 
(brown . ; : i F ; a) 
yellow . : : : : : : | 
6. Sandstone . + 4 grey - 3 5 ‘ ; : . $29 0 
red : F é ; 5 : : 
UShaly . : é ; : : | 
Ven Codion. ‘ , - : 5 é 5 : ; 5 ull (4) 
8. Shale, carbonaceous : ‘ . j . - ; ree: (0) 
9. Sandstone, carbonaceous, haly : : F , 28 0 
10. Sandstone, grey . F ‘ : : . : 6 eG 0) 
ToTaL - 98 0 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coa! Explorations, 

Umaria—Rewah State. 

No. 3. 
Commenced : . : : . - 6th February 1882, 
Ended A ‘ F . 24th 1 “5 
Coal struck at 75 ‘feet on irfice, 
ft.) Ins 
1. Black surface soil 5 ; ; A : ; 5 6 4 0 

( white Me es 
2. Sandstones and clays . | Ook : : : . . | an 

yel.ow 2 
grey. : ; : 5 : 

Carried over GS O 
( 4223) 4) 


ft, Sin; 
Brotght forward . 68 0 
3. Sandstones, carbonaceous, shaly ; : : 5 2 0 
4 3 grey, shaly l 0 
5. Shale, carbonaceous : , : 2 9 
6. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly : i 1 0 
7. Shale, carbonaceous. A - 1 0 
8. Coal 4 0 
9. Shale, carbonaceous 5 0 
10. Coal ; , af 0 
11. Sandstone, white, shaly : . : ; 1 0 
12. carbonaceous 2 0 
13. Shale, carbonaceous ; ‘ : ; ] 0 
14. Coal : : F ; : j A 3 0 
15. Shale, carbonaceous. A 5 4 A , : : A 1 0 
16. Sandstone, grey, shaly . 2 0 
if ; and shale, carbonaceous ° . 3 0 
18. e shaly i 0 
19. Coal : : : 4 0 
20, Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly . ; : ; 1 0 
brown 3 ; 5 : . ; 
21. Sandstone . 5 : {sit ; : : ‘ , : 7 0 

Tora. 2 Ld 0 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 

Umaria—Rewah State. 

No. 4. 
Commenced : ‘ : ; 5 . llth February 1882. 
Ended A é é j j 5 . 28th 3 53 
Coal struck at 79 feet from surfice. 
ft. in 
1. Sandy soil E 5 ; 2 , 4 5 ; 0 5 4 (0) 
brown : ‘ A fs , 7 
red. ; ‘ i ; 5 : 
2. Sandstones and clays ae ello ; & 40 0 
(white ; : ; ; ) 

Carried over . 44 0 







. Shale, carbonaceous 

Sandstone, brown, shaly 

. Shale, carbonaceous 
. Sandstone, carbonaceous, hele 

- grey, shaly 

op brown 
PA carbonaceous 
Clay 9 ; 
Sandstone, e shaly . 
” grey ” : 
3 carbonaceous ,, 
* grey and brown 

carbonaceous, shaly 
Gerdetonel Benet ahialy 
Shale, carbonaceous 

Shale, carbonaceous 

Brought forward 


In charge of Boring Operations, 







Rewah Coal Explorations. 

Umaria—Rewah State. 


No. 8. 

Coal struck at 84 feet from Farhieer: 

Surface soil ; 6 
Clay . : : © 

Sandstone . : 

21st April 1882. 
10th May 1882. 

Carried over 

5 Shay 
4 1) 
4 0 
76 0 
84 0 




ooo Ss oo oc 6 oS oO 


Brought forward 84 
3. Coal F ; P ; 1 
4. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly 5 3 
5. Shale . - “ 5 
6. Coal 5 5 - 5 HY 
7. Shale, carbonaceous : 3 
8. Sandstone 5 shaly 5 5 
9. Coal ; . J of 
10. Shale, carbonaceous 4 
11. Sandstone : : 14 
12. a carbonaceous, shaly 4, 
ToraL - 140 
In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
Umaria—Rewah State. 
No. 9. 
Commenced ; c : : ‘ ‘ lst May 1882. 
Ended 4 F ; : . LOthwe. 3 
Coal struck at 63 feet from surface. 
1. Black and brown soil : ; 5 f 5 5 ; Seats) 
2. Sandstone, brown ‘ ‘ 5 : 3 : 5 ces) 
33, 35 red z : ; A : ; 0 5 - 30 
4. ay carbonaceous, shaly : : ; : ; 5 4g 2083 
5. es 3 6 . ‘ 4 6 . P lcs 
6. Coal ; < 5 5 : P é - 3 foe 3 
7. Shale, oarbonaceous : A ‘A : ; Ais, ak 
8. Sandstone, ,, shaly 5 § - 5 é 3 3 
9. Coal 4 . 5 A 2 ° G 5 10 
Carried over 3» 49 

( 226 ) 



Brought forward 79 
10. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly F : A 5 5 
11. Shale, carbonaceous 1 
12. Coal ‘ 2 
13. Shale, carbonaceous 1 
14. Coal ; 6 
TorTaL 92 
In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations, 
Umaria—Rewah State. 
No. 9A, 
Commenced : 8th November 1883 
Ended , : A : 28th 5 a 
Water tapped at 11 feet from surface. 
Coal struck at 57 feet from surface. 
1. Brown surface soil 3 
2. Sandy clay 3 
3. Sand 6 
4. White sandstone 2 
5. Red ss J 
6. Yellow ,, é 3 5 1 
7. Reddish-grey sandstone : : ° 1 
8. Grey 9 : é 1 
9. Yellow 5 : 1 
10. Red 5 1 
11, Grey - ‘ F 3 
12. Reddish grey _,, 5 
13. Grey > 2 
14. Reddish grey ,, 9 
15. Grey y - 5 5 1 
16. Reddish grey ,, A 3 1 
17. Grey Fo : C 3 1 
Carried over 85 

( 227 ) 

SAQQq Gor 





18. Yellowish sandstone 
19. Grey 

20. Reddish grey 
21. Grey 

22. Reddish grey ,, 
23. Grey 

24. Reddish grey 
25. Red 

26. Grey 

27. Coal 

28. Carbonaceous shale 

29. Carbonaceous shaly sandstone 

Brought forward 74235 

30. 59 shale 
31. Coal 
32. Carbonaceous shale 
33. Coal 
34. Carbonaceous shale 
35. Coal 
36. Carbonaceous shale 
37. Coal 

38. Carbonaceous shaly sandstone 
39. Grey sandstone 

eH OOS SS SiS SS See SSS SS Seon | 



Assistant Mining Engineer, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 

Umaria—Rewah State, 

No. 10. 
Commenced : - : : : 10th May 1882. 
Ended ‘ : 5 x 18th ,, 5 
Coal struck at 36 feet from surface. 

é sie tiny 
1. Brown surface soil - ; $ : : ‘ : : 5 9 8) 
2. Sandstone ‘ { eel : 4 ‘ ‘ . : 7 ee (0) 
3. Coal (not gone through) . . : F : é : : 3 0 

ToTaL mee Rt) 0 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Erplorations. 

( 228 ) 


Umaria—Rewah State. 

No. 11. 
Commenced . : : : ; . 17th May 1882. 
Ended i , j A : C 6 PUR oF, op 
Coal struck at 45 feet from surface. 
ft.) 10 
set : (black. Fi ; ‘ ‘ : ; 5 0 
1. Surface soil a Aen : ; j ; : 
light brown. A . ‘ : : ‘ 
‘ 5 34 0 
2. Sandstone = ona ; ; 
3. Sandstone, carbonaceous 3 0 
4. Shale ay 2 (0) 
5. Coal, shaly il 0 
6. Coal 4 6 0 
7. Shale, carbonaceous , 3 : ; 5 0 
8. Coal . : 5 j ; : aq 3 0 
9. Shale, carbonaceous 1 (0) 
10. Sandstone, ,, 5 (0) 
ToTAL 65 @) 
In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
Umaria—Rewah State. 
No. 12. 
Commenced . 0 : . . : . 22nd May 1882. 
Ended ; : 3 2 6 PAN s 
Coal struck at 31 feet from surface. 
fire thn 
1. Surface soil, brown sandy : E ’ : F : : do (0) 
light brown 3 : F : al 
2. Sandstone .4 white 3 : é : é : - 714 0 
3. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly P ; 3 j : : ae, 0) 
4. Coal . 5 : : ‘ : ; ‘i ; , : a Ue 0 
Carried over - 8? O 

( 229 ) 


5. Sandstone, carboneceous 
; 4 orey 

6. Sandstone 

7. Shale, carbonaceous 
8. Coal (not gone through) 

ft.) in, 
Brought forward oe 9) 
( 23 0 
3 0 
8 0 
ToraL 72 0 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Erplorations. 

Umaria—Rewah State. 

No. 13. 
Commenced - Ist April 1883. 
Ended 3 A e - Athi, a 
Coal strvck at 96 feet from surface. 
ft sein 
1. Surface soil, brown 2 0 
2. Clay, stone and sand 12 0 
8. Sandstone, grey 13 0 
4. Coal, mud . : ; : 5 2 6 
5. Shale, blue . 8 (0) 
6. Sandstone, grey 50 9) 
7. Shale, blue . 2 : 8 6 
8. Coal . é . 5 Pee 0 
ToTaL 103 (0) 

( 280 ) 

Mining Engineer, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 


Umaria—Rewah State. 
No. 16. 

Commenced ‘ ‘ é 5 . 16th December 1883. 

Ended c 6 . c ¢ « 22nd 3 
Water tapped at 18 feet from surface, 

Coal struck at 88 feet from surface. 

1. Surface soil, black 
2. Clay, sandy 
3. Sand, yellow : c 
( brown 
erey A : 
4, Sandstone . : 4 red 
| yellow 

L reddish grey 



+ 107 


“J & © 



Rey Ses Sys eye) S&S) 

Assistant Mining Engineer, 

Rewah Coal Explorations. 

5. Shale, carbonaceous, with pyrites 
6. Sandstone, grey 
tl 3 carbonaceous 
8. 99 56 shaly 
9. Coal, with shale : ‘ . A : ‘ 
10. Coal . ; F A : F . A F : 
11. Coal, with shale . 
12. Coal ; 
13. Sandstone, carbonaceous, soft 
14. Coal . ‘ 
15, Shale, carbonaceous 5 ‘ 5 
Kdlésar—Rewah State. 
No. 5. 
Commenced : ; . 25th February 1882. 
Ended ; ; : ‘ . 6th March 1882. 
Coal struck at 47 feet from surface. 
1. Brown soil . 
2. Sandstone, red. : s 
: Carried over 





Ft; “aims 
Brought forward . 47 0 
SaiCGoatae . f A é : ; : F : 10 0 
4. Sandstone, white, shaly ; : 5 é 5 F 3 ee 0 
ToTaL . 69 0 


In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
Kdlésar—Rewah State. 
No. 6B. 
Commenced Le er : : . 2nd April 1882. 



Ended : i : 3 x 
Water tapped at 23 feet from surface, 
Coal struck at 120 feet from surlace. 

27th May 1882. 

ft. im 
. Surface soil é 5 : : : : : : : : 8 0 
. Sand and clay, brown . 2 A : Fs : é smioalip CG 
. Sandy clay, with pebbles, brown . : ; ; : A : 2 (6) 
[ red 7 
white shaly : , 
+ Randetone mottled shaly aif oo 
(grey J 
. Coal ‘ , A A 1 0 
. Sandstone, carbonaceous il 6) 
. Coal : “ 2 0 
. Sandstone, carbonaceous 2 6) 
. Coal : 4 : . 2 0 
Sandstone, carbonaceous 8 0 
D grey . 6 ae 
3 carbonaceous 19 0) 
ToraL -» 16L 0 
In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
(( 23259) 



Memoirs, XXI. Part $ 

= fh. y 
LS, Dingrowred 




i Lala 4 
pot Ao 

piKachothh out 

Vt Jost ae ha fet 

DL pRS ee ag 
Ce ple 
PA - See 

= 2 





‘ ’ I “ : i Motamorphie Limoston 
7 oat Pye tinitd 9 i : 4 > x J , 
tan. “ fo Kuh { » 

Coal Seam 
Coal Shaft 

Goologioally eurveyod by Tino. W. U1. THvenns 
Bore Hole 
and Sub-Assistont Eira Dal 

Scale 1 Inch 4 Miles 
a Vos (Fs) % y Miles 

| 3 
lav Ina ps ail o ho F B2h0 

Lithograpbed at the Survey of India Offices, Calcut! 


Kdlésar—Rewah State. 

No. 7A. 
Commenced eden ; : . 17th March 1882. 
Ended : : : ° . 30th April 1882. 
Coal struck at 135jfeet from surface. 
ft. in, 
1. Dark-brown surface soil . cC : . é A LG 0 
¢ brown - : ; c =) 
mottled - C : f C 
red . : : : : 
2. Sand and sandstone -4 yellow +78 0 
grey ‘ F ‘ : : 
U shaly s : : : A “J 
3. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly - me 0 
A. as grey ; . 1 0 
5. 3 carbonaceous C C z 5 0) 
6. Sandstone, grey . 2 (a) 
Tle os carbonaceous 8 (0) 
8. = grey : - C ; : : ; 20 (0) 
9. Coal 0 - : ; : : : ¢ A - 5 We) 0 
10. Sandstone, carbonaceous : - ; - : é : » 26 0 
1l. Coal P ; - 11 0 
Toran . 184 0 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 

Johilla Valley.—Rewah State. 
No. 2. 

Commenced E é : 6 6th March 1882. 

Ended : : : : April 1882. 
Coal struck at 34 feet from surface. 
ft. in. 
1. Clay, yellow A 6 ] (0) 
2. Sandstone, brown shaly 15 0 
3. Clay, carbonaceous. : 2 6) 
Carried over 2 a8 0 
G ( 233 ) 


ft; sins 
Brought forward - 18 O 
4. Shale, carbonaceous 5 3 A ° A 4 5 5 « 2° <0 
5. Sandstone, grey shaly . Ae ye 0) 
6. - brown , . ; Bb 10 
7. Coal 4 5 : 17 a0 
8. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly 1 10 
o op grey shaly hee {6 
10. Coal 6 A . aye 0) 
11. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly LO 
12. rs grey shaly 0) 
ils} rs carbonaceous, shaly Be 0) 
14. Coal : ; F C yb) 
15. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly : 2 A 4 0O 
16 7 grey shaly 4 ZO 
17. Shale, carbonaceous ; A ‘é ‘ 2 O 
18. Sandstone, grey shaly . A> 20 
19. 5 carbonaceous, shaly : ‘ : , 7 : Peabo +i) 
20. : grey shaly . > 2 : “ ; : A + th: 46 
21. s) carbonaceous - 5 0 
22, » grey . ° : 7 A 6 70 
ToTaL 90 O 


In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
Johilla Valley—Rewah State. 
No. 3. 
Commenced 5 ; : 5 5 . 13th March 1882. 
Ended : 6 . - : < 5 April 1882. 
Coal struck at 6 feet from surface. 
ft. in. 
1. Surface soil, brown . c “6 ; c : : ae dee yO) 
2. Sandstone : ; : 5 ( brown : ‘ i 5 60 
( grey - 5 

3. Coal . A 5 6 A 5 5 5 . 5 = Lh 0. 
4. Sandstone, grey shaly . . : c 5 . 5 ee ewe) 
5. Shale, carbonaceous 5 0 5 5 < é ‘ - 16.40 
Carried over oO O 


( 2384 ) 









Sandstone, grey shaly < 
Shale, carbonaceous 5 
Sandstone, ,, shaly A 
Shale, > 5 Sal ott) 
Coal . 4 5 
Sandstone, Gachon iseaiin: shaly 

” grey ” 



fie ine 

Brought forward - 30 O 
: : ° . 1 O 
1 (0) 

8 O 


. ° C a GG 

. ae 10 

Toran - 58 O 

In charge of Boring Operations, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 

Kordr.—Rewah State. 

No. 1. 

Commenced . 

Water tapped at 7 fest fom sur cree. 

Coal struck at 12 feet from surface, 

. Sandstone, reddish yellow 
. Sand, yellow, with gravel 
. Sandstone, brown . 

Coal . : 

. Shale, ea eee with Goals 

Coal . 
Shale, Bee apsoties with oar 
Coal . 

. Shale, ee 

Sandstone, grey 

11. Shale, carbonaceous, ith coal aad bytes 

Sandstone, grey 

19th February 1884. 
L6th March 1884. 

ft. ins 
- ; a-- 6. 0 
3 6(OO 
C : ; By (0) 
Sts 0) 
. 3 (0) 
4 0 
' 2° 0 
4 O 
O 5 8 (0) 
. 62 O 
. SaeO 
1] 0 
Toran 122.0 

Assistant Mining Engineer, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
( 235 ) 


Kérdr—Rewah State. 

No. 3. 
Commenced A : 5 
Endedj : : ¢ : ; 
Water tapped at 12 feet from surface. 
Coal struck at 48 feet from surface. 

13th March 1884. 
20th March 1884. 

ft. in. 
1. Brown surface soil ° a. 0 
2. Sandstone, grey : : : ° 42 0O 
3. Sandstone, carbonaceous, shaly Bye (0) 
4. Coal, shaly . : (6 (0) 
5. Shale, carbonaceous 2 : 5 i 6 O 
6. Sandstone, grey . ° 5 ; : ZO 
ToTaL 7 (63.95 90 
Assistant Mining Engineer, 
Rewah Coal Explorations. 
Village. River. State. | Lat, N.| Long. E. 
Achala, } a mile E.N.E. . | Umrar . | Rewah 23° 86’ | 80° 51’ 
Agariépéra, 1 mile W.N.W. . | A tributary of the Géknai| Jhilmili .| 23° 28’ | 82° 46’ 
# 1 mile N.W. - Ditto ditto. 
Amhifr, 1 mile E.N.E. Ghiingatta, a tributary | Koréa 23° 29’ | 82° 31’ 
of Hesto. 
Bahi, $ of a mile N.N.E.. . | A tributary of Hesia PS 23° 21” | 82F 1b? 
» Ll mile S.S.W. é : Ditto ditto. 
» 1 mileS.E. A . Ditto ditto. 
» 2 miles S.S.E, - . | Hesia. 

» 2% miles South C . | Ditto. 
», 2¢ miles South 4 . | Ditto. 
» 98 miles South F . | Ditto. 

( 236 ) 



Bahgar, } a mile E. 4 
= 4a mile N.E. 
» 2ofamileN.E. . 
Bakdhi, 3 a mile N. 5 
Balbahara, 1 mile N.N.E. 

13 miles N. 
a + miles N. F 

ay 1 mile N.N. W. 
> 1 mile W.S.W. 
3 13 miles W.N.W. 

» 1 miles W.N.W. 

A 2 miles W.N.W.. 

Ess 2 miles W.N.W. 
5 24 miles N.W. 
2% miles N.W. 

3 2? miles W.N.W. 

Balsing, } of a mile N.N.W. 
» 3 of a mile S.S.E. 
» smiles N.N.E. . 
a ee mlepN PE. 
» 1 mile S.S.E, 
» 13 miles S.E. 

Bara Chada, 2 of a mile N.N.E.. 

Bargauan, }a mile N.W. , 


River. State, 
Kasér Rewah 
Sén . : . : » 
A tributary of Hesto . | Koréa 
A tributary of Karaka- 
Eastern tributary of 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto, 
Western tributary of 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto, 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto. 
A tributary of Hesto Koréa 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto. 
Ditto ditto, 
Johilla Rewah 

Jamiina, a tributary of 0 

Lat, N. | Long. E. 
23° 21’ | 81° 43’ 
23° 13’ | 81° 39’ 
23° 18’ | 82° 19’ 
PB OBY I eer 

28° 21’ | 81° 4’ 

23° 18’ | 81° 44’ 

(237 ) 



Bargauan, 4 a mile E, 3 
Bacharuar, 4 a mile N, 

“pj 3a mile E, 
Basér, 34a mile W.N.W. . 
» 1 mile W.N.W. 

» 1 mile S.W. 

» 1 mile S.S.W. 

» 1} miles S.S.W. 

5) $ of a mile S.E. 

» 1 mileS.E. 
Bhalmiri, 4 a mile E.S.E. 
Bhoswai, } a mile S.W. 

5 4a mile W. 5 
Bichia, 4amileS.W. . 

» 1 mile W.S.W. 
Birhdli, $a mile S.E. : 
Chapéni, 3 a mile S, 
Charwéhi, 4a mile E. 

5 1 mile 8.E. 

Chatai, south of village 

» LwmileN.E. , 5 
Chataén, 3 a mile S. . 5 
Chatei, 3 a mile N.E. 
Chinmér, } a mileS.W. . 

Chitdjhér, 3 a mile S.S.W. 



Jamina, a tributary of 
A tributary of Kasér 
Ditto ditto. 

A tributary of Hesto 

Ditto ditto. 
Jura, a tributary of 

Ditto ditto, 

Ditto ditto. 

A tributary of Hesto 
Ditto _— ditto. 

Jamuniha, tributary of 

A tributary of Sén 
A tributary of Thema 

Késlara 5 0 

A tributary of Kintk . 

Ditto ditto, 
Gandra nadi 5 
Kéwai . 5 
Goirari 4 0 

Kauria nadi, branch 

( 238 ) 








Lat. N. | Long. E, 

23° 20’ 

81° 49’ 

28° 214/| 82° 25’ 

23° 11’ 
23° 24° 

23° 13/ 

28° 17’ 
23° 18/ 


23° 29’ 

23° 25 
23° 22’ 
28° 17’ 
23° 233’ 

82° 09° 
82° 37’ 

81° 43’ 

81° 37’ 
82° 01’ 

82° 4’ 

81° 56’ 

82° 11’ 
82° 5 
81° 54’ 
82° 237 



Chircha, 13 miles N.W. 
” 1 mile N.N.E. e 
” $ of a mile N.E. . 

» 1 mile E.N.E. 

Delbhakhertia, ? of a mile E.S.E. 

ss 1 mile E.S.E. 
Déokhél, 1 mile N. . 
Déori, 14 miles S.W. 6 
Dhakar, at the Ghat 

Dhanpiri, 2 of a mile S.S.E. 
of a mile E.S.E. 



53 $ of ajmile N.N.E 

Dhimédoél, 4 a mile S.W. . 
op 2 of a mile E.S.E. 
Dhind, 1 mile N.E. . 
Didpipar, $a mile S.S.E. . 
Dubchéla, 14 miles N. : 
Diigla, ¢ of a mile E.N.E. 

Dimarkachar, 1 mile N. . 
PA 2 miles S.E, 

Ghorbei, 1 mile N.E, 
Ghinghita, 4 a mile N. 
Ghitra, 1 mile W.S.W. 

»  Lmile W. 

» 14 miles W.S.W. . 


River. State. 

A tributary of Géj . | Koréa. 

A tributary of Kintk .| Rewah 

Ina tributary of Géj_. | Koréa 
Kasér 4 2 . | Rewah 
A tributary of Kinik .| » : 

Bagéha, tributary of Sdn} » 

Nargara, tributary of 

Katna . ° . ” e 


A tributary of Méhan . | Jhilmili . 
A tributary of Sdn , | Rewah 
Gurgheta . 2 . | Koréa 
Khétomadhar . .|Rewah . 

Kilharia, tributary of | ;, 

At the junction of Jhiria 
and Kulharia. 

Nagana. : . | Rewah 
A tributary of Kintik .| » 
Hesin 3 4 . | Koréa 


Lat. N. | Long. E. 

23° 20’ 

28° 25' 

23° 22/ 
23° 17’ 
23° 28’ 
23° 11 

23° 22/ 

23° 29’ 
237 26’ 
23° 9/ 

23° 25’ 
23° 10’ 

23° 20’ 
23° 25/ 
23° 21’ 

82° 36’ 

81° 56’ 

82° 39’ 
81° 41’ 
81° 55’ 
81° 37’ 

81° 50’ 

82° 55’ 
£1° 26’ 
82° 27’ 
82° 9 

81° 36’ 
81° 55’ 
82° 18° 

( 239 



Ghutra, 13 miles W.S.W. . 
» 2 miles S,W. 
», 24 miles 8,W. 
4a mile S.E. 

Gtraru, $a mile S, W. of Southern 


»  amile N.E, of Southern 

Giuridand, 4 of a mile N. 
» mile N.E, 
F 1} miles N.N.E, 
” 13 miles N.N.W. 
Harra, 4 of a mile N.W. 
»  3amile N.N.W. 
2 of a mile N.N.W. 
1 mile W.N.W. 
>, 14 miles N.W. 
Hatgala, 4 a mile E.S.E. 
Jaintptir, 14 miles W.N.W. 

Jamia, }amile N. . 

Jurra, 1 mile S.S.W. 5 
1 mile E.S.E.. 


Jauari, } a-mile N. . 

Kachar, } a mile N.N.E, . 
» FanmileS.E. 

» fanmilek. . 



Koilari, tributary of Sdn 


| Ditto. 

Eastern tributary of Jura}. Koréa 



Khaparktita nadi, tribu- 


* ditto. 


tributary of | Rewah 

tary of Kunuk. 



of Mirna. 

Késlara nadi 


Dhoran nadi, tributary 

of Kunuk. 

A tributary of Dhdéb | Koréa 





State. | Lat. N. | Long. E. 
Rewah 23° 29’ | 81° 28” 
» . | 28° 21’ | 82° 5” 

28° 173’! 82° 25’ 

28° 19’ | 81° 44’ 

yy . | 23° 28 | 81° 467 

2 . | 23° 173’) 81° 26’ 

”» . | 23° 24” | 82° 4” 
» . | 23° 25’ | 81° 49’ 
23° 19’ | 82° 267 


( 240 ) 



Kachai, 1 mile N.E. 
»  1i miles E.N.E. 
Kalésar, at the Ghat r 

» afew score yards W. 

» 2ofamile W.S.W. 

Kamta, 1 mile 8.S.E. 
Kanai, } a mile N.N.W. 

»  *O0famile W.N.W. 

»  ILmile W.S.W. 
Kanchanptr, }amile N. . 
K4nndbahra, 4 of a mile N.W. 
Kanwé4hi, 1 mile N. . 

Kanwahi, W. of, near the Ghat . 

» y a mile N.E. 

Kaparia, N.W. of, at the Ghat . 

»  #ofa mile N.N.W. 
Kelhauri, 4 a mile N. 
Khairbana, 134 miles S.S.E. 
Khamaria, } of a mile N. V. 

nN 4amile N.E, 

» 1 mile N.E. 

Kharla, 3 of a mile N.N.E, 

Khodargaoan, ? of a mile N.N.E. 

» $ of a mile E.N.E, 



In the right bank of 

In a tributary of the 

In a tributary of Umrar 
near temple, 


Tributary of the Kéwai 

A tributary of Sarpa 
A tributary of Mirna 

In Khairi stream, tribu- 
tary of Son. 

A tributary of Kintk. 

Ditto ditto. 

Dhébghata, tributary of 

tributary of 

State. Lat. N. | Long. E, 
Rewah 23° 81’ | 80° 537 , 
- wie23 rez fan Sle 46r 
es 5 || 2Es SY | eee ey 
5 . | 28° 15’ | 81° 30° 
1. . | 23° 19’ | 81° 21’ 
” . | 28° 23” | 81° 32’ 
Ps 5 || 289 257 | 82° 47 
» . | 28° 24/ | 92° 12’ 
» o |) 23,01" |) 812407 
Koréa 23° 182’) 82° 19’ 
Rewah 23° 27’ | 81° 56’ 
” a ezoe 7a) ola 407 
oF lou elaimo loon: 

(2 24) 


Khohfra, ] mile E.N.E. . 

Village. River. 

Ghordéna nadi. 

Kichri, ? of a mile S. ; -|In_ a__ tributary 
4 in the Ghat N. of the Ditto ditto. 
“0 ZofamileN. . . | Bichli nadi, 


1 mileN.N.E. . F Ditto. 
1} miles N.E. ; ; Ditto, 

Kirwéhi, 1} miles W.S.W. . | Hesto. 


Korar, 4 a mile S.E. 


afew score yards W. .| At the falls in Hesto. 

1} miles N, A . | Hesto, 

1} miles E.S.E, : ; Ditto 

Ké6ta, 3a mile N.E. . : . | Goirdri nadi, 


$ of a mile E.N.E. 


K6ti, 1 mile S. F : . | Goirari nadi. 

K6tmi, 4 a mile N.W. 


State. Lat, N. 

Rewah .| 23°31’ 

of ¥) . | 23° 28/ 

Koréa ~,| 23° 20/ 

In a tributary of the| Rewah .| 23° 37’ 

” - | 23° 22’ 

A tributary of Goirari 

” .| 23° 24/ 

In a tributary of Kidra, 

Hesto. 23° 10’ 

Sp LaaTleeNe A - ; Ditto ditto. 
Kundhour, just N.E. : -|In a tributary of | Jhilmili . | 23° 25’ 


» ZamileN.E. . . Ditto ditto. 

Dp just S. . c 5 Ditto ditto. 

55 3 of a mile S.E. A Ditto ditto. 

» 1 mileS.S.E. . “ Ditto ditto. 

» 1} miles S.E. : 4 Ditto ditto 

» 3 ofamile W. . 5 Ditto ditto. 

5 3 ofamile W.S.W. . Ditto ditto. 
Kiupi, lmileS.W. . ‘ A tributary of Géknai. os .| 82° 24’ 

Kirdsia, }amileS.E. . 

of Hesto. 

( 242 ) 

Kiidra branch, tributary | Koréa .| 23°14’ 

Long, E. 

81° 49’ 
81° 54’ 

82° 22/ 

80° 55’ 

81° 53’ 

81° 54’ 

82° 283 

82° 46° 

82° 43/ 
82° 277’ 





Kirasia, 1} miles S.E. 

» 2 miles S.E. 

» 2% miles S; 
Kiréli, 1 mile S.W. . 

» lmile W.S.W, 
Kisaha, S.E. 

Kishai, } of a mile N. 

>» ¢amile W.S.W. 
Labji, 1 mile S.S.W. 5 

» 13 miles S.S.W. 

Lai, 3 of a mile N.E. 
Lama, 1 mile S.W. 

Tech 3 of a mile N. 
Mangthar, } a mile S.S.W. 
Maiki, 1 mile N.N.W. 5 
Malga, 1 mile N. 

» Iljmiles EK. . 
Manjira, # of a mile W. 
Mariards, 1 mile E, . C 
Mouhari,3 amileS.E. . 
Mirdhoa, } of amile W.. 
Misra, 2 miles N.N.W. 

»  Lmile S.S.W. 0 
Nandna, 3 of a mile E.N.E, 

51 1 mile N.E, . 2 
ep lmileS.  . 

Nertia, 1 mile N. 5 . 


Kiidra branch, tributary 

of Hesto, 
Ditto ditto. 

Gorghéta nadi branch, 
tributary of Hesto. 

Bichli nadi, tributary of 

Joba nadi, tributary of 

Hesto . 

Taptai, tributary of Sdn. 
A tributary of Jhtinka 


Ditto ditto. 

A tributary of Hesto 

Tributary of Hesto 

tributary of 

Joéhilla river 

Goraghat nadi, tributary 
of Son. 

Jhiria : - ° 
Katna . . 
Bakan . 
Késlira ° 
Goirari : . 
A tributary of the 

Ditto ditto. 
Nagaua - . 

Tributary of Sdn . : 

Ditto ditto. 













A tributary of Khatoma- | Koréa 


Lat. N. | Long. E. 

23° 233’ 

23° 26/ 
28° 23/ 

.| 23° 237 

23° 222/ 
23° 18/ 
DBS Pal 
23° 8 

23° 16’ 
23° 8! 
23° 26/ 
23° 152’ 
Be 2B 

28° 20/ 

81° 48’ 

82° 32’ 
81° 27’ 

81° 7’ 
81° 28' 

81° 51’ 
81° 41’ 
82° 4’ 
81° 552 

82° 16’ 

81° 33’ 

82° 11’ 



Nimuha, 3 a mile E. 

35 %ofamile N.E. . 
Pachkura, 4 a mile N.E, 
Paiari, 2 miles S.W. 

Pakariha, 1 a mile S.E. 

Pathargaua, 13 miles S.E. 
Pipria, 3a mile S.W. . 
» +a mile N.W. 
Rémpir, 2 of a mile N.W.. 
» 1 mile S.S.W. 
2a mile 8.S.W. 

Raksa, 1 mile S.E. 
Rataura, 1 mile N.E. 
2 of'a mile W.N.W. 


1 mile W. 

R6ji, 4 a mile S.E. 
Roudserai, 1 mile N.N.E. . 
1 mile N.E. 

Rohania, 3 a mile N.E, 

5 ; 
. 3 of a mile S. 

Riundaha, 1 mile W.N.W. 
»  40famile N.E. 
»  ofamile E.S.E. 
Ripaura, } a mile S.W, 
Séhiptr, 3 a mile S, 
Sardih, } of a mile S.S.E. . 

Semariha, 1 a mile E. 



A tributary of Kasér 

A tributary of Kéwai 

A tributary of Thema, 

A tributary of Géknai . 

A tributary of Kéwai 

Jaminiha, tributary of 





A tributary of Géknai . 
Ditto ditto. 

In a tributary of Son 

A tributary of Son. 


A tributary of Goknai. 



A tributary of Kaser 

Goirari : 4 - 


( 244 ) 


Lat. N. | Long. E. 

Rewah 23° 19’ 

” «| 2821" 
” Berio fod 
os Pivperaay 
Koréa 23° 26’ 
Rewah 23° 23 
” . | 23° 137 
” 3282 9f 
Koréa 23° 23/ 
” all PBS PAY 
” .| 23° 26’ 
Rewah 230 257 
Jhilmili .| 23° 282’ 
Rewah .| 23° 20’ 

” . | 28° 21’ 
» af 28 ily}? 
23° 16’ 

81° 40° 

82° 4/ 
82° 4/ 
81° 59’ 
82° 38/ 

82° 8’ 

81° 44’ 

81° 53’ 
82° 14’ 

82° Tee 
82° 41’ 

81° 27’ 

82° 48’ 

81° 52 
81° 46’ 
81° 540’ 
81° 54 




Semdih, 1} miles N. 

»  lLmile N.N.E. 

Semriha, } of a mile S.W. 
Schagptr, } a mile N.W. 
Stnhat, 1 mile S.S.E. 

» 1 miles S.S.E. 
Tanjara, 1} miles S.E. 
Tanki, 2 miles E.S.E. 

» 2 miles S.E. 

Terriha, 4 a mile W. 

»  3amile W.N.W. . 

Thangaon,!} a mile N. 
» 12 miles E.S.E, 
Thuthi, } a mile N; 
Titripani, 3 a mile S.E. 
Udri, +a mile N.E. . 
Umaria, see Kalésar. 
Urtan, 1 mile S.W. . 
» anmileS.S.W. 


At the junction of 
Kiinuk and Sén, 

At the junction of 
Khairi stream with 

Bartha, tributary of 
Sén. fi 

Mirna, tributary of Sén 

A tributary of Géknai . 

Batidhar nadi,  tribu- 
tary of Hesto. 

Neori nadi, tributary 
of Hesto. 

A tributary of Kasér, 

Jamtna, tributary of 

A tributary of Kéwai 

.| A tributary of Gandra- 

A tributary of Sén 

Nagrari nadi 


Chaurar nadi 

Nors.—The latitude and lon 

others to the village. 

1st October 1884. 

Lat. N.| Long. E. 

23° 23’ | 81° 30’ 

23° 20’ | 81° 21’ 
23° 19’ | 81° 24’ 

23° 29’ | 82° 34” 

23° 29’ | 82° 39’ 
23°77’ | 82° 9/ 

23° 18’ | 81° 41’ 

23° 18” | 82° 103 
28° 10’ | 81°51’ 
23° 8’ | 81° 55’ 

23° 242) 81° 21’ 

23°19’ | 82° 1’ 

gitude in some instances refer to the position of the coal seam, and in 


( 245 ) 



Analyses of Coals, from the Southern Coal- 


Name of Village and other sites. Rivers. 

Balbahardé,1} miles, N.N.E. (Koréa) 

> ” ~ 

Bélha Paiari (Rewah) . 
Bichia, near a 
Gurari 55 
Girrha and Bhagéh 5 

Hatgala, about 1 mile S.E. ,, 

Khairi (Rewah) 
Korar, S.E. ” 


Kundhour, } mile N.E. (Jhilmili). 
ny 4 mile S.E. 3 

Kirasia, } mile $.E. (Koréa) . 


Jaminia Nadi 
Billa and Bagéha 
Nadis, junction. 
Sén = A 

River between 

. | NalajoiningJamunia 

Jéhilla . 


» Marjada Nala 

Karakachar Nadi . 

. | Junction of a rivulet 

with the Sén. 

Khéki and Kéwai 
Nadis, junction. 

.| Kulharia Nadi 

Weiter, ee 
Seat Parcentages. 

bined. ips) dam, | Anh 
6°4 28°85 | 53°42 | 17°73 
5°68 | 30°42 | 57°51 12°07 
5'6 27°84 | 51°32 | 20°84 
592 | 29°03 | 54°09 | 16°50 
10°3 25°49 | 63°54 | 10°97 
58 31°3 58°4 10°3 
7°76 | 36°90 | 55°25 7°85 
27 9°8 41°6 48°6 
74 29°3 46°35 | 24°62 
12°28 | 28°64 | 59°28 12°08 
12°7 31°23 | 58°23 | 10°54 
9:08 | 29°39 | 5405 | 16°56 
10°30 | 32°31 54°58 | 13°11 
11°8 35°60 | 52°77 | 11°63 
8:14 | 36°64 | 55°98 7°43 
11'9 84°26 | 51°53 | 1421 
2°26 9°84 | 49°52 | 40°64 
4:2 20°12 | 27°06 | 52°82 
3°28 | 29°90 | 43°30 | 26°80 
52 27°30 | 47°26 | 25°44 
e12 | 21-01 | 45:50 | 33:49 | 
54 13:22 | 68°96 | 17°82 
6:7 30°2 63°9 59 
4°22 | 17°10 | 73°40 9°50 
2°36 | 24°16 | 68°57 7:27 
2°20 | 29°09 | 64°65 6°26 

* In order to reduce these numbers to a common standard, the resultsare given in percentages of dry coal. 

( 246 ) 



fields of the Rewah Gondwana Basin. 




Latitude |Longitude 


23° 18° 

23° 9/ 
23° 14’ 

23° 29/ 
23° 21’ 
23° 197 

23° 25/ 


23° 37’ 

23° 257 


23° 14/ 

82° 19’ 

82° 4’ 
81° 44’ 

81° 23’ 

81° 34/ 

81° 44’ 

81° 34’ 

80° 56’ 

82° 45’ 

82° 287 

Does not cake. 

” ” 

Does not cake. 

” 9 

Ash brownish, 
», reddish. 

” ” 

Ash reddish. Position of Paidri given. 
” ” grey. 

Cakes. Colour of ash brick-red. 

Does not cake. 

Ash reddish. 

Cakes. Ash brownish. 

Does not cake. 

Does not cake. 

” ” 

Does not cake. 

> 9 

Ash reddish-brown. 
Bottom part of seam. 

Ash greyish. 

5 h Middle of bottom seam. 

;, white. Below middle of bottom seam. 
s, reddish. Lower part of bottom seam 
»» greyish. 
Ash bluish-grey. 

» veddish-grey. 

Cakes partially. Ash reddish. 

Does not cake. 

”» ? 

” ” 

Ash greyish. 
5, brownish. 
», reddish. 

% ” 
3, brownish. 

53) Leads 

Cakes. Ash reddish. 

+ Picked out promiscuously from heap quarried for despatch to railway. 

( 247 ) 


VU Sa 
goonic Percentages. 
3 B A and 
Name of village and other sites. Rivers. 

ei Volatile| Fixed 
Baud: Matter. | Carbon. Ash. 

Kiurasia, 13 miles 8.S.W. (Koréa) , 6°84 | 32°43 | 59°95 7°62 
Maiki (Rewah) . 3°27 | 19°40 | 61:33 | 19°27 
Mangthar »  «|Jé6hilla. « .| 8°42 | 82°08 | 50°62 | 17°30 
Mangthar and Lakhan- » Yightbank.| 7°06 | 38°37 | 42°80 | 18°83. 
pura, between r . 

Nandnah a ol disks 5 a .| 2°94 | 28°84 | 62°50 | 13°66 
» ” 3°2 26°55 | 62°89 | 10°56 

” » 4°8 18°28 48°15 33°57 

Nérua (Koréa) .| Nérua Nala, N.| 8°28 | 29°57 | 53°29 | 17°14 

branch of. 
Pipria (Rewah).|Kéwai . . .| 42 | 186 | 574 | 240 
Séhipir sf Sih =e .téostn 7°88 | 32°05 | 51°67 | 16°28 
Zendatels Village,| 3°08 | 22°49 | 55°63 | 21°88 
99 > «| 1°84 | 22°57 | 51:02 | 26°41 
Umaria i -| Umrar . c aly ales 33°15 | 51°68 | 15°22 


* In order to reduce these numbers to a common standard, the results are given in percentages of dry coal. 

( 248 ) 



Analyst.t Latitude |Longitude REMARKS. 
N. E. 
isle 1p sec een Cakes partially. Ash red. 
5p 23° 22/ 81° 28’ | Does not cake. Ash reddish. 
oS 2d1345 1 SLOT! » ” » grey. 
» 232 Mice) | SLOG? Ap p »» greyish. 
” 600 tos Cakes. Ash greyish, 

Cakes partially. Ash brownish. 
5) 23° 207 81° 32’ | Does not cake. Ash brownish. 

o 23°25’ | 82° 11’ 06 » » ” 

> 23° 23’ | 82° 8/ 99 ” » » 

p 23° 21’ 81° 46’ | Cakes partially. Ash brownish. 
ay Bae Does not cake. Ash dull-red. 

” ee sep Cakes. Ash brownish-red. 

F.R.M. | 23° 32’ | 80°54’ | Does not cake. Ash reddish. Analysis of outcrop coal. 
June 1880. 
Does not cake. Ash white. 

H. L. ” ” ” ” ” ” (a) 0’ 6”. Hard coal. 
a ee 55 », pinkish-white. (c) 0’ 6”. Bright 
coal, soft. 

pices uot cake. Ash greyish-white. (d) 0’7”. Clinker 
Does not cake. Ash white. (e)0’6”. Bright coal, soft. 

” 33 ” ” (f) 0’ 4”, Hard coal (Oil 
coal,—heavy oils, and tarry matter about 15 per cent.) 
1aln 6p Ap 95 Does not cake. Ash white. (h) 

(h) 2’ 0”. Hard coal. 
eregmenstzom four 
ifferent parts of 

(h) the seam. 

Cakes only partially. Ash white. (h) 
Does not cake. Ash white. Hard coal for Exhibition. 
ms 9 i Cakes. Ash white. Soft coal. 

Does not cake. Ash greyish. Carb. shale above coal (a). 
Rec., G.S.I., Vol. XVI, pt. 2, p. 120, 

x 35 of Does not cake. Ash greyish-white. Carb. shale in the 

bottom, 2 feet hard coal. 

FE. F. 5p oh Does not cake. Top coal. No. 2 shaft. 

+ H. L. signifies Hira Lal. 
PSR. Mee, Mallet. 
F.F. y Fedden. 
t Lakhanpura. 

Hl ( 249 ) 

Government of India Central Printing Office.—No, 14S, G. S,—28-4-85.—100, 

4 way 
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‘oF Ip rs a a 6 
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fal oa Ae Wig as, ofa ge 

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bie! mat 


Mallet; Barren Island : Memoirs, Vol: XXI. 

Older products of eruption.........| Newer products of eropton..[ Most recent lava,.. es Alluvial volcanic sand,...... 

Scale 4 Inches =—1 Mile 

« Furlongs 

, a 

On Stone by Shaikh Khadem Hossain Printed at Geol: Survey Office 




VOLUME XXI, Parr 3. 



Vou. I. Royal 8vo, pp. 309, 1859 (out of print). 
Vou. II. Royal 8vo, pp. 341, 1859 (out of print). 
Vou. III. Royal 8vo, pp. 438. Pt. 1, 1863 (owt of print), Pt. 2, 1864 (price 2 Rs.): On the 

Sub-Himalayan Ranges between the Ganges and Sutlej. 

Vor. IV. Royal 8vo, pp. 450. Pt. 1, 1863 (price 2 Rs.): Report on the Cretaceous Rocks of 
Trichinopoly District, Madras. Pt. 2, 1864 (price 2 Rs.): On the Structure of 
the Districts of Trichinopoly, Salem, &c. Pt. 3, 1865 ( price 1 Re.): On the Coal 
of Assam, &e. “a 

VoL. V. Royal 8vo, pp. 354, Pt. 1, 1865 (price 3 Rs.): Sections across N. W, Himalaya, 
from Sutlej to Indus. Sy, = the Gypsum of Spiti. Pt. 2,1866(price1l Re): On 
the Geology of Bombay. Pt. 3, 1866 (price 1 Re.): Onthe Jheria Coal-field.— 
Geological Observations on Western Tibet. 

Vou. VI. Royal 8v0, p pp. 395. Pt. 1, 1867 (price 8 As.): On the Neighbourhood of Lynyan, 
&c., in Sind.—Geology of a Portion of Cutch. Pt. 2, 1867 (price 2 Rs.): gh 
Coal- field.— R4mgarh Coal-field.—Traps of Western and Central India. Pt, 
1869 (price 2 Rs. 8 As.): ‘Tapti and Nerbudda Valleys.—Frog-beds in Beutel _— 

’ Oxyglossus pusillus. 

Vot. VII. Royal 8vo, pp. 342. Pt. 1, 1869 (price 3 Rs): Vindhyan Series—Mineral Statistics 
—Coal.—Shillong Plateau. Pt. 2,1870 (price 1 Re.): Karharbari Coal-field.— 
Deoghar Coal- field. Pt. 3, 1871 (price 1 Re.): Aden Water-supply.—Kéranpura 
Coal-fields. Ova 

Vou, VIII. Royal 8vo, pp. 353. Pt. 1, 1872 (price 4 Rs): On the Kadapah and Karnull 
Formations in the Madras Presidency. Pt. 2, 1872 (price 1 Re.): Itkhuri Coal- 
field.— Daltonganj Coal-field.— —Chope Coul- field, a 

You. IX. Royal 8vo, pp. iv, 358. Pt. 1, 1872 (price 4 Rs.): Geology of Kutch. Pt. 2, 1872 
(price1 Re.): Geology of Nagpur.—Geology of Sirban Hill,—Carboniferous — 
Ammonites, pp. 65. 

Vot. X. Royal 8vo, pp. 359. Pt. 1 (price 3 Rs.): Geology of Madras.—Satpura Coal. 
basin. Pt. 2, 1874 (price 2 Rs.): Geology of Pegu. L 

Vor. XI. Royal 8vo, pp. 338. Pt. 1, 1874 (price 2 Rs.): Geology of Darjiling and Western — 
Duars. Pt. 2, 1876 (price 3 Rs.): Salt-region of Kobat, Trans-Indus: pp. 230. 

Vout. XII. Royal 8vo, pp. 363. Pt. 1, 1877 (price 3 Rs.): South Markdtta Country. Pt, 2, 

876 (price 2 Rs.): Coul-fields of the Naga Hills: pp. 95. 

Vor. XIII. Royal 8vo, pp 248. Pt. 1, 1877 (price 2 Rs. 8 As): Wardha Valley Coal-field. 
Pt. 2, 1877 (price 2 Rs. 8 As.): Geology of the Rajmahal Hills. 

Vou. XIV. Royal 8vo, pp. 313, 1878. Geology of the Salt-range in the Punjab. 

Vout. XV. Royal 8vo, pp. 192. Pt. 1, 1878 (price 2 Ks. 8 As.): Geology of the Aurunga and 
Hutdr Coal-fields (Palamow). Pt. 2, 1880 (price 2 Rs.8 As.): Ramkolaand Tata- 
pani Coal-fields (Sirguja). - § 

Vor. XVI. Royal 8vo, pp. 264, Pt. 1, 1879 (price 1 Re. 8 As.): Geology of Eastern Coast 
from Lat, 15° to Masulipatam. Pt. 2, 1880 (price 1 Re. 8 As.): The Nellore 
Portion of the Carnatic. Pt. 3, 1880 (price 2 Rs.) : Coastal Region of the Goddvari — 

Vou. XVII. Royal 8vo, pp. 305. Pt. 1, 1879 (price 3Rs.): Geology of Western Sind. Pt. 2, 
1880 (price 2 Rs.) : Trans-Indus extension of the Punjab Salt-range. 

Vou. XVIII. Royal 8vo, pp. 300. Pt.1, 1881 (price 2 Rs.): Southern Afghanistan, Pt. 2, — 
1881 (price 1 Re. 8 As.) : Manbhim and Singhbhim. Pt. 8, 1881 (price 2Rs.): 
Prduhita-Godavari Valley. “ 

Vou. XIX. Royal 8vo, pp. 242. Pt. 1, "982 (price 2 Rs.): The Cachar Earthquake of 1869. Pt. — 
2, 1882 (price 1 Re.): Thermal Springs of India. Pt. 3, 1883 (price1 Re.): A 
catalogue of Indian Earthquakes, Pt. 4, 1883 (price 1 Re .): Geology of parts — 
of Manipur and the Naga Hills. 

Vou. XX. Royal 8vo, pp. 240, Pt.1, 1883 (price Rs. 2-8): Geology of Madura and Tinnevelly. 
Pt. 2, 1883 (price Rs. 2-8): Geological Notes on the Hills in the neighbourhood 
of the Sind and Punjab Frontier between Quettah and Dera Ghazi Khan. a 

Vou. XXI. Royal 8vo. pp. 286. Part 1, 1884 (price Rs. 2): Geology of the Lower Narbada 
Valley. Pt. 2, 1884 (price Re.1): Geology of Kathiawar. Pt. 3, 1885 (price 

Rs. 2): Coal- fields of South Rewah. Pt. 4, 1885 (price Re. 1): Barren Island. 

Vou. XXII. Royal 8vo, pp. 344 (1883). The Geology of Kashmir, Chamba, and ae sis 

The price fixed for these publications is 5 Rs. (10s.) each volume. 

Manual of the Geology of India, 2 Vols. and Map (out of print). Pt. III (Economic Geology), 3 
price 5 Rs. (10s.) 

To be had at the Geological Survey Office, Indian Museum, Calcutta; or through any 
Bookseller London: Triibner & Co. ; 



Vou. I. The Cephalopoda, by H. F, Branrorp and F. SroxrozKa, pp. 316., pls. 94 (6 double). 
The Belemnitide and Nautilide, by H. F. Branrorp, pp. I-40, pls. 25. (Out of 
print.) The Ammonitide, by F. SroniczKa, pp. 41-216, p!s. 69 (6 double). 
Vor. II. The Gastropoda, by F. StorrozKa (1867-68), pp. xiii, 500, pls. 28 (10 parts) (complete). 
Vou, Ill. The Pelecypoda, by F. SroriczKa (1870-71), pp. xxii, 537, pls. 50 (13 parts) (complete). 
Vor. IV. The Brachiopoda, Ciliopoda, Echinodermata Corals, &c., by F. StoticzKa (1872-73), 
pp. v, 202, pls. 29 (5 parts) (complete). 

Vou. I, pp. xviii, 233, pls. 72 (complete). 
»  pt.1 (1863) (in six fasciculi, Wos. 4, 5, §- 6 out of print) Réjmahél Group, Réjmahél 
Hills, by T. OnrpHAm and J. Morris, pp. 52, pls. 35. 
a » 2 (1877). Same continued, by O. FristMaNDEL, pp. 53-162, pls. 36-48. 
a » 8 (1877). Plants from Golapilli, by O. Frisrmanret, pp. 163-190, pls. 8. 
é » 4 (1879). Outliers on the Madras Coast, by O. FEIStMANTEL, pp. 191-234, pls. 16. 
Vou. II, pp. xli, 115, pls. 26 (complete). 
na pt.1 (1876). Jurassic Flora of Kach, by O. Frtsrmanret, pp. 80, pls. 12. 
.. » 2 (1878). Flora of the Jabalpur Group, by 0. FrrstmanrEt, pp. 81-105, pls. 14. 
Vou. III, pp. xi, 64-4 149, pls. 80 (9 double) (I-XXXi + I A—XLVIIA) (complete). 
vs pt.1 (1879). The Flora of the Talchir-Karharbari beds, by O, FristmantTEt, pp. 48, 
pls. 27 (5 double). 
. » L (Supple.) (1881), pp. 49-64, pls. xxvili—xxxi (1 double). 
» >» 2 (1880). Flora of the Damudaand Panchet Divisions, by O. FrtsrmanrEt, pp. 77, 
pls. 18(1 double). 
53 » 83 (1881), The same (concluded), pp. 78-149, pls. 31 (2 double) (XVILA—XLVIIA). 
Von, IV, pt.1 (1882). Fossil Flora of the South Rewah Gondwana basin, by O. FEISTMANTEL, 
pp. 42, pls. 21. 

Vot. I (1873-76). The Cephalopoda, by W. WAAGEN, pp. i, 247, pls. 60 (6 double) (complete). 


Vout. I, pt.1 (1865). The Vertebrate Fossils from the Panchet rocks, by T. H. Huxury, 
pp. 24, pls. 6. 

y » 2 (1878). “The Vertebrate Fossils of the Kota-Maleri Group, by Sir P. pe M. 

Grey Eerrton and L. C. Mratt, pp. 23, pls. 4. 

» 3 (1879). Reptilia and Batrachia, by R, LyprxKxer, pp. 36, pls. 6, 

‘ » 4 (1885). The Labyrinthodont from the Bijori group, by R. LypEKKER, pp. 16, 

pls. 4. 


Vor, I, pp. xxx, pls. 50 (complete), 
Pe pt. 1 (1874). Rhinoceros deccanensis, by R. B. Foore, pp. 18, pls. 3. 
(1877). Molar teeth and other remains of Mammalia, by R. LypEKKER, pp. 69, 
(19-87), pls. 7 (iv-x). 
(1878). Crania of Ruminants, by R. LyDEKKER, pp. 84 (88-171), pls. 18 (xi-xxviii). 
(1880). Supplement to pt. 3, pp. 10 (172-181), pls. 3 (XXI A, B, XXIII A). 
(1880). Siwalik and Narbada Proboscidia, pp. 119 (182-300), pls. 19 (xxxix-xlv) 
35 bis. . 
(1881). Siwalik Rhinocerotide, by R. LYDEKKER, pp. 62, pls. 11 (1 double), 
(1881). Supplement to Siwulik and Narbada Proboscidia, pp. 4 (63-66). 
(1882). Siwalik and Narbada Equide, pp. 32 (67-98), pls. 5 xi-xv). 
(1883). Siwalik Camelopardalidz, pp. 44, pls. 7 (1 double). 
(1883). Siwalik Selenodont Suina, etc., pp. 35, pls. 3. 
(1884). Siwalik and Narbada Carnivora, pp. 178, vls. 21 (xxvi-xlv). 
(1884), Additional Siwalik Perissodactyla and Proboscidia, pp. 34, pls. 5 (i-v). 
(1884). Siwalik and Narbada Bunodont Suina, pp. 70, pls. 7 (vi-xii). 
(1884). Rodents and new Ruminants from the Siwaliks, pp. 30, pl. 1 (xiii). 
(1884), Siwalik Birds, pp. 18, pls. 2 (xiv-xv). 
(1884). Mastodon teeth from Perim Island, by R, LYyDEKKER, pp. 149-154, 
pls. 2 (xvi-xvii). 

” ”? 

Vol. IIL, pt. 

ApwNreoanpnwwre wee b&b 


Vor. I, pt.1 (1871). ‘Tertiary Crabs from Sind and Kach, by F, SroriozKa, pp. 16, pls. 5. 

1 (new 2) (1880). Sind Fossil Corals and Alcyonaria, by P. Martin Duncan, 
pp. 110, pls. 28. 

8. The Fossil Echinoidea of Sind, by P. Martin Duncan and W. Percy SuapEn: 
Fas. 1 (1882). The Cardita beaumont: beds, pp. 20, pls. 4. Has. 2 (1882). The 
Ranikot Series in Western Sind, pp. 80, pls. 16. 

4 (1883). The Fossil Echinoidea of Kachh and Kattywar, by P. Martin Duncan 
and W. Prroy Siapey, pp. 91, pls. 1—13. 

» ” 

”» ” 


1. Productus-Limestone Group : 1 (1879). Pisces, Cephalopoda, pp. 72, pls. 6. 

pf » 2 (1880). Gasteropoda and supplement to pt. 1, pp. 111 (75-188), 
pls. 10 (1 double) (vii-xvi). . 

rs as 3 (1881). Pelecypoda, pp. 144 (185-328), pls. 8 (XVII—XXIV). 

BS Ps 4, fas. 1 (1882). Brachiopoda, pp. 62 (329-390), pls, 4 (xxv-xxviii), 

5 » 4, fas. 2 (1883). Brachiopoda, pp. 156 (391-546), pls. 21 (xxix. 

ss re 4, fas. 3 (1884). Brachiopoda, pp. 64 (547-610), pls. 8 (l-vii). 

5 » 4, fas. 4 (1884). Brachiopoda, pp. 118 (611-728), pls. 24 (Iviii- 

The price fixed for these publications is 4 anuas (6 pence) per single plate. 

To be had at the Geological Survey Office, Indian Museum, Calcutta; or through any 
Bookseller. London: Triibner & Co. 


Vots. I to XVII, 1868 to 1884. 


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